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National Kyorugi Referee Course for Blackbelts July 2011


The National Kyorugi Referee Course will be held on 23, 24 and 30 July 2011 at the STF National Training Centre.

It is a 12-hour course covering the latest interpretations of the competition rules and regulations.

Blackbelt players are also encouraged to attend the course as it will help them in the understanding of the rules.  The knowledge will stand them in good stead in their preparation for the competition and in the competition.

The details of the course and the registration form are attached.

Please take note of the registration fees and closing date for the course.  Cheques must be crossed and made payable to the “Singapore Taekwondo Federation”.

Congratulations to WTF President

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation, on behalf of the taekwondo community in Singapore, would like to congratulate Dr Choue Chungwon, President of the World Taekwondo Federation, and his Korean colleagues on the successful bid of Pyeongchang of South Korea for the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Dr Choue was in the thick of action at the IOC session in Durban where the voting and the announcement of the host site for the Games was made.

Pyeongchang beat Munich (Germany) and Annecy (France) for the right to host the august event.

Poomsae Referee Results


The results of the national poomsae referee course held on 18 and 19 June 2011 at the STF National Training Centre are attached

A retest would be held on Friday 1 July 2011 at 7.30pm at the STF National Training Centre for those who had failed either the theory or practical components.

Unsuccessful participants who are interested in the retest must register with the STF by Thursday 30 June 2011. The fee is $20 per component. On the spot registration is $30.  Participants are advised to read their notes and practised their poomsae to prepare for the retest.Those who received a Provisional pass for either the theory or practical component must attend the retest for an re-evaluation.  Otherwise, they would be considered as failing the course.

Updated Programme & Competitors’ List for National Poomsae Tourney


The updated programme and competitors’ list for the 5th National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships are attached.

Please note the changes in the Family categories.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation wishes all participants an enjoyable time at the event!

Edgefield has the Winning Edge


When it comes to taekwondo, Edgefield certainly has an edge over most school as the programme has the full support of the Principal, Mr Leong Kok Kee, and his staff.

The school has chosen taekwondo as an activity for all its students and Mr Leong, being a leader by example, practices it with his students.

Mr Leong approached the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) last year to work out a plan for the introduction of the programme to the school. The discussion led to the dispatching of a team of four STF coaches – namely, Ms Ng Lee Noi, Mr Simon Ang, Mr Dave Ang and Mr Raymond Chin – to kick off the activity. 

Under the leadership of Ms Ng, the coaches worked tirelessly in the interest of making the programme a success.

They sacrificed their allowances to help some of the students who could not afford to participate in the programme and voluntarily spent additional hours to prepare the students for the recent National Inter-School Taekwondo Championships.

The excellent support given by the school, the selfless sacrifices of the coaches and the hard work of the students combined to produce unexpected results for the school in the national school competitions.

Edgefield managed not only to win two gold, one silver and four bronze medals in its maiden outing but also capture the Best Newcomer title and the 3rd spot for the Overall ‘C’ Division (Female). It was a brilliant outcome by any count.

The school will certainly not rest on its laurels. It will continue to capitalize on its winning edge. And Edgefield Secondary School is a school to watch in next year’s competition!

Mr Kwee Remains at the Helm


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) held its annual general meeting on Saturday 18 June 2011 at the National Training Centre. 90 voting representatives from 60 affiliates attended the meeting.

Among other things, STF President Milan Kwee highlighted the significant progress made by the organization. He pointed out that it was possible because of the co-operation and support of the affiliates and urged them to continue working together to further enhance the profile of STF and the sport.

After the business of the general meeting including the election of 5 members for the incoming committee was completed, the 14 members (4 co-opted, 5 reserved and 5 elected) met to elect office-bearers for the new term. The following line-up was decided.

President                   :          Mr Milan Kwee

1st Vice-President     :           Dr Ho Mun Wai

2nd Vice-President    :           Dr Lee Chee Wee

Hon Secretary           :           Ms Wong Liang Ming

Asst Hon Secretary   :           Mr Tan Kok Heng

Hon Treasurer           :           Ms Ng Lee Noi

Asst Hon Treasurer   :           Ms Katherine Lok

Members                  :           Mr David Koh

                                            Mr Tan Cheng Hui

                                            Mr Lee Thiam Poh

                                            Mr Ng Hwa Ann

                                            Mr Thomson Tan
                                            Mr Lai Han Seng                                               
                                            Mr Lee Thiam Huat

Ms Girlene Tan and Mr Lian Ah Lek were elected as internal auditors while Mr Steven Soh (former 1st Vice-President) and Mr RA Jeyaraman (former 2nd Vice President) were appointed Advisors to STF President.

Programme & Competitors’ List for National Poomsae Tourney


The programme and list of competitiors for the 5th National Poomsae Championships which will be staged on Saturday 25 June 2011 (1.00pm to 9.30pm) and Sunday 26 June 2011 (9.30am to 6.30pm) are attached..

Prizes for all categories will be presented after each final performance.

All participating clubs are reminded that they are required to provide one poomsae referee each.  Performers from clubs without referees for the competition will not be allowed to compete.

Lim Hyun Recognized for His Effort


Lim Hyun, Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) demonstration trainer and Principal of Hyun Taekwondo Academy, received a Certificate of Commendation from Mr Kang Won-Sik, President of Kukkiwon, for his contribution to the development and dissemination of taekwondo.

The STF endorsed the nomination of Lim for the commendation early this year in recognition of his contribution to the development of taekwondo in Singapore. More specifically, Lim had unselfishly shared his skills with members of the STF by conducting numerous demonstration workshops.

He received the certificate on 31 January 2011 and was certainly a worthy recipient.

Congratulations, Lim!

Unarmed Combat Programme (Level 1) and Poomsae Coach Course Retest Results 11 June 2011


The retests for the Unarmed Combat Programme (Level 1) and Poomsae Coach Course were held on 11 June 2011 at the STF National Training Centre.

The following Unarmed Combat participants were awarded a pass.

  • Soh Lay En Ellen
  • Soh Shi En Elise
  • Ang Yeong Yee Phedra
  • Emgeer Gopal
  • Cheng Hao En

Results of the Poomsae Coach Course are attached.

Those who were unsuccessful in the retest will have to retake the next Poomsae Coach Course scheduled for December 2011.

Singapore Youth Olympic Festival (SYOF) Taekwondo Festival


The Singapore Youth Olympic Festival (SYOF) Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 13 and 14 August 2011 at the Singapore Expo Hall.

Documents pertaining to the competition are attached.

For this year’s competition, please note the following information.

  • The organizers will not accept incomplete submission. Submission after the closing date – that is, 8 July 2011 (Friday) by 1600hrs – will be rejected.
  • Every participating team must provide at one referee for the duration of the championships to qualify for participation. The referee may not be the same person. For example, it is acceptable for a club to submit four referees, one each for every competition day. A club will be barred from future participation if its referee fails to fulfill his or her obligations without the approval of the Tournament Chairman.
  • Each affiliate is allowed to field in only one player per weight category per division.
  • The eligibility grade for the national championships shall be based on April 2011 grading or the player’s last grading before April 2011 if he or she did not take his or her grading in that month.
  • New rules without video replay shall be adopted. This means, among other things, that points will be awarded on a graduated system.
  • Weigh-in shall be conducted on the competition day . During Weigh-in contestant shall wear T-shirt & short. However , weigh-in may be conducted in the nude if the contest wishes to do so (Inside room). There will be only one weigh-in. Players who are over weight or under weight shall be disqualified. A weigh-in machine similar to the one used for the official weigh-in shall be provided for the players to check their weight before they are officially weighed. No weight allowance will be given.
  • Male and female players are required to wear the following equipment on entering the arena: head gear, trunk protector, forearm guard, shin guard groin guard, gloves and mouth piece.

If you require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to call be at 91064421 or any of the Secretariat staff at 63451491.