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Singapore’s Second YOG Medal


Nurul Shafinas Bte Abdul Rahman almost did one better than her teammate, YOG bronze medalist Daryl Tan, when she narrowly lost to her Vietnamese opponent in the semi-final of the 2010 YOG taekwondo event on 17 August 2010 at the Suntec International Convention Centre.

In a match that drew raucous support from the crowd including Shafinas’ parents and brother, she dug deep into her bags of tricks to claw back from 3-9 to 8-9. Unfortunately time did not allow her to do more and she had to settle with another bronze.

Nevertheless, she still did taekwondo proud by winning Singapore’s second medal for the Games.

STF President, Mr Milan Kwee, was jubilant. He said: “We take our hats off to not only our YOG medalists but also our other players. They had sacrificed a lot to bring honour to Singapore. To us, they are all winners – medalists or not.

“For example, Nur Zakirah Bte Zakaria neither compromised her religion nor her sport. She fasted as required by all Muslims during the period and fought with guts and determination.

“It has been hard work for everyone in taekwondo to bring our players to this level. We can succeed because we work together to achieve our mission and vision and have the support from many friends of taekwondo.

“The STF is certainly moving in the right direction.”

Singapore’s First YOG Medal


Daryl Tan Jia Jun was a raw gem when he joined the national squad with the blessings of Zenith Taekwondo Group chief instructor Robin Chow and instructors Johnboy Teo and Elaine Cheok.

Through his passion for the sport, blessings from his parents and the support of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), Daryl became a fine gem when he finished among the medalists in the Under 55kg (Male) division. His achievement on 16 August 2010 at the Suntec International Convention Centre won him the distinction of being the first Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) medalist.

The taekwondo fraternity was elated as it also meant that the first medal for Singapore in the 1st YOG came from taekwondo. It was indeed an honour for the sport in Singapore.

The STF believed that Daryl would serve as an inspiration to other aspiring players. All club leaders and coaches will do well to note that they will never know how far and how much their players can accomplish if their players are given the opportunities to develop themselves through the STF programmes for players

The national training squad is open to all members of STF affiliated or recognized clubs. Club leaders and coaches should not stop any of their members form joining the squad as it would be the same as ‘killing’ their dreams.

The STF congratulates Daryl on bringing honour to the sport and Singapore.

Licensees Invited for STF Logo & Name


The following is the intellectual property of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF).

  • ‘Singapore Taekwondo Federation’ name on the ‘dobok’ (uniform)
  • Singapore Taekwondo Federation logo

Any organization, company or individual currently using the logo and the name are advised to stop doing so.

Applications for license to use the logo and the name on the ‘dobok’ (uniform) are invited. Applicants shall submit their interest in writing by Wednesday 1st September 2010.

All successful applicants will be required to pay S$10,000 per annum for the rights to use the logo and the name on the ‘dobok’ (uniform).

In the meantime, the STF reserves the rights to take legal action against any organization, company or individual for unauthorized use of the logo and the name.

For enquiries, please call 6345 1491.

Venue for National Championships Confirmed


The venue for the 37th National Taekwondo Championships is confirmed. The event will be held as follows.

Dates:   Saturday 4 September 2010 (2.00pm to 9.00pm)

             Sunday 5 September 2010 (9.30am to 9.00pm)

             Saturday 11 September 2010 (2.00pm to 9.00pm)

             Sunday 12 September 2010 (9.30am to 9.00pm)

Place:   Yishun Sports Hall.

For more enquiries on the championships, please call the Secretariat at 63451491.

Coach Induction Course 22 Auguest 2010


The coach induction course for coaches who wish to obtain the professional coach pass will be held as follows.

Date                            :           Sunday 22 August 2010

Time                           :           2.30pm to 5.00pm

Place                          :           National Training Centre

Fee                             :           $50

Eligibility                     :           STF Blackbelt holders

Closing date              :           Wednesday 18 August 2010

Participants who have successfully completed the course may apply for the appropriate coaching passes if they possess the relevant qualifications.

The passes not only entitle the holders the right to coach their players for the various STF-organized or sanctioned tournaments but also affirm that they are coaches with professional attitude.

The registration form is attached.

[Webmaster]expired form was removed

Important Information – YOG Taekwondo Volunteer Deployment Schedule


The YOG Taekwondo Volunteer Deployment Schedule is attached.

Please note that a REHEARSAL will be held on Friday, 13 August 2010 from 2.00pm to 6.00pm at Suntec International Convention Centre (SICC)Hall 401 ( ICC-H401). 

ATTENDANCE IS COMPULSORY for all volunteers listed from S/No 1 to 23, that is those deployed to SICC.  Any volunteer who did not attend the rehearsal will have their accreditation pass invalidated.

All volunteers must report at the SICC (ICC-H402 / Back of House) during the competition period (15 to 19 August 2010 from 2.00pm to 9.00pm) at 12.00pm which is 2 hours before the commencement of the competiiton.

Volunteers are to report to their respective NTOs listed in the schedule on the rehearsal and competition days.

More on the Certificate Presentation Ceremony


It had been announced earlier that a black belt dan certificate presentation ceremony will be conducted on Sunday 8 August 2010 at 6.30pm at the National Training Centre for successful candidates in the Dan Promotion Course and the TEAMgOLD promotion test.

All certificate recipients are to be in ‘dobok’ when they collect their certificates as photographs will be taken to commemorate the moment.  They may invite one guest each to witness the presentation.

The programme for the evening will be as follows.

6.25pm – VIPs/Certificate Recipients/Guests to be seated
6.30pm – Speech by Mr Milan Kwee, President STF
6.35pm – Presentation of Certificates Group Photo-taking Session
7.00pm – Buffet Dinner
8.00pm – End of Function

All Management Committee members, examiners and certificate recipients are reminded to inform the office at 6345 1491 of their attendance by 4 August 2010.

Certificates and buffet dinner will be arranged for only those who register with the office.  

2nd World Youth Taekwondo Camp


9 players and a coach from Singapore were among 272 young athletes and officials from 25 countries who participated in the 2nd World Youth Taekwondo Camp. The annual event held from 26 July to 31 July 2010 was jointly organized by the World Taekwondo Federation and the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation (TPF).

While the opening and closing ceremonies for the six-day camp were held in Seoul, the main activities were conducted in Muju, Jeollar Province. Muju would be the home of the Taekwondo Park which was expected to be completed by 2013.

The training for the participants comprised kyorugi, poomsae and moral education.

Master Jeong Kook-Hyun, 4-time world champion and Olympic gold medalist, conducted the kyorugi training sessions. The living taekwondo legend shared invaluable insights on sparring tactics and strategies which the participants enthusiastically soaked in. Two other Olympic champions were at hand to ensure that the participants performed the numerous technical movements correctly. They were Chen Zhong from China and Cha Dongmin from Korea.

The poomsae sessions were conducted by Grandmaster Kim Kyung Chan. He was assisted by Master Song Namjung, two-time world poomsae champion and co-author of the book entitled ‘The Official Explanation of Taekwondo Poomsae’. The participants found the poomsae training interesting and enjoyable.

Lectures on Promotion of Olympic Spirit through Taekwondo and Olympic Value Education Program were given by TPF Chairman Dr Lee Dai Soon and Dr Chang Ju-Ho respectively.

Said Nicholas Tang, a member of Singapore team, “I enjoyed the experiences and managed to make some friends from the participating countries. It was an eye-opener for me as that was the first time I visited the home of Taekwondo. I would like to thank the Singapore Taekwondo Federation for the exposure which was invaluable to me.”

Participants from Singapore at the Camp

Coach             –           Wong Liang Ming

Players           –           Jason Tan Junwei

                                    Nicholas Tang Kang Yu

                                    Keith Ong Jin Cong

                                    Daryl Tan Jia Jun

                                    Christopher Lee Jia Zhe

                                    Tio Jia Xin

                                    Nur Zakirah Bte Zakaria

                                    Nurul Shafinas Bte Abdul Rahman

                                    Tessa Tang Xue Yi

Sportsmanship Prevails at Vietnam Tourney


Singapore fielded two teams – one each for kyorugi and poomsae – for the 18th Vietnam International Taekwondo Tournament.  The competition was held from 21 to 23 July 2010 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

The kyorugi team comprising 11 players returned with 2 silver and 4 bronze medals.

The poomsae team, in their first international outing, with 8 players collected 2 silver and 9 bronze medals.  They had better chance of netting more medals because they were allowed to participate in more than one category.

The event attracted 10 countries including the traditionally taekwondo powerhouses – Korea, France and Thailand.

Singapore kyorugi players showed outstanding sportsmanship by accepting the decisions, which many officials, coaches and players believed were poor judgments, of the refereeing officials on three occasions.

A case in point involved Keith Ong, one of Singapore outstanding junior players.  He became the first victim of refereeing errors in the competition. 

Keith led 5-1 after delivering a spectacular reverse kick which connected squarely on his Korean opponent’s head.  A few seconds lapsed.  The Korean attempted a high turning kick, which clearly missed.  The Korean coach protested to the referee as no point was registered. 

The referee called a conference.  He later deducted 3 points from Keith and gave his opponent 3 points.  At that point, the score stood at 2-4 with a few seconds left for the end of the match.  It was unbelievable!

Prof Lee Kyu Seok, the Senior Vice-President of Asian Taekwondo Union, was shown the recording later.  He wanted to make it an issue but was prevented by Mr Milan Kwee, STF President as it was the culture of Singapore officials and players to accept whatever decisions, rightly or wrongly, of refereeing officials.  After all, it was just a game. 

What’s more, Singapore players became stronger by the adverse experiences.

Singapore Flagbearers

Team Manager – RA Jeyaraman

Kyorugi Team – Wong Liang Ming (Coach)

                                            Jason Tan Junwei

                                            Jordan Tay Jun Jie

                                            Keith Ong Jin Cong

                                            Daryl Tan Jia Jun

                                            Christopher Lee Jia Zhe

                                            Tio Jia Xin

                                            Nur Zakirah Bte Zakaria

                                            Nurul Shafinas Bte Abdul Rahman

                                            Charlotte Tang Xue Ting

                                            Tessa Tang Xue Yi

Poomsae Team – Tan Cheng Hui (Coach)

                                            Kang Rui Jie

                                            Samuel Lee Wei Liang

                                            Lai Han Seng

                                            Leon Koh Wee Kiat

                                            Chelsea Sim Shu Zhen

                                            Chiew Wenqi

                                            Ananurmelati Binti Abdul Rahman

                                            Joyce Lim Soon Yi

Black belt Certificate Presentation Ceremony


A black belt dan certificate presentation ceremony will be conducted for successful candidates in the Dan Promotion Course and the TEAMgOLD promotion test. 

The event will be held on Sunday 8 August 2010 at 6.30pm at the National Training Centre.

All certificate recipients are expected to be present to collect their certificates as it is their moment to be recognized and honored for their hard work, perseverance and technical skills. 

For logistic purpose, we would appreciate it if recipients can inform the office at 63451491 of their attendance by 4 August 2010.

All Management Committee members and examiners are cordially invited to witness the event.