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National Inter-School (A, Senior and Junior Divisions) Competitors’ Lists

The competitors’ lists are attached for coaches’ verifications. Please ensure that the participants’ names, schools and categories are correct.

If any of the information is not accurate, please bring it up during the briefings on 18 May (Senior and Junior Divisions) and 19 May 2009 (A Division) at 2pm for correction.

Coaches with participants who have not had their grades verified are requested to make sure that is done before the briefing. Otherwise, the participants may be disqualified. There will be no refund of fees for disqualified participants.

Licence Renewed for Kyorugi Referees


65 qualified national kyorugi referees went through the annual refresher seminar and assessment on 16 May 2009 at the National Training Centre to renew their referee licence.

The participants learned about the latest rule interpretations and officiating guidelines, practiced refereeing hand signals and familiarized themselves with the scoring system.

They were evaluated for their refereeing and judging skills.

The following were successful in having their licence renewed.

  1. Chan Wai Hon
  2. Janet Chia
  3. Joyce Lim Soon Yi
  4. Jennifer Liu Yu Ping
  5. Mar Wee Chen
  6. Merly Laparme
  7. Wendy Neo Eng Hong
  8. Veronica Phua
  9. Tan Cheng Hui
  10. Jason Tan Junwei
  11. Charlotte Tang Xue Ting
  12. Yap Gin Yee
  13. Yap Jim Cheng
  14. Taufiq Chua
  15. ChuaHong Sheng
  16. Ernest Lim
  17. Ong Zi Bing
  18. Shaidatul Nur Ashiqin
  19. Derrick Tan
  20. Tan Jun Wen
  21. Jahangir Khan
  22. Tan Kok Heng
  23. Yeo KweeKee
  24. Johnnaton Ho
  25. Samuel Lee Tee Koon
  26. Benedict Ong
  27. Samuel Tan Thiam Sing
  28. Chong Kin Fei
  29. Sam Tan Cheah Her
  30. Ushananthini
  31. Isaac Titus Chua Yih-Lung
  32. Huan Teck Beng
  33. Jordan Tay Jun Jie
  34. Ganesan s/o Sundaram
  35. Tan Kok Seng
  36. Na Kok Peng
  37. Tan Kheng Juan
  38. Ng Keng Boon
  39. Derrick Tang
  40. Ang Bi Si
  41. Lee Kwang Peng
  42. Ng Jia Hao
  43. Mark Quek Swee Chun
  44. Tan Tian Soon
  45. Alan Tan Yuen Shet
  46. Koh Poh Ling
  47. Raymond Chan
  48. Lee Zhen Chong
  49. David Koh Choon Seng
  50. Kelvin Leong Miao Yuen
  51. Suriana Saleh
  52. Calvin Ng Tee Wee
  53. Tan Ah Hee
  54. Michael Ho
  55. Low Yiap Kee
  56. Lin Yu Wei
  57. Joseph Thng Kay Tiong
  58. Girlene Tan Lee Fong
  59. Pauline Yow Pei Yi
  60. Maung Soe Byunt Zaw
  61. Jacqueline Quek Jie Lin
  62. Bong Peng Luck
  63. Diana Mok
  64. Gladwin Chen
  65. Leon Koh Wee Kiat

133rd Centralized Grading

SATURDAY 04 July 09  2.00PM – 6.00PM  (Senior Brown 1 & above)  Yio Chu KangSports Hall  
Sunday  05 July 09  9.00AM – 6.00PM  (All grades except Senior Brown 1 & above)  Yio Chu KangSports Hall  

1. Submission for the Grading can only be at the STF office during office hours.

2. Please ensure that ALL grading cards are properly completed and duly endorsed. A recent photograph of the candidate must be attached.

3. For ALL candidates who are going for Brown 1 & above , please have the following documents during submission:

a. Candidate’s grading card

b. 1 photocopy of the candidate’s Identity Card (front & back) / Birth Certificate (for candidate below age of 12)

c. 2 recent IC / passport photographs of the candidate

d. Form B (duly completed)

Submission will not be accepted if any of the documents is not available or, for Form B, partially completed.

4. Submission will not be accepted if candidate fails to produce any of the documents mentioned above.

5. The last day of submission is on 15 JUNE 2009 (MONDAY) . Any submission after this date will be considered as LATE SUBMISSION.

6. Late submissions for candidates taking Brown 1 & above are to be done within two (2) weeks from 16 June 2009 (Tuesday). Submission beyond the grace period of two (2) weeks WILL NOT be accepted. An administrative fee will be charged accordingly for late submission. The charges are as follows:

PERIOD OF LATE SUBMISSIONAdministrative Fee Chargeable  
1st subsequent week from last day of submission 16 June 2009 – 22 June 2009 ) SGD 10.00
2nd subsequent week from last day of submission 23 June 2009 – 29 June 2009 )50% of the grading fee payable by candidates for their respective grades. 

7. An administrative fee of SGD 5.00 will be charged for late submission of candidates taking all other grades except Brown 1 & above.

8. A roll call will be taken at 1.30pm for Brown 1 (Senior) candidates going for 1st dan and 2.30pm for 1st dan , 2nd poom and higher candidates. Those who miss the roll call will be considered as ABSENT or LATECOMERS. Latecomers will not be graded.

9. Candidates are to turn up in proper dress code (as stipulated by the STF) for the grading. Candidates who fail to comply with the dress code will not be allowed to take the grading.

10. Supplementary Grading can only be conducted two (2) weeks before or after the Centralised Grading and will be subjected to the approval of the Grading Department.

11. Candidates will be taking the grading at their own risk and therefore will not hold the Federation, the Grading Department or anyone so concerned, responsible for any injuries, accidents or mishaps that may befall on them during the course of the grading.

12. For any enquiries, please contact the STF Secretariat Office or the Grading Department.

National Inter-School (B & C Divisions) Competitors’ Lists

The attached lists of competitors for poomsae and kyorugi in the B & C Divisions are for coaches to ensure that their participants are in the correct categories and their participants’ names and the names of their schools are also correct. This is important because the lists will be used as the basis for the drawing of lots on the briefing day on 15 May 2009 at 2.00pm at the National Training Centre.

If the names or other information is not correct, team managers and coaches should bring it to the attention of the officials conducting the draws.

Coaches with participants who have not had their grades verified are requested to make sure that it is done before the briefing. Otherwise, the participants may be disqualified. There will be no refund of fees paid for disqualified participants.

Coaches involved with the competition are urged to give of their best co-operation so that the event can be run smoothly, fairly and successfully.

National Kyorugi Referee Course Results


32 out of 61 participants successfully obtained the National Kyorugi Referee (Class 3P) certification. They took the theory and practical tests on 25 April 2009 after completing the course conducted on 18 and 19 April 2009.

The new referees may apply for promotion to Class 3 as soon as they chalked up 30 hours of officiating experience in tournaments organized or sanctioned by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation.

All new referees are invited to officiate in the Inter-School kyorugi events on 25 May 2009 (Secondary Schools) and 27 May 2009 (Primary Schools). The competition will commence at 9.00am on both days.

If you are able to accept the invitation, please call Ms Jolene Ang, Ms Theresa Lee or Ms Rosalind Ng at 63451491 for registration.

The results are attached.

Those who failed one component may apply for the retest by submitting the attached retest application form. The retest will be held on 24 May 2009 at 4.30pm. The fee is $20.

SNOC Award for Jason


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) congratulates Jason Tan on winning the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) Meritorious Award (Individual Junior). The announcement was made on 5 May 2009 after the SNOC selection panel comprising top sports officials met.

Jason, who serves as an excellent role model to the other members of the national squad, certainly deserves the award which is in recognition of his taekwondo achievements.

He is a product of the STF youth development programme and has never failed to finish among the medalists in most of the local and international tournaments he participated.

As a 9-year old player, he won his first national championships in 1999 and went on to win the national crown every year. Last year, as an 17-year old player, he won his 10th national title – a record which is hard to emulate, let alone beat. On top of his sterling performance at every national championships, he captured many titles including the SPEX 21 Youth Taekwondo Championships.

On the international scene, Jason won a bronze medal in the 11th Asian Cities Gold Cup held in March 2007 in Hongkong carrying Singapore flag for the first time. In the competition, he lost to the eventual champion in a close fight. In April the same year, he won 1 silver and 3 bronze medals at the 8th Asean Taekwondo Championships in Vietnam.

In February 2008, Jason was back in Hongkong for the 12th Asian Cities Gold Cup. He clinched the coveted gold medal after putting by the wayside established players from China, Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong.

Besides competing, Jason also contributed to the promotion of taekwondo by being a key member in the National Demonstration Team. The team gave an average of 12 performances a year.

Considering his discipline, development and passion, the STF sent him to Taiwan a two-month training stint with some of the best players in the World. He returned on 11 April 2009 richer in experience and better prepared for his next international assignment.

Said Jason: “I am delighted to receive the award. It is my good fortune that I have the support of my parents, the STF, my national coach and my club, ACME Taekwondo. I owe all of them a debt of gratitude.”

White Belts Can Participate in National Poomsae Championships

The 3rd National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships will be held on Sunday 14 June 2009at Yishun Sports Hall.

For this tournament, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation is giving grade 9 holders a chance to join their seniors in the competition.

Other than that, the competition rules and format remain unchanged.

The closing date for submission of entries is Friday 29 May 2009.  

For more information on the championships, please refer to the attached information sheet. The entry forms are also attached.

Hyun Wows


Lim Hyun, a taekwondo graduate from Kyung Hee University and Principal of Hyun Taekwondo Academy, wows almost 60 participants in the first ever Demonstration Workshop organized by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation. The workshop held on 26 April 2009 at the National Training Centre saw Hyun performing some of the most difficult taekwondo moves.

Of course, Hyun was not at the workshop to impress the participants. He was there to reveal the secrets of performing the skills. And he did an excellent job through his unique style of teaching which was easy to follow and fun to learn. It was no wonder that he started as a stranger to the participants and ended as a well-liked and respected instructor.

Most importantly, at the end of the sessions – one for the juniors and another for the seniors – all the participants were able to perform some of the challenging skills which they could not at the beginning. Many of the participants experienced how it felt like to do a jumping back flip.

For the junior participants, they tried out their newly acquired skills on demonstration planks. While some were more successful than others, all broke their planks.

STF President Milan Kwee who observed the training for the seniors was visibly glad that the participants showed a lot enthusiasm while the instructor demonstrated tremendous energy. He said: “It is great to see everyone including the instructor enjoying the workshop.”

When he asked the participants if they had benefited from the workshop, the unison response was: “Yes!”

Kyorugi Referee Refresher Seminar


The Annual Kyorugi Referee Refresher Seminar will be held on Saturday 16 May 2009from 5.00pm to 9.00pm at the National Training Centre.

This is an important seminar for all national referees to attend as the latest rules and procedures will be explained. Practice will include agility exercises, footwork and hand signals.

Coaches who are national referees are also encouraged to participate in the seminar. The knowledge will be invaluable to them if they wish to continue to be effective coaches.

Kyorugi referees with expired licences may attend the seminar. Their licences will be renewed if they pass the assessment which will be conducted at the end of the seminar for all participants.

The hours clocked for the seminar can be used as part of the NROC Coach Continuing Education requirements.

The dress code for the seminar is ‘dobok’

Registration for the seminar is free.

Please call Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind by Monday 11 May 2009 to register for the seminar. Notes will not be issued to those who register late or turn up without registration.

All affiliates are reminded to ensure that they have the support of sufficient national referees because the Management Committee is considering to making it compulsory for all participating clubs to provide referees as a pre-condition for participation.

Referees who successfully completed the course will have their officiating licence extended for another year.

The registration form is attached.  Please submit the form on 16 May 2009 before the commencement of the seminar.

Grading Preparation Workshop 17 May 2009


The next grading preparation workshop will be held as follows:

Date                         :           Sunday 17 May 2009

Time                         :           2 pm to 5 pm

Place                        :          National Training Centre

Dress Code               :           ‘Dobok’         

Certification               :           Certificate of Participation

Fee                           :           $30    

Closing Date              :           Wednesday 13 May 2009

The workshop is open to red belts (senior and junior), poom belts and black belts. It is meant to, among other things, point out to the participants their performance flaws and the areas they should work on to give them a better chance of passing. This is from the examiners’ perspectives.

Coaches may use the information acquired by their students at the workshop as a basis to guide them for their grading.  

Members who attended the workshop are reminded to submit a copy of the certificate of participation together with their grading applications. This is necessary so that they can be given special consideration, if required.

Coaches are urged to encourage their eligible members to attend.

The registration form is attached.

[webmaster]expired form was removed