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Event Volunteers Wanted


The Singapore Environment Council will be holding an exciting event which will take place at Marina Reservoir this September, the Singapore G1 2012 – Singapore’s largest environmentally sustainable lifestyle event, on 2 September 2012. The event will be held at the Marina Barrage, and the Guest of Honour is Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean.

Members of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation have been invited as event volunteers. The volunteers should preferably be at least 18 years old.

The main component of the event will be a walkathon, with two start points – the Lavender MRT and Stadium MRT stations. There will also be a host of exciting activities waiting at Marina Barrage, where the walkathon ends – Marina Barrage will be transformed into a lively green carnival, with a photography contest, environment-themed music performances, and a green art installation.

If you’re interested, please provide the Secretariat by email or telephone at 6345 1491 with the following information.

  1. Full name
  2. NRIC number
  3. Hand phone number
  4. Email address
  5. Residential address (for arranging of volunteer transport)
  6. T-shirt size
    • XXS: 34”
    • XS: 36”
    • S: 38”
    • M: 40”
    • L: 42”
    • XL: 44”
    • XXL: 46”
    • XXXL: 48”
  7. Dietary restrictions (i.e. food allergies, vegetarian, etc.)

Specific volunteer duties are as follows.

Volunteer duties

North/East Walkathon


– To guide walkers on route

– To motivate and encourage walkers on the route

– To ensure that route is litter free

– To assist to answer queries of the route

– Assist in identifying medical needs of walkers

– To direct walkers to nearest shelter in the event of inclement weather

– To manage walkers within the sheltered areas

– Report directly to the Sector IC

Marina Barrage

Soapbox Crew

– Assist in registration

– Conduct safety briefings

– Assist in timing of runs/races

– Assist in moving Soapbox cars around the Field Of Play

– Oversee safety of driver within Field Of Play

– Assist in set-up and tear-down of Field Of Play

Stage Crew

– Assist in stage set-up

– Assist in Prize Giving Ceremony

– Queue and coordinate stage acts

– Emcee minder

– Assist in logistics movement


– Assist in maintaining inventory of store

– Assist in distribution of store within the event site

Bicycle Crew

– Record all cyclists mileage

– Inform cyclist of parking area

– Answer queries on event and event site

– Monitor movement within cycling parking area

Carpark Marshal

– Assist in directing cars within the carpark

– Ensure there is no road blockage – good traffic flow

– Ensure designated cars are parked in their given spaces

Bus Bay Officer

– To ensure that buses are parked in designated area

– Manage bus queues

– Ensure buses are not overloaded when departing


– To ensure that event site is litter free

– To assist to asnwer queries of the event site

– Assist in identifying medical needs of those in the vicinity

– To direct public to nearest shelter in the event of inclement weather

– To distribute walkers entitlements

– Report directly to the Sector IC

All volunteers are entitled to a limited edition Crew T-Shirt, water, and breakfast and lunch.

Have You Registered for the Coach Induction Course?


Coaches who wish to obtain the professional coach passes to acompany their players to the competition area are reminded to register for the Coach Induction Course which will be held on Saturday 25 August 2012.

More details are available at

If you miss this course, you will only be able to attend the next one which is scheduled to be held in April 2013.

Come Prepared for the Referee Refresher Seminar


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be issuing all referees with a referee booklet each to record their refereeing status and experiences after the Referee Refresher Seminar on Sunday 2 September 2012.

We will be grateful if ALL participants can bring two passport-sized photographs of themselves for the booklet and record form.

The following have submitted their record forms.

1Chin Kian Chung
2Chong Kin Fei Ben
3Chua Juan Juan
4Fan Huilin
5Gan Yin Ze
6Go Ngee Boon
7Goh Bing Yu
8Goh WeeMingDaryl
9Ho Kee Khoon Michael
10Jahangir Khan Gaffoor
11Koh Choon Seng David
12Lai Hai Mei
13Lee Sian Wee
14Leong Miao Yuen Kelvin
15Lim Hui Hsien
16Lim Huixian
17Lim Keng Leong
18Lim Keng Long
19Muhammad Taufiq Chua
20Na Kok Peng
21Ng Lee Noi
22Peh Chun Zhiang Brian
23Syahirah Bariah Bte Abdul Razak
24Tan Kheng Juan Henry
25Tan Lee Fong Girlene
26Tay Jun Jie Jordan
27Yow Pei Yi Pauline

Those who are not listed above will be required to complete their forms on the day. Please come prepared with the following information.

  • Local taekwondo grade and date obtained
  • Kukkiwon grade and date obtained
  • Kyorugi referee class and date obtained
  • Poomsae referee class and date obtained
  • NCAP level and date obtained
  • Poomsae coach level and date obtained
  • Coach pass number
  • Kyorugi refereeing record

However, those who have already submitted their forms will need to update their information and records, if necessary.

Invitation to Players


The national squad is now open to all medalists in the national championships or other STF-sanctioned or organized championships – poomsae or kyorugi.

If you are eligible and are interested in carrying Singapore flag in various international championships, you are invited to call Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 6345 1491 to register for admission into the squad.

The other criteria:

  • Your entry into the squad must be approved by your instructor. (If you have problems convincing your instructor to allow you to join the club, the STF will try its best to see how it can assist you.
  • You continue to be a paid member of your club.
  • You are prepared to train at least 3 times a week in preparation for the short listing of players for the national team.
  • You accept the code of conduct of squad members.

Affiliates which have potential players may recommend them for admission. The players may not have competed or have lost to the eventual medalists.

All affiliates are urged to encourage their members to join the national squad as it will provide good exposure for their players. They will have ample opportunity to exchange skills with better players and learn from each other.

Supplementary Grading Guidelines


Supplementary grading is organized by affiliates. Some affiliates have done a great job while others have much room of improvement. When it is well organized, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) will not know about it. But when if is badly conducted, the STF will receive lots of adverse feedback.

In order to ensure that supplementary grading is properly held, the following guidelines are to be observed.

  • Ensure that the venue is big enough to accommodate the number of candidates.
  • Prepare convenient holding area for the candidates and their parents and friends.
  • Stagger the time, if necessary, for the candidates to report at the grading venue.
  • Plan the candidates’ movement from reporting to leaving the venue.
  • Provide sufficient information on the arrangement in advance so that the candidates and their parents and friends know what to do and what not to do.
  • Prepare facilities for the grading early – table with table cloth, chair, bell, mats (if required) and markings for candidates’ positions.
  • Ensure assistants (helpers, coordinators and ‘commanders’) are available
  • Remind all participants to be at their best conduct.
  • Gather candidates before the examiner’s arrival.
  • Arrange to welcome the examiner with respect and direct him to a room or place where he can wait with dignity if he is early.
  • Get the candidates to stand at attention to welcome him or her.
  • Bow to the examiner and introduce him or her to the candidates.
  • Take the STF pledge before the start of the grading.
  • Gather the candidates at the end of the grading.
  • Bow to the examiner and see him or her off in a proper manner.

It may not be possible to follow some of the guidelines but the basics must be practiced – for example, suitable venue, good crowd control, and adequate facilities. The examiner must also be given proper respect and recognition.

Two Find Youth Camp Enriching


Girlene Tan and Evonne Ee Feng returned from the 4th World Youth Camp richer in experience. The event held from 19 to 24 July 2012 in Seoul, Korea saw the participants enjoying themselves while training, learning and meeting new friends with common interest in taekwondo.

Said Girlene: “The camp which was mainly based in Muju where the World Taekwondo Park would be located, attracted participants from 34 countries.

“Evonne and I made many friends. It was easy to communicate with those who spoke English and Mandarin. But for those who did not, we exchanged smiles and greetings in their language.

“The kyrougi trainings were conducted by Korean University Professors. They focused on drills and sparring techniques.

“For poomsae trainings, I was overjoyed to be taught by my idol, Master Song Nam-Jeong, a world poomsae champion. We learned breathing and execution techniques which allowed us to move with style and stability.

“Most of all, we were inspired by Sheila Radziewiez who was a guest speaker hailed from Boston. She was born with a rare congenital disorder called TAR (thrombocytopenia absent radius). Despite here disability, she was able to earn her black belt. She shared with the audience her challenges and how she overcame them.”

In a letter of appreciation to the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), Evonne wrote, among other things: “Thank you for giving me the chance to participate in the Camp. The trip has enlightened me to the vast world of taekwondo and also the various training styles.

“I have learned the importance of humility and will treasure the opportunity given to me by the STF.”

The 5th World Youth Camp will be organized next year by the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation. By then, the Taekwondowon’ in Muju would have taken shape.

Please Sign Up Early


National kyorugi referees are reminded to sign up early for the refresher seminar which will be held on Sunday 2 September 2012 at 9.00am at the Republic Polytechnic.

The registration fees are as follows.

–          On or before Tuesday 28 August 2012 – $30.00

–          On or before Thursday 30 August 2012 – $40.00

–          On the spot registration – $50.00

39th National Kyorugi Championships


The 39th National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships will be held over 2 weekends on 22, 23, 29 & 30 September 2012 at Yishun Sports Hall.

The details and competition forms are attached.

For this year’s competition, please note the following information.

  • The organizers will not accept incomplete submission. Submission after the closing date – that is, 24 August 2012 (Friday) after 1630 hours – will be rejected.
  • Every participating team must provide at one referee for the duration of the championships to qualify for participation. The referee may not be the same person. For example, it is acceptable for a club to submit four referees, one each for every competition day. A club will be barred from future participation if its referee fails to fulfil his or her obligations without the approval of the Tournament Chairman.
  • Each affiliate is allowed to field only one player per weight category per division.
  • The eligibility grade for the national championships shall be based on July 2012 grading or the player’s last grading before July 2012 if he or she did not take his or her grading in that month.
  • New rules without video replay shall be adopted. This means, among other things, that points will be awarded on a graduated system.
  • Weigh-in shall be conducted on the competition day. During weigh-in, the contestants shall wear T-shirt & short. However, weigh-in may be conducted in nude in a room if the contestant wishes to do so. There will be only one weigh-in. Players who are over weight or under weight shall be disqualified. A weigh-in machine similar to the one used for the official weigh-in shall be provided for the players to check their weight before they are officially weighed. No weight allowance will be given.
  • Male and female players are required to wear the following equipment on entering the arena: head gear, trunk protector, forearm guard, shin guard groin guard, gloves and mouth piece.

If you require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact the Tournament Chairman at 9106 4421 or any of the Secretariat staff at 6345 1491.

We look forward to your continued support and co-operation for a smooth, successful and memorable tournament.

A Good Championship


The 3rd edition of the People’s Association-Singapore Taekwondo Federation (PA-STF) Taekwondo Championships was conducted safely and smoothly on 29 July 2012 at Toa Payoh Sports Hall. The kyorugi players produced lots of fast and furious exchanges while the poomsae players displayed some textbook movements with grace and beauty.

The guest of honor for the event, Mr Lim Biow Chuan, Adviser to Mountbatten Grassroots Organizations and Second Adviser to Marine Parade Grassroots Organizations, is an active 4th dan taekwondo blackbelt under STF. He witnessed a demonstration given by the national demonstration team and some selected finals and went on to give away the medals and trophies.

The other important guests who gave away some of the medals were Mr Chia Tze Yee, PA’s Group Director (Engagement Cluster – Interests) and Ms Ang lay Kwang, PA’s Director (Community Sports).

Mr Milan Kwee, STF President, was present throughout the event to ensure that the event went according to plan and to welcome and attend to the VIP guests.

The championships included, among other categories, family competition which encouraged family bonding. The event saw different combinations – father and son; mother and son, father and daughter, etc – competing against one another. It was interesting to note that the standards demonstrated by the family teams are credible.

The team event, which aimed to foster racial cohesiveness, saw teams comprising at least two ethnic groups showing their skills, unity and harmony through their performance to impress the judges. Their regular practices as a team were evident from their outstanding display which resulted in the keen competition.

All in all, it had been a good championship.  

The overall results are as follows.

  • 1st : Tampines North CSC
  • 2nd : Punggol Central CSC
  • 3rd : Thomson CSC
  • 4th : The Jelutung CSC

More results are attached.

Please visit the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (Official Gallery) on Facebook for more photographs.

Jason Tan’s Contribution


Jason Tan, arguably Singapore’s top male taekwondo kyorugi exponent, demonstrated his charitable spirit by donating almost 10% of the money he received for his Singapore National Olympic Council Meritorious Awards 2012 to the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF).

Although $300 is not much to STF, it is quite substantial to Jason who is still in school. But the STF is touched by the contribution. As the saying goes, it is the thoughts that count.

Yes, it is indeed as he wishes that his contribution can be used to help any of the other athletes in the training squad.

Jason exemplifies the qualities of a true taekwondo exponent. Despite his achievements which include being a world-ranked player, he remains humble, respectful and selfless.

Thank you, Jason, for being a good role model for taekwondo!