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National Poomsae Training Squad Formed


A national selection of poomsae performers was conducted on 26 July 2009, the anniversary date of the inception of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF). It was to pick the best available to form the national poomsae training squad.

The following were selected.

  • Junior Male (14 to 18 years old)

–          Kang Rui Jie

  • Junior Female (14 to 18 years old)

–          Chiew Wen Qi

–          Chelsa Sim

  • 1st Senior Male (19 to 30 years old)

–          Mudh Fadhil

–          Samuel Lee

  • 1st Senior Female (19 to 30 years old)

–          Samantha Tan

–          Joyce Lim

–          Ananurmelati

  • 2nd Senior Male (31 to 40 years old)

–          Lai Han Seng

–          Leon Koh

For the start, the squad will train every Sunday from 2pm to 4pm. The training frequency will increase when it becomes clear that the members will be preparing for a competition.

Although the members had been selected for the training squad, it did not mean that they would be automatically selected for overseas assignments. As only the best would be selected to represent Singapore, there would be open selection for every international tournament the STF wished to field participants.

There would, however, be exceptions to the rule. Nevertheless, training squad members would have advantage over the others when they were assessed as equally good.

The first training session would be on Sunday 2 August 2009.

National Kyorugi Referees’ Course


This 34th National Kyorugi Referees’ Course will be conducted on 15 and 16 August especially for clubs who wish to participate in the National Championships but do not have qualified referees.

The other clubs may also send participants for the course to enhance their pool of referees.

The course information and application form are attached.

The closing date for registration is Friday 7 August 2009. The course will proceed only if it meets the minimum participant number of 15.

36th National Pesta Sukan Taekwondo Championships


The National Pesta Sukan Taekwondo Championships will be on 29 & 30 August 2009 (Saturday and Sunday) and 5 & 6 September 2009 (Saturday and Sunday) at Yishun Sports Hall.

Documents pertaining to the competition are attached.

For this year’s competition, please note the following information.

  • The organizers will not accept incomplete submission. Submission after the closing date – that is, 8 August 2009
  • Every participating team must provide at one referee for the duration of the championships to qualify for participation. The referee may not be the same person. For example, it is acceptable for a club to submit four referees, one each for every competition day. A club will be barred from future participation if its referee fails to fulfill his or her obligations without the approval of the Tournament Chairman.
  • Each affiliate is allowed to field only one player per weight category per division. However, those born from 1 January 1993 to 31 December 1994 are allowed to participate in both the Junior and the Youth Divisions. The Youth Division is only open to poom and black belt holders. The top four players in each category will ‘fight’ again in theSingapore (Youth Olympic Games) Elite Youth Taekwondo Championships. The event has been tentatively scheduled to be held on 6 and 7 January 2010 at Suntec Singapore International Convention Centre Hall 401. It will be based on the repechage system.
  • Head kicks are not be allowed for Junior and Young Junior Divisions.
  • The eligibility grade for the national championships shall be based on April 2009 grading or the player’s last grading before April 2009 if he or she did not take his or her grading in that month.
  • Only red belts who obtained their grades in the April 2007 grading or later are allowed to participate in the red belt divisions.
  • New rules without video replay shall be adopted. This means, among other things, that points will be awarded on a graduated system.
  • Weigh-in shall be conducted on the competition day when players report at the inspection desk. There will be only weigh-in. Players who are overweight or underweight shall be disqualified. A weigh-in machine similar to the one used for the official weigh-in shall be provided for the players to check their weight before they are officially weighed. No weight allowance will be given.
  • Male and female players are required to wear the following equipment on entering the arena: head gear, trunk protector, forearm guard, shin guard, groin guard, gloves and mouth piece. In-step guard is optional. All equipment used must be WTF or STF-approved.

If you require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to call Mr Lee Thiam Poh, Tournament Chairman, at 9106 4421 or any of the Secretariat staff at 6345 1491.

We look forward to your continued support and co-operation for a smooth, successful and memorable tournament.

33rd Annual General Meeting


The 33rd Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, 25 July 2009 at 2.30pm at the STF National Training Centre, Block 80 Lorong Limau, #04-191 Singapore 320080.

All affiliates are kindly requested to send a representative to the meeting.



The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) would like to put on record its condolences to the bereaved family and loved ones of Vincent Tan who passed away on 9 July 2009. He died as a result of an unfortunate taekwon-do incident during a tournament which is technically supported by the Singapore Taekwon-do Gymnasium.

The Gymnasium is NOT an affiliate of the STF. None of the participating clubs in the tournament is recognized by the STF.

Members of the STF are deeply saddened by the untimely death of Vincent and wish his family, relatives and friends strength to overcome their tremendous loss.

Postponement of the PA-STF Championships


The People’s Association-Singapore Taekwondo Federation (PA-STF) Taekwondo Championships 2009 scheduled for 11 and 12 July 2009 at Yishun Sports Hall will be postponed to a date to be confirmed later.

The PA and STF have made the decision to postpone the Championships as PA needs to understand what happened at the 4th Taekwon-do Invitational Friendly Championship 2009 jointly organized by Greenville RC and Kg Ubi-Kembangan CSC and technically supported by the Singapore Taekwon-Do Gymnasium which is NOT affiliated to STF.

The PA-STF event has been successfully held since 2007.

PA and STF are sorry for the decision. Both organizations fully appreciate all the time, effort and resources put in by participating clubs, officials, coaches and players to prepare for the competition. However, they are confident that all of them will understand the need to postpone the event and wish to put on record their thanks for the understanding.

Please email the STF at if you required any further clarifications.

STF has Nothing to Do with the Taekwondo Tragedy


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation is NOT INVOLVED in the unfortunate and serious incident reported in the local media.

The tournament was jointly organized by Greenville RC and Kg Ubi-Kembangan CSC and technically supported by the Singapore Taekwon-Do Gymnasium. None of the participating clubs including the Gymnasium is affiliated to the STF.

All affiliated clubs of the STF are aware of the premium placed by STF on the safety of its participants in all its activities. After all, the STF is cognizant that it is accountable for every participant’s safety. Therefore, it does not compromise on its safety standards.

Here are some of the measures taken by the STF to ensure the safety of its participants in the PA-STF Championships.

  • All coaches and players must be conversant with the competition rules and regulations.
  • For juniors and young juniors, head kicks are strictly not allowed.
  • Players can only compete in their respective belt and weight categories.
  • Sparing competition is only for Red, Poom and Black belts. There is no sparring for Blue belt and lower grades.
  • Red belt holders are allowed to compete in the category for only two years.
  • Players must declare if they have other martial arts qualifications.
  • Safety equipment including head gear, body protector, mouth piece, groin guard, shin and forearm guards and gloves are mandatory.
  • Sparring must be conducted on WTF-approved mats.
  • All referees must be trained and qualified by the STF or the WTF.
  • Qualified medical staff must be present throughout the competition.
  • An ambulance must be on standby at all times.

All members of the STF should continue to observe the principles of sports safety to ensure safe and positive experience in the sport.

National Poomsae Training Squad Selection


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation plans to start a national poomsae training squad to prepare poomsae performers for various regional and international competitions.

A selection will be conducted on 26 July 2009 at 2pm at the National Training Centre for suitable performers to form a nucleus for the training squad. The squad will be expanded at a later stage.

If you are 14 years old and older, hold a poom or black belt and are interested to represent Singapore in international poomsae competitions, you should register through your clubs for participation in the selection.

Clubs with interested members (must be Singapore Citizens) should complete the attached forms and submit them to the STF Secretariat by Wednesday 22 July 2009.

All selected performers are expected to commit at least 10 hours a week for training.

Programme & Fixtures for PA-STF Taekwondo Championships 2009

The programme and fixtures for the PA-STF Taekwondo Championships 2009 can be downloaded from the attached document.

If you require any further clarifications, please contact Mr Lee Thiam Poh (Tournament Chairman) at 9106 4421.

Coach Induction Course 18 July 2009


The coach induction course for coaches who wish to obtain the professional coach pass will be held as follows:

Date                            :           Saturday 18 July 2009

Time                           :           4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Place                          :           National Training Centre

Fee                             :           $50

Eligibility                     :           Taekwondo Coaching Qualification or

                                              Poomsae Coach Qualification

Closing date for

registration                 :           Wednesday 15 July 2009

On successful completed of the course, coaches will be eligible to apply for the appropriate passes to accompany players to the competition area. The passes also affirm that the holders are coaches with professional attitude.

The registration form is attached.

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