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Official Opening of Induk Taewondo


Lion dance kicked off the official opening of Induk Taekwondo on Saturday 24 July 2010. The ear-splitting drum beats and clash of cymbals gave the club, an affiliate of Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), an auspicious start.

(From left) Minister Yong Woo Kwon (Korean Embassy), Mr Jan Yap, Mr Lim Teong Chin, Mr Lee Seung Man, Mr S K Yeo and Mr Ronnie Yap.

The opening graced by Mr Yong Woo Kwon (Minister, Korean Embassy) saw the guests admiring the ideal training environment. The gymnasium is not only spacious but also well-equipped facilities.

Instead of the colorful mats which most taekwondo members are familiar with, Induk chooses to use mats which deceiving look like parquet flooring. This reflects the innovative and imaginative programs which the club is offering.    

Guests at the opening including Mr Steven Soh (1st Vice-President, STF), Ms Wong Liang Ming (Hon. Secretrary, STF) and Mr Lim Teong Chin (General Manager, STF) were given souvenirs to commemorate the event.

Said Mr Lim: “I like the Club layout and the ambience. It is a fantastic place to set up a taekwondo club. Members will enjoy the facilities and benefit greatly from the high standard of instructions under the supervision of its Chief Instructor, Mr Lee Seung Man.”

The STF extends its best wishes to Induk for its quick growth and success in the promotion of taekwondo in Singapore.

Visit its website at for more information on the club.

Training at the National Training Centre


Through the arrangements of their instructors, students from Temasek Polytechnic and Nanyang Polytechnic joined the National Training Squad on Sunday 11 July 2010 for a grueling training session. The training comprised calisthenics, target kicking and full-contact sparring.

Temasek Polytechnic coach Michael Ho and Nanyang Polytechnic coach Brian Peh were present to observe the training and to give tips and encouragement to their students during the sparring session.

The visitors showed a lot potential during the sparring session. Where they lacked sparring skills, they made up for it with remarkable courage.

Most importantly, they felt welcome by the national squad players who were happy with the opportunity to extend their friendship and hospitality.

Workshop for Provisional Pass Candidates


The grading workshop for provisional pass candidates will be held on Sunday 1 August 2010 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm at the National Training Centre at Blk 80, Lorong Limau.

Attendance at the workshop is compulsory for candidates with a provisional pass to earn a promotion in their recent grading. Provisional pass candidates will be considered as having failed their tests if they do not attend the workshop.

The dress code is ‘dobok’ and the registration form is attached.

The closing date of registration is Thursday 29 July 2010.

Test Results for Unarmed Combat Level 2


14 participants completed the Unarmed Combat Level 2 course on Sunday 11 July 2010 after going though 9 hours of training.

The training conducted by Mr Leon Koh and Mr Brian Peh under the supervision of Martial Arts Chairman RA Jeyaraman saw the participants experiencing the grueling practices and picking up the self-defence skills very quickly.

On top of that all of them evidently had put in a lot of effort practicing on their own. Their hard work paid dividend when they impressed the examiner with their skilful demonstration of the various techniques for breaking falls and defending against assaults with and without weapons.

Congratulations to the following successful candidates.

  • Ganesh s/o Selvaraju
  • Goh Jia Qi Kylynn
  • Goh Jian Qi Keefe
  • Chua Kwee Teck Jerry
  • Wu Shunwen
  • Lee Pei Fen
  • Fun Seal Jun
  • Nonny Florentine
  • Kang Kim Joo
  • Nai Cheng Kang Royce
  • Lum Zheng Liang
  • Coco Lim
  • Ho Mun Wai
  • Wong Chee Kwong

Cash Vouchers for all Affiliates


All ordinary affiliates of Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be entitled to a $50 cash voucher by courtesy of Liang Seng Sports Equipment to subsidize their purchases of taekwondo uniform and equipment from the Company.

The voucher is to be collected at Liang Sports Equipment (Tanjong Katong outlet) by 31 July 2010. Only the Chief Instructor or his or her authorized representative (to be identified by an authorization letter from the Chief Instructor) can collect the voucher.

All conditions for the use of the vouchers shall apply.

Poomsae and Kyorugi Referee Promotion


We are pleased to announce that the following have satisfied the requirements for promotion set by the Board of Referees.


  • Koh Poh Ling – 2nd class


  • Linda Sim – 3rd class
  • Choon Kean Fatt – 3rd class
  • Muhd Fadhil Musa – 3rd class
  • Ganesan s/o Sundaram -2nd class

The other applications for promotion have been rejected because certain criteria were not met. For more information, the applicants may call the office at 6345 1491.

All kyorugi and poomsae referees may apply for promotion once they meet the requirements for promotion.

38 Candidates Successful in ‘Dan’ Promotion Course


After going through grueling tests and for some, completing their theses, the following were successful in the ‘dan’ promotion course.

Promoted ToName
3rd DanTan Tian Siang
Teo Yeow Hong
Wong Kei Fong, Mark
Cheong May Inn
Teo Swee Boon
Lim Kok Leong
Leong Minde, Jasmand
Quek Swee Chun
Quek Keng Li, Eric
Quak Soon Meng
Tan Yuen Shet, Alan
Goh Kai Lin
Chua Yih-Lung, Titus
Ganesan s/o Sundaram
Loh Ngiap Hin
Ong Ker Seng, Peter
Tan Wei Leong, Jason
Tan Teck Chye
Lim Wei Meng, Adrian
4th DanLim Hui Hsien
Gunaseelan s/o Thangvellu
Ng Tee Wee, Calvin
Tay Ee Kiang
Ang Bisi, Vikki
Tan Tian soon, Ryan
5th DanLee Yen Yen
Koh Choon Seng, David
Ong Bee Ai, Alice
Tan Siang Hee, Thomson
Tay Hong Jun, Jimmy
6th DanKoh Wee Kiat, Leon
Lim Teck Leng, Jeffrey
Tan Kheng Juan, Henry
Ho Kee Khoon, Michael
7th DanTan Yong Huat
Lee Thiam Poh
Tan Cheng Hui
Tan Kok Heng

Promotion for TEAMgOLD Members


TEAMgOLD members showed that it is never too old to upgrade themselves. They took their grading on 21 March 2010 and completed their other requirements on 4 July 2010.

The following were promoted.

Promoted ToName
2nd DanFrancis Lim
3rd DanLian Ah Lek
Muhd Adnan Abdullah
4th DanLim Meng Tong
Linda Sim
Han Hew Juan
Michael Lee
Jeffrey Koh
Ronald Lim
Tan Boon Hock
Bong Peng Luck
5th DanMichael Tan
6th DanWilliam Lai
Dick Goi
Yan Fook Churn
Tan Kok Seng


Selection Results for 18th Vietnam International Championships

The following players have been selected to compete at the 18th Vietnam International Taekwondo Championships which will be held from 21 to 23 July 2010 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

  • Kyorugi

Senior Male

Under 58kg – Jason Tan Junwei

Under 63kg – Jordan Tay Jun Jie

Senior Female

Under 46kg – Chua Juan Juan

Junior Male

Under 51kg – Keith Ong Jin Cong

Under 55kg – Daryl Tan Jia Jun

Under 68kg – Christopher Lee Jia Zhe

Junior Female

Under 44kg – Tio Jia Xin

Under 49kg – Nur Zakirah Bte Zakaria

Under 55kg – Nurul Shafinas Bte Abdul Rahman

Under 63kg – Charlotte Tang Xue Ting

Under 68kg – Tessa Tang Xue Yi

  • Poomsae

Senior Male

–         Samuel Lee Wei Kang

–         Lai Han Seng

–         Leon Koh

Senior Female

–         Ananurmelati Bte Abdul Rahman

–         Joyce Lim Soon Yi

Junior Male

–         Kang Rui Jie

Junior Female

–         Chelsea Sim Shu Zhen

–         Chiew Wenqi

The selected players must continue to meet the training requirements in order to leave for Vietnam for the tournament.

London Academy Black Belt in Singapore


P S Narayana Murthy, a black belt from London Taekwondo Academy, was posted by the company he was working to Singapore for a stint. He contacted the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) to see if he could have some training while he was here.

Arrangement was made for him to train at the National Training Centre (NTC) as it would be convenient for him.

On his first day, the student of Master Usman Dilddar reported for training with some trepidation. He was not sure what to expect but he soon found the warm hospitality extended by the coaches and players to him were simply unbelievable. It made him feel very much like training among friends.

While he had no problem settling in, he found the humid and stifling weather a great challenge.

Mr Lim Teong Chin, General Manager of the STF, who made it possible for Murthy to train at the NTC observed him training one Sunday.

He said: “I am impressed by his passion for the sport and his humility. He is indeed a credit to his family, instructor and club.

“Murthy is always welcome to train in Singapore as he is a member of our taekwondo family.”

On returning to London on 25 June 2010, Murthy wrote: “I really enjoyed my training there and that was a wonderful experience I ever had in my life so far. Wherever I go in the world, whichever federation I visit in my life, I am sure this is one thing I can share about my training and experience in Singapore.”