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National Inter-School Taekwondo Championships & National Inter-Primary School Taekwondo Championships


New Form

The weight categories given in the registration form (F4c) for the National Inter-Primary School Taekwondo Championships (Junior Division) are incorrect. Please use the new form which is attached.


The following will give a clearer picture of the various age groups for this year’s competition.

  • Junior Colleges and Secondary Schools

A Division                  :           Born from 2nd January 1989 to 1st January 1992

B Division                  :           Born from 2nd January 1992 to 1st January 1995

C Division                  :           Born from 2nd January 1995 and younger

  • Primary Schools

Senior Division          :           Born from 1st January 1996 to 31 December 97

Junior Division           :           Born from 1st January 1998 and younger


Weigh-in will be conducted on the competition day to make it convenient for players. In view of this, players are not required to be present on the registration day.

Players must make the weight for the weight categories they have been registered to compete. Any player who is over or under weight on the day of the competition will be disqualified. There will be no weight allowance.


The grades for ‘kyorugi’ competition shall be based on the results of the April 2009 grading instead of January 2009 grading. This is in response to numerous requests from coaches to give newly promoted red belts a chance to participate in the event.

Coaches are reminded to produce grading cards or certificates of participants for verification during registration. If the cards have to be submitted to the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, coaches are required to produce photocopies of the cards as proofs of the participants’ grades.

(Please note that the above guidelines on weigh-in and eligibility will supersede all rules pertaining to the matter.)

Grading News and Reminders


1st to 2nd Poom Grading

With effect from July 2009 grading, 1st to 2nd poom candidates will be graded with members of their clubs. They will no longer be required to take the grading on Saturday with the seniors.

This change is in response to numerous suggestions from coaches who felt that the young candidates were not able to perform well because they were intimidated by the grading environment.

Please note that the grading for 2nd to 3rd poom candidates will remain unchanged. They will continue to take their grading with the other senior candidates.

Medical Leave

Candidates with medical certificates are allowed to take their next grading without paying any fees. However, if they could not take their grading twice consecutively because of medical reasons, they would have to pay the required fees for their next grading.

Safety Equipment

Groin guard is compulsory for all male candidates who have to do sparring. Candidates without groin guard will not be allowed to spar. It is the responsibility of coaches to ensure that their candidates wear the guard. Examiners will perform random check. Any candidate found without the guard will be disqualified from the grading.


It is common knowledge that students in ‘dobok’ should not have any accessories on them – for example, watches, necklaces, rings, earrings, hair ornaments, etc. Candidates with any accessory on them will automatically fail. Coaches are advised to have a check list to ensure that the candidates will not be penalized because of their students’ and their oversight.


Coaches are reminded to attach a photocopy each of the following certificates if their candidates have them.

  • Grading Preparation Workshop Certificate
  • Unarmed Combat Workshop Certificate

The certificates are to be submitted with their grading applications and not during the grading.

Other Information

During the submission of grading applications for promotion to 1st poom or dan and higher to the Secretariat, coaches are encouraged to highlight important and relevant information – age, disability, medical conditions, etc – about the candidates so that the examiners can give them a fairer assessment.

Four Updated On New Competition Rules


Four international referees from Singapore – Steven Soh, Lee Thiam Poh, Lee Thiam Huat and Lim Teong Chin – attended the 63rd International Kyorugi Referee Refresher Course held from 8 to 10 April 2009 in Suzhou, China. 

Among other things, the course covered the latest changes in the competition rules. There were also agility and footwork training relevant to referee performance, scoring simulation and DVD review and analysis.

At the end of the course, the four international referees discussed about the feasibility of implementing some of the new rules which could be further modified in the near future. After all, the course conductors were not too sure or had no answers to some of the questions raised by the participants.

It was generally felt that the WTF was rushing into implementing the new rules although they were not fully prepared to do so. A case in point is the new scoring criteria where 3 points are awarded for head kick, two for turning kick and one for direct kick or punch. There was no satisfactory answer as to how this could be implemented using the existing scoring system.

What’s more, the notes were not fully updated!

For a number of questions, the common answers were: “We are still considering it and will let you know by mail; we will discuss and let you know tomorrow (but tomorrow did not come) and we are suggesting to you to do this and that.” In short, there is no answer.

Nevertheless, it was decided by the STF Board of Referees to implement only those rules which had been assessed as ‘stable’.

Members will be informed of the changes through the various STF continuing education programmes.

For the Kyorugi Referee Course starting on 18 April 2009, the new rules will be incorporated. The Kyorugi Referee Refresher Course has been scheduled to be held on 10 May 2009. 

‘Need-to-know’ Grading Information


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) would like to thank all affiliate leaders, coaches and members and their parents for their co-operation and understanding in helping to make the centralized grading at Yio Chu Kang Stadium a success. The STF is sorry if you had been inconvenienced in any way because of the change of grading location.  

Here are some of the information which you have to know for the grading.

  • Grading Syllabus

The new grading requirements for Poomsae and Technique demonstration, which took effect in the April 2009 grading, are applicable to both junior and senior candidates from white belt to red 1 (that is, red 1 to 1st poom or 1st dan). The poomsae requirement for 1st poom to 2nd poom is different from 1st dan to 2nd dan. For 1st dan to 2nd dan, the old syllabus will apply – that is, Poomsae Koryo and two optional patterns from Taegeuk Il-Jang to Pal-Jang.

For technique demonstration, the examiners shall decide on the number of times the candidates have to execute the kick or combination kicks if there is space constraint. If not, it will be three times towards the examiner/s and three times towards the starting point.

  • White T-shirts for Female Candidates

All female candidates, regardless of age, are required to wear white T-shirts inside their ‘dobok’ top. Beige is not white. For the recent centralized grading, two candidates failed because they were wearing other than white T-shirt.

  • Candidates’ Conduct

The essence of taekwondo is the development of character. Therefore, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation places a high premium on discipline. Coaches are reminded to ensure that their candidates are at their best behavior at all times. Remember, the conduct of the candidates reflects on the image of the club and its leaders including its coaches.

  • Sparring Partners

Candidates are allowed to arrange their own sparring partners because it would be easier for them to express their tactics and skills. The main function of the sparring partners is to bring out the best in the candidates and not to make the candidates look weak or bad. In the recent grading, a candidate failed because all her sparring partners were defensive. The examiners were given the impression that she was not good at all. It was like a black belt giving way to a green belt during sparring.

  • Unarmed Combat

For unarmed combat, the examiners expect candidates to perform techniques that are realistic.  Unrealistic movements like executing an arm-lock technique that is technically wrong, falling in a direction that does not follow the flow of the throw and thrusting a knife that is completely out of range are not acceptable. Candidates will fail the grading if they fail the unarmed combat component.

Poomsae Referee Course


Poomsae coaches, who wish to obtain a poomsae referee qualification or understand the thinking of poomsae referees, are invited to participate in the national poomsae referee course.

The course will be held on 2 and 3 May 2009 at the National Training Centre. More details on the course and the registration form are attached.

If you drive, please note that parking is free on Sunday at the NTC.

Please call Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 63451491 if you require any clarification.

Two Successful Championships within a Month


The NTU Taekwondo Open Championships 2009 and 1st Mayflower Primary School/PAP Leng Kee Taekwondo Invitational Championships – both tournaments held with the blessings of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) – were successfully staged at the end of February and March 2009 respectively.

The first competition organized by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on 27 and 28 February and 1 March 2009 was conducted smoothly with NTU deservedly taking the overall title with 185 points. Temasek Polytechnic, a strong contender in the sparring event, managed to garner 88 points for the second place. Coming in third was National University of Singapore (NUS) with 62 points. NUS were equally adept in sparring and poomsae.

The strength of the participants – including Temasek Junior College, Singapore Management University and Singapore Institute of Management – made possible the keen and exciting competition.

The 1st Mayflower Primary School/PAP Leng Kee Taekwondo Inviitational Championships for the Chin Khee Shin Cup was held on 28 and 29 March 2009 without any hitch. The tournament attracted 242 participants and produced 52 champions. The medals were quite evenly distributed among the participating clubs making it a happy hunting ground for all the participants.

STF President Milan Kwee was present at both events to witness the proceedings and give away some of the main prizes.

To the organizers and sponsors of the events, well done!

Taekwondo with a Heart


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) has been contributing to charitable causes for many years. More recently, it has decided to adopt charitable organizations which are interested in giving their residents an opportunity to benefit from the sport.

The first project was with Assisi Hospice whose taekwondo warriors were well-known in the local taekwondo scene. The programme at the Hospice was and still is fully sponsored by the STF. The children are provided with free uniforms, training and grading.

Then, the STF was approached by Brian Peh, one of its coaches, to partly support the taekwondo programme run by the Singapore Association for the Deaf. This was approved and is still ongoing.

On 1 April 2009, the STF kicked off another taekwondo programme. This time, it was at the Children’s Aid Society. The programme is also fully sponsored by the STF. The idea of starting a class at the Society was mooted by Ng Keng Boon and Sebastian Lee, both STF coaches. They became the primary coaches of the programme. Tay Xiong Sheng was later roped in to boost the coaching strength.

22 students enrolled for the programme at the Society. Judging from their display of energy and enthusiasm, they certainly had what it would take for them to excel in the sport. However, providing them the opportunity to be good at the sport is not the only objective of introducing the sport. In fact the primary objectives of the programme are to build character, improve self-esteem and enhance physical and psychological fitness.

The importance of discipline was drummed into them on the first lesson. They learned about taekwondo etiquette and their responsibilities as taekwondo members.

The STF looks forward to sponsoring more such projects under its “Taekwondo with a Heart” programme. The phrase was coined by STF President Milan Kwee who is a staunch supporter of the programme.

Volunteer Instructor Required


If you are free every Monday from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and want to volunteer your service to teach taekwondo to a group of energetic young boys and girls at the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) at Clementi Road, please email the following particulars to the Singapore Taekwondo Federation at tkdf@pacific.net.sg by Wednesday 14 April 2010.

  • Name
  • NRIC Number
  • Address
  • Contact Numbers 

Ng Keng Boon and Sebastian Tan are currently conducting the classes at the CAS every Wednesday. They cannot continue as they are not available on the rescheduled day.

Results of Poomsae Coach Course


A 10-hour poomsae course for coaches was held on 22 March 2009 at the National Training Centre. The course covered both theory and practical.

For this course, the participants enjoyed a lot of personal attention because the ratio of ‘instructor’ to student ratio was about 1:4. There were 9 course conductors and assistants.

The two main course conductors were Tan Kok Heng and Tan Cheng Hui. They were assisted by Lai Han Seng, Leon Koh, Samuel Tan, Ng Lee Noi, Muhd Fadhil, Wong Liang Ming and Lim Teong Chin. Under their watchful eyes, the participants’ faulty movements were almost promptly corrected.

It was no wonder that 35 out of 37 passed both theory and practical tests. For theory, they did a 45-minute paper testing their understanding and knowledge of poomsae. The practical tests included poomsae performance to assess the candidates’ ability to demonstrate the poomsae and fault detection to evaluate their ability to spot mistakes.

The results are attached. Congratulations to those who have made it.    

Parking at Yio Chu Kang Sports Hall


According to feedback, the centralized grading this weekend at Yio Chu Kang Sports Hall may pose some parking problems.

As the Sports Hall which is located at 200 Ang Mo Kio Avenue (S569770) is within walking distance from Yio Chu Kang MRT and Bus Terminal, we encourage coaches to advise candidates and their parents to use public transport.

If they have to drive, please request them to co-operate by not causing obstructions or inconvenience to other drivers.

Please also remind all your candidates, if they are taking the centralized grading, and their parents that the grading is at YIO CHU KANG SPORTS HALL.