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Poomsae Coach Upgrading Course November 2012


he STF will be conducting a Poomsae Coach Upgrading Course on Sunday 4 November 2012 from 2.30pm to 7.30pm.

The following are the other course details.

ObjectivesTo provide opportunities for coaches to be better qualified and informed in poomsae.
To help them to prepare for their upgrading.
To equip them with the performance skills.
ContentsIntroductory Taeguek to Koryo Poomsae (Revision for all participants)
Kuemgang to Sipjin (Revision for Level 3 participants)
Jitae to Hansoo (Learning of Poomsae for Level 3 participants)
EligibilityCoaches with Level 1 or 2 qualifications (Upgrading)
Coaches with Level 3 (Revision)
Poom belts and black belts who are interested in learning higher dan poomsae
Dress Code‘Dobok’
CertificationLevel 3 certification for Level 2 coaches
Level 2 certification for Level 1 coaches
Certificate of Participation for the rest
FeesLevel 3 certification – $110.00
Level 2 certification – $90.00
Ohters – $50.00
Closing DatesOn or before Monday 29 October 2012 – Stipulated Fees
On or before Thursday 1 November 2012 – $130.00 (Level 3) / $110.00 (Level 2) / $70.00 (Others)
On the spot registration – $150.00 (Level 3) / $130.00 (Level 2) / $90.00 (Others)  

An assessment will be conducted at the end of the course.The venue will be announced one week before the course. Participants are advised to look out for the announcement on the website.

The registration form is attached. A copy of your current Poomsae Course qualification must be attached with the form.

Get Ready for ‘TAL’


Tickets for the show are now available for purchase.

They are priced at $30 and $60 if you book them online at

However, the tickets will be available for STF members at a special discount price of $20 (Cat 2).  You may place your order and make payment at the Secretariat for the number of tickets you are interested to purchase.  The offer ends on Wednesday 10 October 2012 at 1.00pm.

Don’t miss this opportunity as there will only be one show!

Edgefield Taekwondo Students Visit Korea


(This article is contributed by Miss Tan Sio Ling, Head of Department
PE/CCA of Edgefield Secondary School.)

29 taekwondo students accompanied by 2 teachers and 2 Singapore
Taekwondo Federation coaches embarked on a 6-day learning journey to Seoul, Korea,
during the September school holidays. The objectives of the learning journey
were to

  • offer a
    differential training experience to the team by training with the local Sports Schoolso as to increase students’ interest and enhance their skills in the sport,
  • improve
    in the level of coaching for the teachers-in-charge and coaches by observing
    and studying the good practices and the structures of the local school’s
    training programs and
  • develop
    team bonding and camaraderie spirit among the students through the trip and
    provide opportunities for them to learn to be independent

During the trip, the group
visited 2 schools, Seoul Physical EducationMiddle School and Seoul Sports University, for a campus
tour and also to find out about their sports training program. These 2 schools
hold a high prestige in sports in Seouland we were awed by the incredible Olympic-standard sports facilities that
their students got to train in.

The students also had the opportunity
to train with a taekwondo expert, Master Park, from Kukkiwon. His lesson was fun, interesting and packed
with different combinations of kicks and punches. He also educated the students
on values that they could learn through hard training and that there was “no
sweat, no pain”. It meant that he respected
every individual who came to learn from him, and in return, they had to respect
him by giving their best in their training. At the end of the session, the
students received a certificate from Kukkiwon for their participation in the

On Days 4 and 5, the group went back to Seoul Physical Education Middle
Education for training which was conducted by the black belt students from the school. The training was tough yet interesting as our students
were being introduced to some Kyorugi moves. Also, the black belt experts even
pointed out that our young athletes needed to improve on their basics before
they could do the complicated moves. This served as a good lesson to our
students as they became more aware of the hard work and discipline that they
needed to put in to perform better.

Overall, the trip had met its objectives and the students and their
teachers and coaches really bonded as a Taekwondo family!

Referee Promotion 28 September 2012


The following national referees have been granted promotion by the Board of Referees to their respective classes.


3rd to 2nd Class
– Ben Chong Kin Fei


3rd to 2nd Class

– Gay Jian Xin
– Patrick Tan Yong Chen

3P to 3rd Class
– Matilde Narag Villaluz
– Saimond Wong Kin Peng

Under 70kg Competitors: Interested to Try Out the PSS?


A training session will be conducted for referees on the use of the PSS on Wednesday 26 September 2012 at 7.00pm at the National Training Centre.

Players competing in the Under 70kg may take the opportunity to try out the PSS.  However, they will be required to purchase the sensing socks.

Interested players may contact Ms Kris Koh at 9822 5085 to place an order.  The socks will be available before the training starts.

Advisor Visits STF Secretariat


Mr Denis Ng, Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) Advisor, who is based in Taiwan, was in Singapore for holidays.

He took the opportunity to visit STF Secretariat on 21 September 2012. Mr Milan Kwee, STF President, and Mr Lim Teong Chin, STF General Manager, were delighted to welcome him.

After being briefed on the development and status of the STF, Mr Ng said he was pleased that the organization was doing well. He felt that the STF was in a good position to build on its capability and suggested engaging more full-time staff to grow the sport.

During his term as STF President, Mr Ng managed to get most of the taekwondo groups to come under the wings of STF. Furthermore, he supported the organization financially whenever there was a need.

Indeed, the STF owes Mr Ng a debt of gratitude.

PSS Training for Referees


Club Team Managers and Coaches present at the National Kyorugi Championships briefing on 15 September 2012 had decided to support the implementation of the PSS for the Under 70kg category.

A training session on the use of the PSS will be held as follows.

Date         :     Wednesday 26 September 2012
Time        :      7.00pm to 10.00pm
Venue      :     STF National Training Centre

Referees who are interested in the training session are to report at the venue by 6.30pm.

During the training, priority will be given to referees who will be officiating on Sunday 30 September 2012.

Awards for Taekwondo Members


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is pleased to announce that two of its members have received the 2012 Goh Chok Tong Special Achievement Award for Excellence (Non-Academic). They are

  • Nur Fadzlyn Binte Mohd Zahruddin
  • Raja Arshad Bin Raja Mahmod

They received the award on 8 September 2012 at a ceremony held at Singapore Botanic Garden Function Hall 1.

6 days later on 14 September 2012, Tio Jia Xin and Vincent Lim Hong Bin collected their best sports girl and boy awards for taekwondo at Nanyang Polytechnic. They are honored for their outstanding performance in both local and international competitions.

The STF would like to congratulate all the award recipients on their well-deserved recognition.

National Kyorugi Championships – Additional Information, Programme, Fixtures and Protector Sizes


The STF would like to put on record its appreciation to the Club Team Managers and Coaches who had agreed to support the implementation of the PSS for the Under 70kg in the first instance and the rest of the weight divisions progressively.

On the request of the Team Managers, the STF had requested K & G Marketing to sponsor the sensing socks (Daedo E-Foot Protector) for the coming tournament.

Instead of full sponsorship, the company has agreed to sell the sensing socks at a special discount of $75 per pair. The offer is valid till 30 September 2012.

For players competing in the Under 70kg category, please obtain your sensing socks early from K & G Marketing. The contact person and number is as follows – Krist Koh, Operations Manager (9185-1981)

The programme, fixtures and protector sizes for the 39th National Kyorugi Taekwondo Championships are attached.

The event will be held on 22, 23, 29 and 30 September 2012 at YISHUN SPORTS HALL.

A reminder to all referees and volunteers to report to Mr Lee Thiam Poh (Tournament Chairman) at the venue as follows.

–  Referees
   Saturday   22 & 29 September 2012 – 12.45pm
   Sunday     23 & 30 September 2012 – 9.00am

–  Volunteers
   Saturday   22 & 29 September 2012  – 8.30am (Set Up Group)
                                                         – 12.15pm (Others)
   Sunday   23 & 30 September 2012 – 9.00am (All)

Please contact Mr Lee at 9106 4421 if you require any further information or clarification.
We wish all participating teams a fruitful and successful outing.

A Great Show Coming Your Way


Make yourself available on Friday 19 October 2012 at 7pm to watch a spectacular stage show brought specially for you by the Korean Embassy of Singapore. The event is supported by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation.

The show: “TAL” (Korean Masks)

What is it about? It has everything to do with the traditional art and culture of Korea presented in a unique way which promises to be feasts for your eyes and hypes for your emotions. The spirit of Korean martial arts will be portrayed in the show by world-class taekwondo performers.

As taekwondo members, you should not miss the opportunity to watch the breathtaking performance coming to you at Shine Auditorium, Beach Road.

Look out for more information on how you can get the tickets. There will be only one show. Miss it and you may not have another chance to enjoy such a fantastic entertainment experience.