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Unarmed Combat Course for Poom Belts and Blackbelts May 2011


An Unarmed Combat (Level 1) Course will be conducted on 14, 15, 21 and 22 May 2011 for poom belts and black belts.

More details and the registration form are attached. Please take note of the registration period and fees.

Successful participants in the course will be exempted from the self-defence component required for their 1st to 2nd poom or dan promotion.

The certification received from the course will be a prerequisite for taekwondo exponents to move on to Levels 2 and 3.

Referee Refresher Participants – Be Prepared


All participants in the referee refresher seminar on Sunday 27 March 2011 at 2.30pm should be well prepared for the numerous tests which will be conducted to ensure that they are fit mentally and physically to officiate.

The programme for the seminar is as follows.

  • BP, Pledge and Agility Tests
  • Lecture (Important Rules & New Rules)
  • Theory Test
  • Situation Study
  • Practical – Match Management
  • Judging Test
  • Q & A

We plan to end the seminar punctually at 6.30pm. However, the overwhelming number of participants may not allow us to do so. Therefore, participants must be prepared for the seminar to end later – that is, before 7.30pm.

Participants must also come prepared with their writing materials. They should also be ready to recite the pledge and take the physical test. Those who fail in any of the tests will have to be retested.

Walking the Talk


17 members from Zen Taekwondo Club lived up to their pledge to Singapore Taekwondo Federation to be helpful when they volunteered to assist the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) in its flag day on Wednesday 16 March 2011.

They reported for ‘duties’ at Bugis Junction, split up into groups after receiving their donation bag and stationed themselves at strategic points in the vicinity. In their quests for donations from the public, they learned invaluable lessons which would be useful in their lives.

Said Girlene Tan, the head of the group, “Participating in the event had taught all of us to be humble.   Instead of just standing, waiting and hoping for donations, we approached everyone and asked him or her politely to support the cause.

“Many times were turned down or simply ignored. It was indeed daunting. But we persisted despite the challenge because we knew there would always be someone who was willing to donate.

“By 1pm, we returned our donation bags heavy with notes and coins. Although our T-shirts were also heavy with perspiration, our hearts were filled with warmth and a strong sense of satisfaction.”

The group was glad they could play a positive role, as taekwondo members, in helping the less fortunate in our society.

The STF urges all affiliates to support the TAEKWONDO WITH HEART PROGRAM by finding ways to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.  

Poom to Dan Conversion


Coaches should remind their active 1st poom holders to convert their grade to 1st dan on reaching the age of 15. Otherwise, they will be at a disadvantage as they will not be allowed to take their 2nd dan until one year after the conversion. Furthermore, they may face difficulty when they serve their national service as the SAF only recognizes dan certification.

Coaches should also make it clear to all poom belt holders that conversion from poom to dan is automatic only if they continue training till they reach 15 years old. If they stop training after obtaining their grade, they will have to re-join the club and train for at least six months to qualify for conversion.

The six-month training requirement is for the coaches to assess the suitability of their poom belt holders for the conversion. If the coaches are not satisfied, they have the right to prescribe a longer training period for their trainees before recommending the conversion.

The conversion fee are $30 (1st Poom to 1st Dan), $50 (2nd Poom to 2nd Dan) and $80 (3rd Poom to 3rd Dan) with effect from 1April 2011.

3rd Poom Grading


In response to numerous requests by club coaches, the STF Management Committee, in its meeting on 15 March 2011, has agreed to allow candidates for 2nd to 3rd poom to take their grading with their other club members.

They will no longer be required to take their promotion tests with the other candidates for dan grades.

The new ruling will take effect from April 2011 grading.

Better Prepared for the Grading


57 participants are better prepared for their next grading after attending the Grading Preparation Workshop held on Sunday 11 March 2012 at the National Training Centre. Why not?

There were 11 examiners, 1 national poomsae trainer and 6 national poomsae squad members were in attendance to guide the participants and correct their mistakes.

The session started with an hour theory session covering, among other things, the examiners’ expectations and the interview questions for the April 2012 grading. The participants were informed what they had to do in poomsae, sparring and unarmed combat (for those going for higher poom or dan grading) and guided on the way they should respond to the various questions.

Mr Milan Kwee, STF President, was present to observe the session. He spoke to some of the parents to get some feedback and thank them for their support.

At the end of the session, Mr Sam Tan, one of the course conductors, gave away the certificates to the participants before they gathered for a group picture.

Kyorugi Referee Refresher Seminar 27 March 2011


The annual Kyorugi Referee Refresher Seminar will be held on Sunday 27 March 2011 from 2.30pm to 6.30pm at the National Training Centre.  The dress code for the event is ‘dobok’.

The seminar will cover, among other things, the latest amendments to the Competition Rules and Regulations.All active kyorugi referees must attend the seminar to have their licenses to officiate extended by a year.  Coaches who are national referees are also encouraged to participate in the seminar.  The knowledge will be invaluable to them if they wish to continue to be effective coaches.

Kyorugi referees with expired licenses may also attend the seminar.  Their licenses will be renewed if they pass the assessment which will be conducted at the end of the seminar for all participants.

As the provision of referees is a pre-condition for participation in all STF organized or sanctioned tournaments, it is important for clubs to have their own pool of qualified referees.

The registration fees are as follows.–  On or before Friday 25 March 2011 (by 3.00pm) – $20.00
–  On the spot registration – $40.00

The registration form is attached.

Coach Passes for NTU Championships


The NTU (Nanyang Technological University) Taekwondo Open Championships will be held on 12, 13 and 20 March at the NTU Sports and Recreation Centre.

250 of the best taekwondo exponents from 15 institutions are expected to gather at the venue to stake their claims for the numerous titles including the overall team trophies. They deserve to be led by only qualified and responsible coaches who understand the needs of their players and hold or are entitled to hold the coach passes.

As the new designs for the coach passes are not ready, coaches for the championships, who have attended the coach seminar or coach induction course after 20 February 2011, shall continue to wear their existing passes. Qualified coaches without the passes will be issued with temporary passes on the day of the competition.

Only coaches who are eligible for the renewal of their passes and new qualified coaches are permitted to coach in the championships.

Volunteers Required for SADeaf Flag Day


The Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) has been serving the Deaf Community for the past 55 years. In line with their mission to assist the Deaf achieve a better quality of life, integrate and contribute to society, they have been providing a range of services to the 5,600 clients they have. The services they offered include:

  • Education,
  • Tuition,
  • discount for purchase of hearing aids and assistive devices,
  • guidance and counseling,
  • interpretation,
  • social care,
  • financial assistance to the needy and
  • job support.

SADeaf is having a Flag Day on Wednesday 16 March 2011 to raise funds to reach out and serve those in need in the Deaf Community. The collection centers for the event are as follows.

  • SADeaf (227 Mountbatten Road),
  • Bugis Junction,
  • Tampines Regional Library,
  • Sengkang Community Centre,
  • Woodlands Regional Library and
  • Jurong Point Shopping Centre.

All taekwondo members are encouraged to support the cause by serving as volunteers. Those who are interested in helping out but cannot do the full day from 9.00am to 6pm may offer their services within the duration they are available – for example, 9.00am to 1pm or 10.00am to 3.00pm.

Mr Brian Peh has agreed to co-ordinate the list of volunteers. Please email him at or call him at 94591809 to register your interest or get more information on the project.

Delay in the Release of NCAP II Results


The NCAP II results will be released within two to three weeks. This is to provide those who require more time to complete their assignments.

STF hopes that the other participants will bear with them in the spirit of the sport.

Nevertheless, the STF would like to apologize on their behalf for holding back the results until all participants fulfill their requirements.