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WTF Peace Corps Members in Singapore


Four Korean instructors were dispatched to Singapore on 23 January 2010 under the World Taekwondo Federation. They were members of the Peace Corps whose primary functions are to promote taekwondo and peace.

Since their arrival more than a week ago, they had been kept busy teaching taekwondo, attending a briefing on the development of taekwondo in Singapore and visiting local clubs and tourist attractions.

The national training squad had benefited from the instructions of Mr Sohn Dong Wan, Mr Lee Geon Hee, Miss Hong In Jeong and Miss Eum Se Jin. They had been teaching them not only some interesting techniques but also exciting taekwon-aerobics movements. Members of the squad were enjoying the training.

On Sunday 31 January 2010, they conducted a training session for TEAMgOLD members. Self-defence and taekwon-aerobics were the focus of the session. Although some of the members were skeptical about the effectiveness of the self-defence techniques, they all practiced them with enthusiasm. What’s more, they had fun doing the aerobics movements.

The Koreans visited STF office on Tuesday 2 February 2010. They were briefed on taekwondo in Singapore and the direction the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) would be taking in the development of the sport.

Said Mr Sohn: “I am pleasantly surprised with how the STF plans to bring the sport forward. It is indeed innovative.”

On the same day, they met Mr Lim SangJun, Director, Press and Culture, of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and visited Hyun Taekwondo Academy. At the Academy, Mr Lim Hyun took them for a tour of his gymnasium and explained to them his teaching philosophy.

(2nd from left: Miss Eum Se Jin, Miss Hong In Jeong, Mr Lim SangJun, Mr Lee Geon Hee and Mr Sohn Dong Wan)

All club leaders and coaches can meet the four Korean instructors and see them in action at the National Training Centre (Whampoa) on Thursday 11 February 2010 at 7pm during the STF gathering.

Taekwondo Featured at National School Games Opening


As the newest member on the Ministry of Education school sports calendar, taekwondo was showcased at the launching of the National School Games at Raffles Institution.

The event held on Monday 1 February 2010 saw Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) national demonstration team enthralling the audience including the guest of honour, Ms Grace Fu (Senior Minister of State for National Development and Education), Mr Goh Ek Piang (Deputy Director, Co-curricula Activities Board), Mr Lim Lai Chuan, Chairman of the Singapore Schools Sports Council and representatives of 183 schools.

Ms Fu shared her thoughts on the demonstration with the audience in her speech. She was certainly impressed with the demonstration. What caught her attention were not only the awesome skills of the performers but also the discipline shown by the performers. Mr Milan Kwee, STF President, was elated with the remarks.

Said Mr Kwee: “I am glad that the Minister noticed the value in the sport. She was very  observant.”

It was a proud day for members of STF who were at the ceremony. Besides feeling good about the Minister’s comments, they saw one of their own, Mr David Koh, taking the referees’ oath on behalf all officials in Games.

The STF also set up a booth at the opening to provide information on the sport. When Ms Fu visited the booth, Mr Kwee was there to brief her on the various aspects of taekwondo.

Poomsae Coach Course for Black Belts 28 February 2010


he next Poomsae Coach Course will be held as follows.

DateSunday 28 February 2010
Time 2.00pm to 8.00pm
PlaceSTF National Training Centre
Dress Code‘Dobok’
TestsTheory and practical tests will be conducted at the end of the Course
CertificationPoomsae Coach Certificate (Level 1) for successful participants with NCAP Level 1 or Taekwondo Coaching Qualification and Poomsae Coach Certificate (Level 1P) for successful participants without the coaching qualification  
Closing DateMonday 22 February 2010

The primary objectives of the Poomsae Coach Course are to qualify black belts as poomsae coaches and provided them the passport to become a full-fledged national poomsae referee.

Poomsae Referees will be important to clubs who plan participate in future National School Championships and National Poomsae Championships as all participating clubs will be required to provide at least one poomsae referee to qualify for participation in poomsae competitions.

The registration form is attached.

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Supplementary Grading


It has come to the Management Committee’s attention that some affiliates holding supplementary grading have fewer than the minimum number of candidates required for such grading – that is 250 candidates. Although the number has dropped over the years, the affiliates continue to host the grading despite not meeting the requirements.

With effect from the April 2010 grading, all affiliates organizing supplementary grading must have at least 200 candidates. The number has been reduced to make it easier for some affiliates to meet the target.

Affiliates with fewer than 200 candidates can still organize the grading but payment will still be for 200 candidates.

Affiliates are to note that approval for supplementary grading is given subject to the affiliates meeting the number required and the obligations to ensure that the venue is suitable for the activity and all arrangements are made to facilitate the grading including according the examiners proper respect and recognition.

The STF will bar an affiliate from holding further supplementary grading if it fails to fulfill any of the criteria or obligations.

Another World-Ranked Singaporean


In the recent release of World-ranking players by the World Taekwondo Federation, another player from Singapore joined the roll of honor.

Jason Tan who won a bronze medal in the Laos Sea Games in December 2009 has been ranked 66th in the men’s under 54kg category.

With Jason’s inclusion in the list, Singapore now has two World-ranked players. The other is Jacqueline Quek who was ranked 48th in the women’s under 78kg category in the last WTF announcement.

With her achievement in the Laos Sea Games, she moved up the ranking ladder to 39th position.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation is delighted with the progress made by its national players in the international scene.

To Jason and Jacqueline – Congratulations!



The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) will be organizing a simple gathering at the National Training Centre (Whampoa) on Thursday 11 February 2010 at 7pm to celebrate the festive occasion.

All club leaders and instructors are invited to join in the gathering which is primarily held to allow all key members of the STF to touch base in a social environment.

If you are able to attend the function, please call Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 63451491 by Friday 5 February 2010.

The STF Management looks forward to seeing you at the gathering and wishes all members and friends of taekwondo a happy and prosperous Lunar New Year and happy Valentine’s Day.

Grading Information


Here are some pieces of information which Clubs will do well to note.


For the interview segment, the grading assistant or ‘commander’ shall instruct the candidates to queue up in a straight line about 1.5 meters away from the examiner’s table. They shall stand in order of their numbers – that is, the number one candidate first followed by the rest.

When the examiner is ready, he shall signal the first candidate to approach him. The candidate called will bow, walk towards the examiner and stand at ease about 0.2 meters away from the table.

The candidate shall answer the questions clearly and concisely. On completion of the interview, he shall take a step back, bow and move off.

Candidates should conduct themselves well at all times as their demeanor will be taken into consideration when the examiner assesses them.

Grading Assistants

Black belt assistants who are involved in sparring during the grading are required to wear groin guards. They should not spar if they do not wear the equipment for safety reasons.  

Armed Combat Requirement

For 2nd to 3rd dan and 3rd to 4th dan grading,  candidates may use short stick or rubber knife. The examiners will assess candidates on their ability to execute their techniques accurately, smoothly and realistically.

Reporting Time

Coaches who ask their students to report early should be present to guide them. In the absence of coaches, most students and their parents will be anxious as they do not know what to do. While anxious parents will be upset and angry, anxious candidates cannot perform to be best of their ability.

Courses in the Pipeline


Here are the courses planned for the next three months to ensure that clubs participating in the various championships for the year have sufficient coaches and referees.

28 February 20102.00pm to 8.00pmPoomsae Coach Course 
13 March 201014 March 201027 March 20106.00pm to 10.00pm2.00pm to 10.00pm6.00pm Kyorugi Referee Course
4 April 20107.00pm to 9.00pmPoomsae Referee Refresher Course 
10 April 20107.00pm to 9.00pmCoach Induction Course 
11 April 20103.00pm to 7.00pmKyorugi Referee Refresher Course 
17 April 201018 April 201024 April 20106.00pm to 10.00pm2.00pm to 10.00pm6.00pmPoomsae Referee Course

In addition to the above, the following courses will also be organized.

7 March 20103.00pm to 6.00pm Grading Preparation Workshop
21 March 201028 March 20106.00pm to 9.00pm6.00pm to 9.00pm‘Dan’ Promotion Course

Look out for more information on the various courses.

(The date, time & venue of the above courses are subject to changes.)

Local Tournaments for the Year 2010


The following local tournaments will be held for the year.

5 to 7 March 2010NTU Taekwondo Open Championships
20 & 21 March 2010Chin Khee Shin Cup Taekwondo Championships
27 & 28 April 2010National Inter-Primary School Taekwondo Championships
29 &30 April 2010National Inter-School (B & C Divisions) Taekwondo Championships
21 May 2010National Inter-School (A Division) Taekwondo Championships
22 & 23 May 2010National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships
24, 25 & 31 July and 1 August 2010National Taekwondo Championships.

For more information on the NTU Taekwondo Open Championships and the Chin Khee Cup Taekwondo Championships, please contact Ong Wen Xiang at ong.wx@pacific.net.sg and Derrick Tang at Derrick81@gmail.com respectively.

Details on the other competitions will be provided in due course.

Grading Preparation Workshop Well Attended


The grading preparation workshop organized by Bukit Purmei Taekwondo Group on 9 January 2010 at Bukit Batok East Community Club attracted more than 55 participants from 7 clubs. It was conducted by the following examiners – Mr Tan Cheng Hui, Mr Tan Kok Heng and Mr Ng Hwa Ann. They were assisted by Mr Lai Han Seng and Mr Tay Xiong Sheng who are members of the national poomsae training squad.

Said Mr Tan Cheng Hui: “Some of the students required a lot of guidance as they were pretty weak. Their basics were far from desired. It they wanted to pass their grading, they had to practice more.

“I was glad that the participants understood the grading requirements and the examiners’ expectations.”

The participants were also happy because they had a better picture of the grading process and enjoyed the training environment. They had their theory session in an air-conditioned room and practical lessons in an air-conditioned hall. The venue for the workshop was also convenient to them.