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STF President Receives Recognition


Mr Milan Kwee was recognized for his exceptional leadership in the promotion of the Korean art of taekwondo by the Korean Association (Singapore) on 9 December 2010 at its Annual Meeting and Celebration at Shangri-la Hotel.

Almost 600 members of the Korean community were present to witness, among other things, the presentation of awards to outstanding Koreans. Among them was Mr Bong Se-Jong, the Chairman, Korean Association (Singapore), who was awarded a distinguished medal from Mr Lee Myung Bak, President of the Republic of Korea (ROK).

Mr Oh-Joon, Ambassador of ROK and the Guest of Honor, presented the award to Mr Bong on behalf of the South Korean President.

In presenting the award to Mr Kwee, Mr Bong said that it was in recognition of his effort which resulted in the proliferation of taekwondo in Singapore and the recognition of the sport in schools.

Mr Bong also wished the STF continued success.

Congratulations, Mr Kwee. The local taekwondo community is proud of you! 

POL-ITE Taekwondo Championship 2011


The POL-ITE (Polytechnic-Institute of Techncial Education) Taekwondo Championship, organized by Temasek Polytechnic and sanctioned by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, will be held 22 and 23 January 2011 at the Temasek Polytechnic Sports Hall.The details and relevant forms on the event are attached.

Please contact the following members of the organizing committee if you require any further information or clarification.

Benjamin Teo Zhe Ming


Contact: 96267499

Lai Hai Mei


Contact: 82289423

Another Demonstration Workshop


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation has decided to organize another demonstration workshop on Thursday 23 December 2010 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm at the National Training Centre.

The decision was prompted by those who had attended the workshop on Sunday 28 November. Some of the participants wanted to practice more under the expert guidance of Mr Lim Hyun and his assistants from Hyun Academy. This also gives those who have missed the workshop a chance to learn the various spectacular demonstration moves.

The registration form is attached. And the fee for the workshop is $30. All participants are required to wear their ‘dobok’ for the session.

Participation certificates will be awarded at the end of the workshop for those who register on or before 17 December 2010.

MOOTO Open Poomsae Championships 2010


The MOOTO Open Poomsae Championships 2010 will be held on Sunday 5 December 2010 from 8.00am onwards at Delta Sports Complex.

The program and fixtures for the event are attached.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation wishes all participants an enjoyable and memorable experience at the championships!

Demonstration Workshop Filled With Energy


Lim Hyun with his two assistants, Kim Young Mun and Park Hee Uon, kicked off the demonstration workshop with some spectacular stunts which excited the participants. Although it looked easy, he participants at the workshop held on Sunday 28 November 2010 at the National Training Centre soon found out that the mastery of the moves required plenty of hard work.

However, the 63 participants seemed to relish the tough training session. They matched the challenges dished out by Lim Hyun of the Hyun Taekwondo Academy with energy and enthusiasm. And at the end of the training session, all of them had experienced the very difficult back flip.

You did not read it wrong. They did it with the assistance of the trainers and were on the high a feel of the movements. Something inside them told them that they could perform it without help if they had more practice. In fact, one of them believed she could and tried it on a new landing mat without supervision. She almost succeeded.

Thanks to the new mat which the Singapore Taekwondo Federation had acquired to ensure that the participants could practice safely, she managed to retain her good looks despite landing flat on her face with a bruised ego.

Those who had attended the workshop are advised to exercise caution when practicing the stunts. Remember: SAFETY FIRST!

Known Instructors Attend Grading Preparation Workshop


Polo Teo (Raiders TKD) and Girlene Tan (Zen Taekwondo) were among the participants at the Grading Preparation Workshop which was conducted on Saturday 27 November 2010 at the National Training Centre. They demonstrated the admirable learning spirit which many instructors and black belts would do well to emulate.

The workshop which attracted 54 participants were conducted by Singapore Taekwondo Federation examiners – namely, Mr Tan Kok Heng, Mr Michael Ho and Mr Tan Cheng Hui. They were assisted by Ms Joyce Lim and Mr Darwin Goh. Among other things, the participants were reminded to be mindful of their weaknesses and work towards reducing them with the help of their instructors.

The following who attended the course received their certificates from Mr Ho at the end of the session.

1Tan Heng Guan Nicholas
2Tan Pei Shi Joline
3Tan Pei Ting Jasmin
4Chong Kai Qing Clarissa
5Rawat Samaksh
6Tan Mei Yu
7Tan See Kiang Nicholas
8Ang Cantona
9Choo Yu Xian
10Seah Cherlyn
11Chua Chen Kang Aloysius
12Liang Lai Hup Sonny
13Tan Sheng Zhe
14Chan Weikang
15Rene Ugaddan Ng Jr
16Wee Yang Teck Jansen
17S Harvind
18Ayagari Srikari Sanjana
19Chew Zheng Feng Gavin
20Dominic Goana
21Laow Lou Pin Eileen
22Md Shaifulbahri Bin Rahmad
23Michelle Goana
24Muhammad Mirza Bin Razak
25Ng Shi Xiang Jared
26Tan Su Kiat
27Tan Teck Hean
28Polo Teo Ghim Hock
29Lee Li Er
30Lim Jia Ming Alvin
31Alexander James Fonseca
32Aloysius Nicholas
33Alphaeus Nicholas
34Cheah Zheng Hong Jerome
35Hoo Tian Yee Ivan
36Keoni Sean Foo
37Ng Aik Siong Ellson
38Oh Jing Yi Gracia
39Oh Xin Yi Joey
40Jatinder Singh Kler
41Ng Kioh Yee Joan
42Tan Pin Qian
43Boo Shao Wei
44Chew Ern Zi
45Heather Tamara Lowe Yin Yi
46Kang Hui Min
47Kew Ying Heng
48Ng Jun Hao
49Koh Gerald
50Koh Gerick
51Tan Lee Fong Girlene
52Wan Kah Wor Marcus
53Yap Teng Chiong
54 Yap Teng Chung

139th Centralized Grading

SATURDAY 15 Jan 11  2.00PM –6.00PM  (Senior Red 1 & above)  Jurong East Sports Hall 
Sunday  16 Jan 11  9.00AM –6.00PM  (All grades except Senior Red 1 & above)  Jurong East Sports Hall 

1. Submission for the Grading can only be at the STF office during office hours.

2. Please ensure that ALL grading cards are properly completed and duly endorsed. A recent photograph of the candidate must be attached.

3. For ALL candidates who are going for Red 1 & above , please have the following documents during submission:

a. Candidate’s grading card

b. 1 photocopy of the candidate’s Identity Card (front & back) / Birth Certificate (for candidate below age of 12)

c. 2 recent IC / passport photographs of the candidate

d. Form B (duly completed)

Submission will not be accepted if any of the documents is not available or, for Form B, partially completed.

4. Submission will not be accepted if candidate fails to produce any of the documents mentioned above.

5. The last day of submission is on 30 DECEMBER 2010 (THURSDAY) . Any submission after this date will be considered as LATE SUBMISSION.

6. Late submissions for candidates taking Brown 1 & above are to be done within two (2) weeks from 31 December 2010 (Friday). Submission beyond the grace period of two (2) weeks WILL NOT be accepted. An administrative fee will be charged accordingly for late submission. The charges are as follows:

PERIOD OF LATE SUBMISSIONAdministrative Fee Chargeable
1st subsequent week from last day of submission   (31 Dec 2010 – 6 Jan 2011)SGD 10.00
2nd subsequent week from last day of submission  (7 Jan 2011 – 13 Jan 2011)50% of the grading fee payable by candidates for their respective grades

7. An administrative fee of SGD 5.00 will be charged for late submission of candidates taking all other grades except Red 1 & above.

8. A roll call will be taken at 1.30pm for Red 1 (Senior) candidates going for 1st dan and 2.30pm for 1st dan , 1st poom and higher candidates. Those who miss the roll call will be considered as ABSENT or LATECOMERS. Latecomers will not be graded.

9. Candidates are to turn up in proper dress code (as stipulated by the STF) for the grading. Candidates who fail to comply with the dress code will not be allowed to take the grading.

10. Supplementary Grading can only be conducted two (2) weeks before or after the Centralised Grading and will be subjected to the approval of the Grading Department.

11. Candidates will be taking the grading at their own risk and therefore will not hold the Federation, the Grading Department or anyone so concerned, responsible for any injuries, accidents or mishaps that may befall on them during the course of the grading.

12. For any enquiries, please contact the STF Secretariat Office or the Grading Department.

Updates on MOOTO Open Poomsae Championships


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation is pleased that the response for the tournament has been good. To date 20 teams including 6 from overseas have registered for the competition which will be held in Delta Sports Hall instead of the Overseas Family School as originally planned.

His Excellency Ambassador Oh Joon of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea will be gracing the occasion as the Guest of Honor. Mr Milan Kwee, STF President will also be present to witness the tournament.

The tentative program for the competition on 5 December 2010 is as follows.

8.00 am Arrival of participants Registration

9.00 am Opening Speech STF Pledge

9.15 am Competition Commences

11.30 am Arrival of VIPs and Sponsors

12.00 pm Arrival of Guest of Honor

6.00 pm Competition Ends

To all participants: Have an enjoyable competition.

Office Closed for Repairs


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation office at 260A, Tanjong Katong Roadwill be closed on Monday 29 November 2010 for roof and ceiling repairs.

will be for roof and ceiling repairs.

Normal operations will resume on Tuesday 30 November 2010.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Tournaments for 2011


The dates for next year’s competitions are as follows:

National Inter-School Games (Taekwondo Event)

11 to 15 April 2011

National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships

25 & 26 June 2011

National Kyorugi Championships

3 & 4 September 2011 and 10 &11 September 2011

More information of the tournaments will be released in due course.

The STF hopes that the information will help clubs to plan for the events. This includes having enough qualified referees and coaches to support their teams.