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‘Dan’ Promotion Results on 5 July 2010


Almost all of the remaining candidates for the ‘dan’ promotion tests have completed their requirements.

Some of the theses received were outstanding in clarity and contents while others had room for improvements.

Most of the candidates who took their retests on 27 June 2010 showed that they had done some ‘homework’ to enhance their performance standard.

The key members of the Board of Examiners will short shortly to discuss on the results which would be released on 5 July 2010.

Important Information on the 37th National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships


The 37th National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships will be on 4 & 5 September 2010 (Saturday and Sunday) and 11 & 12 September 2010 (Saturday and Sunday) at Yishun Sports Hall.

Documents pertaining to the competition are attached.

Please note the following information.

  • The organizers will not accept incomplete submission. Submission after the closing date – that is, 7 August 2010 (Saturday) – will be rejected.
  • Every participating team must provide the service of at least one referee for the duration of the championships to qualify for participation. The referee may not be the same person. For example, it is acceptable for a club to submit four referees, one each for every competition day. A club will be barred from future participation if its referee fails to fulfill his or her obligations without the approval of the Tournament Chairman.
  • Each affiliate is allowed to field in only one player per weight category per division.
  • The eligibility grade for the national championships shall be based on July 2010 grading or the player’s last grading before July 2010 if he or she did not take his or her grading in that month.
  • New rules without video replay shall be adopted. This means, among other things, that points will be awarded on a graduated system.
  • Weigh-in shall be conducted on the competition day. During weigh-in a player shall wear T-shirt & shorts. However, weigh-in may be conducted in the nude in a private if he or she wishes to do so. There will be only one weigh-in. Players who are overweight or underweight shall be disqualified. A weigh-in machine similar to the one used for the official weigh-in shall be provided for the players to check their weight before they are officially weighed. No weight allowance will be given – that is, not even by a fraction. For example, 27kg and under means exactly 27kg or less.
  • Male and female players are required to wear the following equipment on entering the arena: head gear, trunk protector, forearm guard, shin guard groin guard, gloves and mouth piece.

If you require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to call be at 91064421 or any of the Secretariat staff at 63451491.

We look forward to your continued support and co-operation for a smooth, successful and memorable tournament.

A Convivial Occasion Enjoyed By All


It was the grandest celebration ever for the anniversary of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) which was founded in 1974.

More than one thousand and fifty people from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, the Singapore Sports Council, the Singapore National Olympic Council, the taekwondo fraternity and other friends of taekwondo attended the function which was organized on 19 June 2010 at Suntec Singapore Ballroom (1-3).

The road closure for the National Day Parade 2010 Rehearsal, which was held at the Padang, threatened to delay the start of the function. But as it turned out, the event commenced almost punctually at 7.35pm with the grand entrance of the VVIPs led by the guest of honor, HE Mr Oh Joon, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and his charming wife.

After they settled down, Organizing Chairman Steven Soh gave a brief welcome speech followed by an address by STF President Milan Kwee.

Mr Kwee said that the STF was blessed with the unstinting support of many well-wishers.   As an example, he pointed out the generous donations of $15,000 each from Mr Kris Wiluan (President of Asean Taekwondo Federation, Patron of STF and Director of Inter-Premium Corporation Pte Ltd) and Mr Lawrence Leow (Patron of STF and Chairman & CEO of Crescendas Group).

He went on to thank His Excellency and all the distinguished guests for gracing the occasion. He also registered his appreciation to all advertisers, prize donors and all those who had made the event possible.

In his speech following Mr Kwee’s address, HE Mr Oh Joon said: “I look around this ballroom. It seems to me that every practitioner and friend of taekwondo in Singapore has turned out in full force here to celebrate yet another remarkable year of sporting achievement by the STF.”

 HE Mr Oh Joon

He went on to congratulate the STF on its achievements in enhancing the image of the sport both within Singapore and internationally and compliment the organization for working so hard to broaden the appeal, improve the standards and raise the profile of taekwondo.

The program for the evening continued with the presentation of certificates of appreciation and recognition. The list of awardees is attached.

After the formalities, the mood changed with food, fun and drinks. There were lots of entertainment, games and prizes. For entertainment, besides a stunning demonstration by the National Demonstration Team, the national ‘kyorugi’ players showed that they ‘Got Other Talent’. While the girls impressed the audience with their dance routine, the boys brought the house down with their impression of the Michael Jackson and the Wonder Girls.


When it was time to go, some of the guests found it hard to leave. They enjoyed themselves so much that they wanted more.

Ronnie Yap from Induk Taekwondo said it best: “It was a well organized event. We were glad that we did not miss it.” He and his group indeed had a rollicking time and so had many others.

The STF had received numerous requests for the event to be held annually. To support the suggestion, William Ong from Bukit Timah CC said: “It gives us the opportunity to let our hair down, have fun and renew our friendship with fellow taekwondo members whom we have not met for a long time.”

36th Anniversary Celebration


More than 1,000 VVIPs, VIPs and taekwondo officials, exponents and well-wishers will be attending the Dinner & Dance which will be held on Saturday 19 June 2010 at Suntec Singapore Ballroom 1-3 at Level 2.

If you are attending the function, here is some information which may be useful to you.

  • As a result of the National Day Parade Rehearsal, some roads leading to Suntec will be closed. Please see the attached for information on the alternative routes.
  • All attendees are advised to leave early for the event to ensure punctuality.
  • The best way to get to the Ballroom is to use the escalators at the Joaquim side.
  • The event will start at 6.30pm with a cocktail reception.
  • All attendees will be requested to be seated about 10 minutes before the start of the main event – that is at about 7.20pm.
  • The VVIPs accompanied by STF President will make their entrance at 7.30pm.
  • The Suntec International Convention Centre kitchen has been blessed by MUIS and the food served during the dinner will be Halal Chinese.

Have a rollicking time!

Welcome Back


Patrick Tan Yong Chen, who chose to leave the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) on 6 September 2009, has re-joined the organization.

In his letter of 5 April 2010, Yong Chen apologized to the STF for ‘my actions and for any inconvenience caused’. He also stated that he applauded the organization’s efforts in promoting taekwondo and understood the need for affiliates to integrate and work together within the framework of the STF guidelines and policies.

The Management Committee considered his application for re-admission to the STF in its monthly meeting on 20 April 2010 and unanimously welcomed Yong Chen back into the fold.

In a meeting with STF officials, Yong Chen revealed that he was keen to support the various activities of the STF. And he looked forward to fielding a team for the next STF-organized or sanctioned championships.

The STF believes Yong Chen’s contribution will benefit the organization and looks forward to him holding a leadership position in one of its committees in the near future.

37th National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships


Information on the 37th National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships is attached.

Please note that the dates and venue are tentative as the Singapore Sports Council is unable to confirm the availability of the venue for the tournament.

More details will be provided once the dates and venue are confirmed.

Ethan, We Are Proud of You


5 June 2010 was a red-letter day for Ethan Wong Kiaxu. It was the day he collected his Special Achievement Award at the 8th Dyslexia Association of Singapore Graduation & Achievement Awards Ceremony 2010.

Ethan was recognized for his outstanding level of commitment and a strong determination to succeed in sport. And succeed he did in taekwondo, a sport he not only loved but also excel. He is a 1st poom belt holder and emerged tops in his belt category for two consecutive years in the National Poomsae Competition.

The Anglo-Chinese School (Junior) student is one of the three recipients for the award.

Ms Ho Peng, Director-General of the Ministry of Education and the Guest of Honour for the event, presented the awards.

His parents, William and Michelle  together with his 2 brothers, were present to share his joy.

Congratulations, Ethan!

Taekwondo Coaching Course (Level 1) Results May 2010


19 out of 24 participants passed their theory and practical tests held on 10 May 2010 after completing the Taekwondo Coaching Course (Level 1) held on 3 and 4 May 2010 at J H Kim Taekwondo Institute (Bugis)

The results are as follows.


  • Ong Ia Teck, Simon
  • Ho Ming Tat, Bernard
  • Ang Hui Xin
  • Ang Soon Chuah
  • Nicholas Clyde
  • Lim Wei Nan
  • Veronica Domingo
  • Lee Hong Ming
  • Koh Bee Kian
  • Quek Kai Meng
  • Lim Guan Ling
  • Goh Keng Wei
  • Quak Soon Ming
  • Kathleen A Valenzuela
  • Eom Seung Soo
  • Yoon Daeung
  • Yun Tae Jin
  • Son Myungdo
  • Fun Seal Jun

Pass (Practical only)

  • Surendaran Rammaya
  • Syahril Bin Osman
  • Sandar Raj Rajah
  • Rene Ng Jr
  • Ananias Jr Abadiso Abriza

Those participants who are successful are required to complete 3 months (twice a week) or 6 months (once a week) of practical coaching attachment.  Trainee coaches can have their choice of schools or clubs approved by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) for their attachment.

Two forms are also attached.

Form A must be returned to the STF at least two weeks before they start their coaching attachment.  Attachment without prior approval of STF will not be accepted.

Form B is for trainee coaches to record their attendance.  It must be counter-signed by their respective club officials.

On receipt of completed Form B, the STF will issue certificates to coaches only after having satisfied that the coaches have fulfilled their obligations.

Practical attachment must be completed within 3 years of the announcement of the results.  After that, the results will be considered null and void.

Unsuccessful participants who wished to retake their theory test may call the Secretariat at 6345 1491 by Friday 18 June 2010 to arrange for the retest. The fee is $20.

34th Annual General Meeting – Resolutions


The 34th Annual General Meeting has been scheduled to be held on Saturday, 10 July 2010 at 2.30pm at the STF National Training Centre, Block 80 Lorong Limau #04-191, Singapore 320080.

All resolutions for the meeting should be submitted to the Hon Secretary, Singapore Taekwondo Federation, 260A Tanjong Katong Road, Singapore 437048 by 25 June 2010.The agenda for the meeting and the Committee’s report will be forwarded to you in due course.

Kukkiwon Certification


In response to numerous queries, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) would like to clarify on its Kukkiwon certification position.

The STF encourages all its poom and black belt holders, especially those who wish to participate in international competitions and seminars, to apply for Kukkiwon certification.

Those who are interested to apply for Kukkiwon certification should apply through their respective clubs.  The current rates including administrative fees are as follows.

  • 1st danS$125.00
  • 2nd danS$160.00
  • 3rd danS$210.00
  • 4th danS$265.00
  • 5th danS$525.00
  • 6th danS$615.00
  • 7th dan S$790.00

All qualified members of STF-affiliated clubs should apply for the certification immediately after the announcement of their grading results so that they will not lose out in their Kukkiwon ranking seniority.

For example if you obtain your 1st dan in January 2009 and 2nd dan in January 2010, you cannot apply for 2nd dan Kukkiwon in 2010 if you do not have a 1st dan Kukkiwon.  In that case, you have to apply for your 1st dan in January 2010 and wait for January 2011 before you can apply for the next grade.  That means you will be 1 year, in term of Kukkiwon grade, behind your contemporaries who had applied.

Kukkiwon certificates issued through the STF bear the signatures of both the Kukkiwon President and STF President.  Kukkiwon certificates without the signature of the STF President are not recognized by the STF. 

And holders of such certificates will not receive the support and/or recommendation of STF for participation at competitions, courses and other activities organized or sanctioned by the following organizations:

  • International Olympic Committee
  • Asian Olympic Council
  • World Taekwondo Federation
  • Asian Taekwondo Union
  • Asean Taekwondo Federation

Please check with Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 63451491 if you require clarifications on the conversion process.