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A Useful Grading Preparation Workshop


Said Michelle Wong, one of the participants in the Grading Preparation Workshop:  “It was useful to know that is expected by the examiners.  Now I have 3 weeks to prepare for the grading conscientiously.”

Like her, all the 65 participants in the Workshop held on 13 September 2009 at Bt Merah Community Club found the workshop enlightening.  Most importantly, they could ask seek clarifications from Mr Chin Khee Shin, Mr RA Jeyaraman and Mr Tan Cheng Hui –  all senior examiners – and Mr Ng Hwa Ann (Grading Chairman and Examiner) and Mr Peter Lim (Grading Vice-Chairman).

Participants were informed of what the examiners wanted to see in their performances.  They were also learned about the differences between major and minor mistakes for poomsae. 

Tips were also provided on how to prepare for the grading and what they could expect from their coaches.

All participants were presented their participation certificates at the end of the workshop.

Coaches are reminded to submit a copy of their participation certificate together with their grading application form.  For junior red 1 to 1st poom and 1st poom to 2nd poom candidates, please attach a copy of the certificate to the grading card.

Taking the Lead


Members of the National Training Squad, TEAMgOLD and Assisi Warriors had started the practice of taking the taekwondo pledge before each training session.

National Training Squad

Before they took of the pledge for the first time, every line was explained to them to make them appreciate the significance. Otherwise, the pledge is just words.

For example, they were told that honesty is more than just telling the truth or trying not to deceive others. It requires them to be honest with themselves. If they do not understand a technique, they should clarify. They should also give of their best in their training and not try to ‘cheat’ themselves by doing less or giving less than what they can give.


They were also told that being humble is not about bowing only. They can learn only if they are humble. If they think that they are the best, then it will be almost impossible for them to learn anything from any one.

Assisi Warriors

All the members who took the pledge also understood the importance of renewing their promises at every training session.

All affiliated clubs which have not implemented the pledge-taking are encouraged to do so immediately. It will eventually help the clubs to produce better students.

Together, the STF and its affiliates can make taekwondo a true character development sport.

We teach taekwonDO and not taekwon!

Poomsae Coach Upgrading Course


The next Poomsae Coach Upgrading Course will be held on Sunday 27 September 2009 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm at the Temporary Training Centre at GreatlandBuilding, 48 Lorong 21 Geylang, #03-01, Singapore 388464.

The following are the other course details.

Objectives – To provided opportunities for coaches to be better qualified and informed in poomsae.
– To help them to prepare for their upgrading.
– To equip them with the performance skills. 
Contents – Introductory Taegeuk to Koryo Poomsae (Revision for all participants)
– Keumgang to Sipjin (Revision for Level 3 participants)
– Keumgang to Sipjin (Learning of the Poomsae for Level 2 participants)
– Jitae to Hansoo (Learning of the Poomsae for Level 3 participants)
Eligibility – Coaches with Level 1 or 2 qualifications
– Poom belts and Black belts who are interested in learning higher dan poomsae.
Dress Code ‘Dobok’
Certification – Level 3 certification for Level 2 coaches
– Level 2 certification for Level 1 coaches
– Certificate of Participation for the rest
Fee $30
Closing Date Thursday 24 September 2009

In order to give the best learning experience for all participants, the Course Chairman reserves the right to separate the sessions for Level 2 and Level 3 participants if the response is overwhelming. If that happens, the time slots will be 2.00pm to 5.00pm for Level 2 and 5.30pm to 8.30pm for Level 3.

Applicants will hear from the Singapore Taekwondo Federation if the timing is changed. Otherwise, it will be 2.00pm to 5.00pm for all.

36th Nationals Prove To Be SAFE Championships


The 36th Pesta Sukan National Taekwondo Championships held over two weekends – 29 and 30 August and 5 and 6 September 2009 – turned out to be a SAFE championships. SAFE is an acronym for Safe, Action-Packed, Fun and Exemplary.


Except for minor bruises, the four-day tournament participated by exponents from 6 years old to 50 years old had no safety issue at all. It was conducted smoothly and safely under the watchful eyes of one doctor, one nurse and numerous paramedics and medics. There were also two standby ambulances. Nevertheless, the organizers were delighted that their services were almost not required.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is proud to maintain its safety record for 36 years!


There were non-stop actions throughout the event. Contestants tried to better each other with numerous electrifying flamboyant kicks and punches and some exciting tactics and strategies. There was never a dull moment as the supports cheered themselves hoarse. While the players entertained, the cheer teams pushed them on.


Everybody at the championships contributed to make the event enjoyable. The referees did a fabulous job. The schedule went like clockwork. The display of sportsmanship by players and coaches was simply outstanding. The job of the tournament officials and assistants was made so much easier with the co-operation of club officials.


The championships are a dream to many tournament organizers. The competition was not only well run but also well supported by volunteers. For the first time in the history of the STF, referees, coaches and players were seen helping to remove the mats after the event. It was indeed and excellent example of the taekwondo spirit which the STF is encouraging and promoting.

This article will not be complete if we do not mention the outstanding performers in the championships. They are as follows:

Category Champions

Young Junior ( 1 )Female DivisionACME TKD
Young Junior ( 1 )Male   DivisionJ H KIM TKD Institute S’pore
Young Junior ( 2 )Female DivisionHenderson C C
Young Junior ( 2 )Male   DivisionACME TKD
JuniorFemale DivisionMacpherson C C
JuniorMale   DivisionAljunied C C
SeniorFemale DivisionACME TKD
SeniorMale   DivisionSingapore Polytechnic
YouthMale   DivisionLeng Kee TKD
Category Champions
Overall Champions 
ChampionACME TKD
1st Runner-UpLeng Kee TKD
2nd Runner-UpAljunied C C
Acme TKD
 Leng Kee TKD

 Aljunied CC



Please see attached for detailed results.

The STF would like to put on record its appreciation to the following for making the championships a resounding success.

  • the club leaders and coaches for supporting the event;
  • the players for displaying outstanding sportsmanship;
  • the parents, spectators and cheer teams for creating the tournament atmosphere;
  • the referees for their fair judgment and amazing teamwork;
  • the volunteer for providing an invaluable service; and
  • the tournament chairman and his hardworking team for ensuring the efficient and effective conduct of the event.

Don’t Be Fooled


Going to a club with participants wearing uniform with ‘Singapore Taekwondo Federation’ (STF) does not mean that you are a member of a club recognized by the STF.

One parent found out the truth when his son joined an STF-affiliated club.

In his letter to the STF, he wrote: “At every training session, they would put on their ‘gi’ (uniform in Japanese) with the Singapore Taekwondo Federation printed on the back.”

He also wrote: “Based on his credentials (7th dan), I had no reason to believe that he is not a bona fide TKD exponent. My wish is that the STF will recognize xxx’s brown belt status in taekwondo.”

The STF feels sorry for the boy and his parent. Is it there fault or is it not their fault?

Whatever it is, please check the status of the club or instructor carefully before you join. Know what you are in for. And don’t be fooled!

Hearing Challenged Taekwondo Student ‘Fights’ for Singapore


Ivan Mok You Qiang, a hearing challenged taekwondo student from Zen TKD, boarded the plane bound for Chinese Taipei on 3 September 2009 to carry Singapore flag in the 21st Summer Deaflymopics Taipei 2009. He would be competing in the men’s under 58kg taekwondo event.

His coach, Brian Peh, was with him to guide and support him for the competition.

Said Brian: “This is Ivan’s first international competition. I am delighted that he is given the opportunity to test his skills in a highly competitive event.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SAD) and Ivan’s employer, J H Kim Taekwondo Institute for their support.

When Ivan competes on 6 September 2009 at the National Taipei University of Education Gymnasium, he will be supported by other Singaporeans including Geraldine Koh (Team Manager) and Girlene Tan (Ivan’s other coach).

The STF, which is sponsoring the taekwondo programme of the SAD, wishes Ivan and his team a safe and rewarding outing.

12 from Singapore Attend First World Youth Camp


5 officials and 7 players from the Singapore attended the inaugural World Youth Camp organized by the World Taekwondo Federation and the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation (TPF). The event held from 6 to 11 August 2009 in Seoul and Muju attracted 260 players and officials from 33 countries.

While the officials attended a seminar on Olympic Values Education Programme for officials, talks on various issues including doping control and other meetings, the players were engaged in poomsae and kyorugi training, a dialogue session with some Olympic champions and friendship competition.

The five officials representing Singapore were Mr Milan Kwee, Mr Lim Teong Chin, Mr Steven Soh, Mr Chin Khee Shin and Mr RA Jeyaraman. Mr Kwee’s and Mr Lim’s trip was fully sponsored by the TPF as Asian Taekwondo Union Executive Member and Chairman of the Referees’ Committee respectively. The rest were partially sponsored under the Singapore Taekwondo Federation Enrichment Programme for officials.

The players – Jason Tan Junwei, Keith Ong Jin Cong, Wesley Ong Zhi Qiang, Muhammad Norhalim, Tio Jia Xin, Zakirah Bte Zakaria and Tessa Tang Xue Yi – found the experiences at the camp enjoyable and enriching. Although they were housed in small rooms and had to sleep on mattresses lay out on the floor, their spirits were high. They gave of their best in their training and tried to learn as much as possible from the camp. Most importantly, they displayed outstanding discipline.

For the officials, the trip provided them opportunities to learn through observation and the cross-fertilization of ideas.

Said Mr Lim: “If the friendship competition is of anything to go by, taekwondo competitions in future promise be very exciting with the implementation of the new rules.”

In his closing speech, Dr Lee Dai Soon, Chairman of the TPF and the event, reminded the players to train hard, be respectful and serve their community and country.

Pledge to be taken by all Taekwondo Practitioners


“We, the members of Singapore Taekwondo Federation, pledge that

  • we shall remain humble, honest and helpful at all times,
  • we shall respect our elders, parents, coaches, seniors and one another regardless of race, language, class or creed,
  • we shall believe in ourselves and persist no matter how great the challenge to achieve our noble aspirations,
  • we shall develop our characters, qualities and abilities to serve our community and our country and
  • we shall abide by the rules and regulations of taekwondo and the laws of Singapore.”

With immediate effect, all coaches and students of clubs under the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) are required to take the pledge at the beginning of each training session.

The pledge is to be taken solemnly and with pride to reflect the seriousness of their promise to be better persons and citizens. The rationale behind the pledge has to be explained to oath-takers to get their commitment.

The STF aims to promote taekwondo as a useful tool for the development of character and make it different and better than the other sports. For the achievement of its objective, the STF will require the co-operation of affiliate leaders, coaches and students.

Taking the pledge will be a good start. Fulfilling the promises will follow. Affiliate leaders and coaches should be role models of the values taekwondo aims to imbue.

They should encourage and help their trainees to demonstrate the virtues. For example, coaches and students should bow to the parents and explain to students the need to honour their parents by respecting and obeying them, by studying hard to bring good educational results and by making their parents proud of them. Coaches should also teach students proper protocol. They should also be taught about the evils of drugs and smoking. There are many other ways coaches can enhance the character of the participants.

If it is good for them, just do it.  

At the appropriate time, the STF will award certificates of achievements to those who demonstrate the values of taekwondo. When it is introduced, affiliates may recommend outstanding students for citations.

The STF also plans to introduce an interview session for all red 1 to 1st poom or 1st dan candidates to test them on their understanding of the taekwondo values.

For example, 1st poom candidate may be asked the things that they have done to honour their parents or if they have done any good deeds.

More information will be released in due course.

In the meantime, make sure the pledge is taken at the beginning of each class and start working positively towards developing the character of your students. It will be worth the while of coaches to do so as the foundation of a person is his values.

Kyorugi Referee Course Retest


The following participants were successful at the retest held on 28 and 29 August 2009 at the National Training Centre.

–  Kevin Lim Zhi Jie
–  Stephanie Lee Zhi Jng
–  Kwan Boon Chon
–  Jonathan Lim Kheng Yew
–  Luo Guo Jing
–  Jared Niang Wei Jie
–  Chia Ming Tiong
–  Kong Chiu Yeung
–  Zavier Tan Feng
–  Yong Ming Hao
–  Justina Chan Wen Tyug
–  Fang Wen Kai
–  Matthew Kar Pui Him
–  Lim Keng Long
–  Rowena Chan
–  Tan Ding Qi
–  Lor Keli
–  Lee Pei Fen
–  Justin Mai Zhao Xian
–  Pauline Loo Ting Ting
–  Eugene Cheng Jian Kai
–  Nixon Ng Yang Kiat
–  Benjamin Ker Jin Wei
–  Sebastian Lee Yew Jin
–  Loo Chan Tiong
–  Gay Jian Xin
–  Syahirah Bariah Bte Abdul Razak
–  Desmond Wan
–  Benjamin Teo

National Training Centre Temporarily Closed


The National Training Centre (NTC) will be temporarily closed from Tuesday 1 September 2009 for renovation.

The new-look NTC is expected to be reopened in about 3 months’ time.

In the meantime, the national ‘kyorugi’ and ‘poomsae’ squads, the TEAMgOLD members and the Assisi Warriors will train at Greatland Building, 48 Lorong 21 Geylang, 3rd Floor, Singapore 388464. This training place has been arranged by STF President with the kind support of the Management of Greatland Development Pte Ltd.

Other venues will be used for courses and other activities.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation appreciates the understanding of all members for the inconvenience caused as a result of the unavailability of the NTC.