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3rd Referee Refresher Retest


The Singapore Taekwondo
Federation (STF) has received a number of requests for retest by members who
were away on business or holidays during the two-day review.

As it is difficult to organize
another review, the STF is prepared to accommodate the retest.

If you have missed the review for
any reason, you may take the retest on Saturday 15 September 2012 at 5.30pm at
the National Training Centre.  This will be the final review to be conducted.

However, you are advised to
consult and learn from referees who have attended the review before you come
for the test.

Please call the Secretariat at
63451491 to register. You may pay the
fee ($20 per component) before you take the test. If you fail to register but turn up on the
day, the fee is $30 per component.

39th National Kyorugi Taekwondo Championships – Team Managers’ Meeting


The programme and blank fixtures for the 39th National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships are attached. 

Representatives of participating affiliates are encouraged to print the documents and bring them along for the Team Mangers’ Meeting and Drawing of Lots on Saturday 15 September 2012 at 3.00pm at the National Training Centre.

All participating affiliates are expected to have at least a representative each at the meeting. During the meeting, important and helpful information will be provided.  It will also be a good time for the representatives to raise any questions they may have.

‘Dan’ Promotion Course October 2012


The next ‘dan’ promotion course comprising lectures, training and exclusive promotion tests will be held on 6, 7 and 13 October 2012 at the STF National Training Centre.

More details are as follows.

Dates                    :  Saturday 6 October 2012
                               Sunday 7 October 2012
                               Saturday 13 October 2012

(Test) Time             : 5.00pm to 7.00pm (6 October 2012)
                               2.30pm to 5.30pm (7 October 2012)
                               5.00pm onwards (13 October 2012)

Venue                     : STF National Training Centre Dress
Code                      : ‘Dobok’

Course Fees           : 1st dan to 2nd Dan   – $202nd dan to 3rd Dan   – $250

                                3rd dan to 4th Dan   – $300

                                4th dan to 5th Dan   – $350

                                5th dan to 6th Dan   – $400

                                6th dan to 7th Dan   – $500

Test                      :  According to the normal grading requirements.

Registration           :  Same procedure adopted for ‘dan’ applicants in

                               the centralized grading.

Closing Date          :  On or before Tuesday 2 October 2012 – Stipulated fees

                                On or before Thursday 4 October 2012 – +$60.00 (late fee)  

                                On the spot registration – +$80.00 (late fee)        

Candidates may apply for a maximum of a two-dan promotion if they meet the following time-frame for the grades.

1st to 3rd dan4 years 6 months
2nd to 4th dan6 years
3rd to 5th dan8 years
4th to 6th dan10 years
5th to 7th dan        12 years

The fee payable will be for both grades.

All applications are subjected to recommendations by the Chairman of the Board of Examiners in consultation with the other senior examiners and approval by STF President. Applicants may also be asked to attend an interview, if required.

Employment Opportunity


If you are a qualified instructor under the Singapore Taekwondo Federation and would like to teach full-time, here is an opportunity for you to do so in an established school.

The working hours will be as follows:

  • Monday to Friday (3pm to 8pm)
  • Saturday (10am to 8pm)

The starting pay will be $1,500 per month.

If you are interested or require more information, please call Mr Daniel Kim, ILDO taekwondo at 9673 2421. The position will not be available when the first suitable candidate is found.

Referee Refresher Results


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is gradually aiming to bring the standards of refereeing to that of the players and coaches. One of the areas which need attention is the understanding of the interpretations of the rules.

For example, all referees understand that a penalty has to be given for, say, attack after ‘kalyeo’. However, the STF is concerned with the referees’ understanding of the application of the rule. Why? Inconsistent applications of the rules will lead to controversies. And it is not healthy for the sport.  

The outcome of the theory test conducted at the seminar gives a compelling reason why the STF should put in more effort towards the education of its referees.

The results are attached.

Referees who are interested to attend the review must call the Secretariat on 6345 1491 to register. The review fee of $20 per component may be paid on the day of the review. On the spot registration is $30 per component.

Referees can choose either of the following review sessions which will be conducted at the National Training Centre. However, registration is on a first-come first-served basis of up to a maximum of 70 participants per session.

  • Saturday 8 September 2012
  • Sunday 9 September 2012

Those who pass are also advised to be present as there are a number of questions they need to know the correct answers. They will not be required to pay the review fees.

146th Centralized Grading

SATURDAY 20 OCT 12 2.00PM –6.00PM (Senior Red 1 & above) Toa Payoh Sports Hall 
Sunday 21 OCT12 9.00AM –6.00PM (All grades except Senior Red 1 & above) Toa Payoh Sports Hall 

1. Submission for the Grading can only be at the STF office during office hours

2. Please ensure that ALL grading cards are properly completed and duly endorsed. A recent photograph of the candidate must be attached.

3. For ALL candidates who are going for Red 1 & above , please have the following documents during submission:

a. Candidate’s grading card

b. 1 photocopy of the candidate’s Identity Card (front & back) / Birth Certificate (for candidate below age of 12)

c. 2 recent IC / passport photographs of the candidate

d. Form B (duly completed)

Submission will not be accepted if any of the documents is not available or, for Form B, partially completed.

4. Submission will not be accepted if candidate fails to produce any of the documents mentioned above.

5. The last day of submission is on 24 SEPT 2012 (MONDAY) . Any submission after this date will be considered as LATE SUBMISSION.

6. Late submissions for candidates taking Red 1 & above are to be done within two (2) weeks from 25 SEPT 2012(Tuesday). Submission beyond the grace period of two (2) weeks WILL NOT be accepted. An administrative fee will be charged accordingly for late submission. The charges are as follows:

PERIOD OF LATE SUBMISSIONAdministrative Fee Chargeable  
1st subsequent week from last day of submission (25 SEPT 2012 – 1 OCT 2012) SGD 10.00
2nd subsequent week from last day of submission  (2 OCT 2012 – 8 OCT 2012 ) 50% of the grading fee payable by candidates for their respective grades. 

7. An administrative fee of SGD 5.00 will be charged for late submission of candidates taking all other grades except Red 1 & above.

8. A roll call will be taken at 1.30pm for Red 1 (Senior) candidates going for 1st dan and 2.30pm for 1st dan and higher candidates. Those who miss the roll call will be considered as ABSENT or LATECOMERS. Latecomers will not be graded.

9. Candidates are to turn up in proper dress code (as stipulated by the STF) for the grading. Candidates who fail to comply with the dress code will not be allowed to take the grading.

10. Supplementary Grading can only be conducted two (2) weeks before or after the Centralised Grading and will be subjected to the approval of the Grading Department.

11. Candidates will be taking the grading at their own risk and therefore will not hold the Federation, the Grading Department or anyone so concerned, responsible for any injuries, accidents or mishaps that may befall on them during the course of the grading.

12. For any enquiries, please contact the STF Secretariat Office or the Grading Department.

Grading Preparation Workshop 16 September 2012


The next grading preparation workshop will be held as follows:

DateSunday 16 September 2012
Time 2.30pm to 5.30pm
VenueSTF National Training CentreBlk 80 Lorong Limau#04-191Singapore 320080
Dress Code‘Dobok’
CertificationCertificate of Participation
FeeOn or before Thursday 13 September 2012 – $30.00On the spot registration – $50.00(Fees paid are not refundable unless the application is rejected.)

The workshop is open to red (senior and junior), poom and black belt holders.

The primary objective of the workshop is to point out to participants their performance flaws and the areas they should work on from the examiners’ perspective.  This will give the candidates a better chance of passing.

During the workshop, participants will be briefed on the grading guidelines and the expectations of the examiners.

Coaches may use the information acquired by their students at the workshop as a basis to guide them for their grading.

All candidates who have attended the workshop are reminded to submit a copy of the certificate of participation with their grading applications.  For red (junior) and 1st poom candidates, a copy of the certificate should be attached to their grading cards.  This is necessary for the examiners to give them special consideration, if required.

The registration form is attached.

More Information on the Referee Refresher Seminar


The Referee Refresher Seminar will be held as scheduled.

DateSunday 2 September 2012
Time(The seminar will end at 1.00pm if participants co-operate with the organizers by being punctual – that is coming well before 9.00am to do the registration and BP/HR & STF Pledge Tests. Registration will start at 8.30am. The tests will be conducted on a first-come first-served basis.)
PlaceAgora Hall 4Republic Polytechnic9 Woodlands Avenue 9Singapore 738964(See the attached location map. Participants may park at the multi-storey car park.   The parking fee for the whole day is $3. In order to ensure that you get to the place at 8.30am, give yourself some time allowance.)

The programme for the day is as follows:

  • Registration
  • BP/HR Tests
  • STF Pledge Test
  • Physical Tests (Dynamic Balance, Reaction Time, Ladder & Shuttle-run)
  • Theory (Observations & Competition Rules)
  • Practical Refereeing
  • Theory Test

Participants with medical certification exempting them from participating in the physical tests are required to produce the document on that day.

Please bring your own writing materials. The dress code: ‘Dobok’.

You are advised not to have heavy breakfast. If you require, pack some sandwiches for consumption during the break. Participants will be given a bottle of water each.

For clarifications, please call the Secretariat staff at 6345 1491.

Participating in More than Taekwondo Events


Bishan CC taekwondo members under the guidance of their instructor, Mr Rocky Go, were involved in various community events. These included the following:

  • National Day Observance Ceremony on 9 August 2012
  • One Community Walk on 26 August 2012

Both events were held at Bishan CC.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation supports community projects that strengthen national unity, community cohesiveness and family bonding. Besides participating in such activities, the STF encourages all its members to use taekwondo as a tool to contribute to the ideals.

Competition Ready


The Sparring Workshop, held on Saturday 18 August 2012 at the National Training Centre, was successfully conducted.  All the participants enjoyed the session and had their confident level increased by a couple of notches. 

Mr Lai Han Seng, a champion in his own right, ran the workshop with the assistance of some national kyorugi squad members including, Jason Tan Junwei (World-ranked player, SEA Games bronze medalist and 10-time national champion). He was delighted with the positive attitude of the participants.

Please visit the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (Official Gallery) on Facebook for more photographs.