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Taekwondo Coaching (Level 2) Results


18 coaches took their final tests on Sunday 18 January 2009 at the National Training Centre. For their tests they had to give a 15-minute presentation each on one technical topic of their choice.

The coaches had to do some research as they were expected to cover the subject in depth. At the same time, they were required to make sure that their explanation was clear and concise. It was a challenge but they took it in their stride.

16 coaches chose to present their subject with the aid of powerpoint and video clips while two of them did it with the help of an assistant demonstrator.

All in all the examiners, Mr Steven Soh and Mr Lim Teong Chin, were satisfied that most of them had put in a lot of energy, thought and research to their respective topics. Both examiners believed that the coaches had learnt a lot more from their research.

The examiners were satisfied that the following met the requirements of the course.

  • Chan Wei Kang
  • Chong Chih Chung
  • Go Ngee Boon Rocky
  • Jahangir Khan Goffoor
  • Koh Wee Kiat Leon
  • Lee Yew Jin Sebastian
  • Lim Wei Meng Adrian
  • Lim Yu Qin Ronald
  • Lin Yao Liang Alvin
  • Ong Zhi Wei Fabian
  • Peh Chun Zhiang Brian
  • Tan Elmo
  • Tan Hai Kheng Lawrence
  • Tan Thiam Sing Samuel
  • Tan Yuen Shet Alan

Successful coaches are required to complete six months (twice a week) or one year (once a week) of coaching attachment. The relevant forms are attached.

Unsuccessful candidates may register for a retest, which will be held on Sunday 8 February 2009 at 5pm at the National Training Centre, at the STF Secretariat. The registration fee is $20. The closing date for registration is Thursday 6 February 2009.

For the retest, candidates will be required to give a 15-minute presentation on any technical topic of their choice. This will be their last chance to pass the course.    

Coach Induction Course


The coach induction course for new coaches who wish to obtain the professional coach pass will be held as follows.

Date                            :           8 February 2009 (Sunday)

Time                           :           2.00pm to 4.00pm

Place                          :           National Training Centre

Fee                             :           $50

Eligibility                     :           Taekwondo Coaching Qualification or

                                               Poomsae Coach Qualification

Closing date for

Registration               :           4 February 2009 (Wednesday)

It is a requirement for new coaches to attend the induction course if they wish to apply the coach pass which will entitle them to accompany their players to the competition arena.

The pass also affirms that the holder is qualified coach who has pledged to observe the highest code of ethics and promised to be current in their technical knowledge and coaching methods. In short, he or she is truly a professional coach.  

Changes to the General Syllabus


The General Grading Syllabus was amended in January 2009.

As a result of the amendments, the following will replace the existing grading requirements for the respective grades. They will take effect from the April 2009 grading.


  • White 10-Introductory Poomsae
  • White 9-Preliminary Poomsae
  • Red 2-Taegeuk Chil-Jang plus one optional

     poomsae (Sa-Jang to Yuk-Jang)

  • Red 1-Taekgeuk Pal-Jang plus one optional

               poomsae (O-Jang to Chil-Jang)

  • 1st Poom-Koryo plus two optional poomsae

           (Yuk-Jang to Pal-Jang)

Technique Demonstration

Candidates will be required to execute the respective techniques after they have completed performing their poomsae.

  • White 9-Turning kick
  • Yellow 8-Front kick followed by turning kick
  • Yellow 7-Side kick
  • Green 6-Back thrust
  • Green 5-Side kick followed by back thrust
  • Blue 4-Reverse kick
  • Blue 3-Turning kick followed by reverse kick
  • Red 2-Front kick following by jumping front kick
  • Red 1 -360 degrees turning kick followed by back thrust.

For each grade, candidates shall execute the kick or the combination kicks 3 times towards the examiner and 3 times towards the starting point. Each kick or combination kicks have to be performed according to command.

Invitation to All Coaches


The Management Committee cordially invites all affiliated club coaches to the STF Lunar New Year Celebrations on 30 January 2009 at 7.30pm at the National Training Centre.

The function, which will not be elaborate, will provide members the opportunity to touch base, know each other better and make a few new friends. It will be informal.

The STF wants everyone to enjoy the gathering and feel comfortable interacting with each other without feeling inhibited by the strict discipline expected of taekwondo.

If you are attending the function, please inform Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind by calling 63451491 before 20 January 2009. It is necessary to do so because the STF has to make the necessary arrangement for your convenience.  

Having a Better Chance to Pass


Candidates will certainly have a better chance of passing their grading if they attend the Grading Preparation Workshop. Why?

After the workshop, the candidates will know exactly what the examiners, who will be conducting the grading and the workshop, are looking out for. All they need to do is to perform according to what the examiners want to see.

What’s more, candidates who have attended the workshop will be awarded a pass if they are considered ‘borderline’ cases.

Members who have attended the Grading Preparation Workshop are requested, with effect from the April 2009 grading, to submit a copy of the certificate of attendance together with their grading applications.  

The next grading workshop will be held as follows.

Date                :           1 February 2009

Time                :           2.00 to 5.00pm

Place              :           National Training Centre (NTC)

Dress Code     :           ‘Dobok’

Certification     :           Certificate of Participation

Fee                 :           $30

Closing Date    :           29 January 2009 (Thursday)

The workshop is open to red belts (senior and junior), poom belts and black belts.

Coaches are urged to encourage their eligible members to attend.

The registration form is attached.

[webmaster]expired form was removed

Taekwondo Coaching (Level 1) Results


84 participants took their tests after attending 20 hours of theory and practical lessons stretched over two weekends.

In view of the number, the participants were divided into 8 batches. The first six batches were evaluated on 3 and 4 January 2009. The last two batches were assessed on 11 January 2009.

The results are attached.

Those who are successful are required to complete 3 months (twice a week) or 6 months (once a week) of practical coaching attachment. Trainee coaches can have their choice of schools or clubs approved by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) for their attachment.

Two forms are also attached.

Form A must be returned to the STF at least two weeks before you start your coaching attachment. Attachment without prior approval of STF will not be accepted.

Form B is for trainee coaches to record their attendance. It must be counter-signed their respective club officials.

On receipt of completed Form B, the STF will issue certificates to coaches only after having satisfied that the coaches have fulfilled their obligations.

Practical attachment must be completed within 3 years of the announcement of the results. After that, the results will be considered null and void.

Players for Youth Olympic Games


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) would like to beef up its youth training squad with more male and female players born in 1993 and 1994.

The invitation is open to all players who hold a green belt or higher awarded by the STF only. The STF does not recognize grades issued by other local organizations.

If you are a Singapore Citizen and eligible for the youth training squad and aspire to represent Singapore in the Youth Olympic Games in 2010, you should ask your coach to nominate you for inclusion into the squad.

Coaches are encouraged to nominate members with potential for the squad.

Members training in the squad continue to be members of their respective clubs. They have to observe their club rules and regulations pertaining to, but not limited to, the paying of fees. Members who cease to be members of their respective clubs will not be allowed to train in the squad.

Another Workshop Following Two Successful Sessions


More than 200 participants attended the New Poomsae Workshop held on Saturday 10 January 2009 at the National Training Centre.

Besides learning the philosophy embedded in the new poomsae, the participants were taught the goal of poomsae training and the steps to achieve the goal.

At the end of the session, all the participants were able to perform the two new poomsae for white belts, appreciate the movements and effectively help their trainees or juniors improve their performance. On top of this, the participants had a better picture of the grading and promotion systems and first-hand information on the latest changes to the General Syllabus.

The members were happy with the changes to the syllabus as they would allow candidates to perform better during the grading. They also felt that the new syllabus would give the candidates a higher chance of passing.

STF President Milan Kwee was present to open up both sessions. Among other things, he said: “The changes to the syllabus were the result of valuable feed back from coaches. We encourage and value the suggestions and opinions of its members.”

He went on to ask the participants to suggest ideas which would help the STF achieve greater heights.

In view of the overwhelming response for the workshop, coaches and black belts from J H Kim Taekwondo Institute had agreed to have their session on Saturday 17 January 2009 from 6.00pm to 7.30pm at their TurfCity Dojang. Black belts who have missed last week’s workshop may also join the session.

If you wish to attend the workshop at Turf City, please register by calling Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 63451491.

The application form for the workshop is attached.

[webmaster]expired form was removed

Two Courses Oversubscribed


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) Coaching Committee had to readjust the test schedule for the Taekwondo Coaching Course (Level 1) and arrange for another session for the Poomsae Workshop because of overwhelming response.

The Coaching Course attracted 84 participants. The examiners required at least 8 hours to complete the evaluation of all the candidates in their teaching competency. Six batches of 10 candidates took their tests on 3 and 4 January 2009. The remaining candidates would be tested on 11 January 2009.

For the Poomsae Workshop which aims to equip the participants with the knowledge to teach the two new poomsae for white belts, the STF received applications from 130 black belts (more applications are expected). As the National Training Centre is not big enough to accommodate all the applicants at the same time, the STF has decided to organize another session at 4.00pm on the same day – that is 10 January 2009 (Saturday). The second session will start at 6.00pm as scheduled.

Early applicants who wish to attend the four o’clock session may contact Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 63451491.

All examiners who have not registered are urged to do so immediately. The Coaching Committee will prepare the course materials only for those who are attending.

The STF would like to put on record its appreciation to all affiliates for encouraging their members to upgrade themselves. This augurs well for the future of taekwondo in Singapore. Taekwondo students can expect quality guidance and instructions from STF coaches. And the STF is proud of it!  

Poomsae Coach Results


The poomsae coach course held on Sunday 7 December 2008 attracted 26 participants. Only 22 out of the number made the grade.

The course was conducted by Tan Kok Heng, the Secretary of the Coaching Committee.

It covered what the coaches are required to know in order to help prepare their teams for poomsae competitions.

They learned not only the finer points of poomsae performances but also the common areas of weaknesses in which the judges would be looking out for.

Poomsae competitors who are trained by coaches who had gone through the course would certainly have an edge over their rivals who are guided by ‘unqualified’ poomsae coaches.

The following participants successfully completed the course.

  1. Tan Zheng-Kai Aaron
  2. Tan Lian Hoe
  3. Goh Ying Shi Darwin
  4. Ke Zhi Qun Randal
  5. Teo Wan Choo
  6. Ang Wei Lin
  7. Cheok Kai Hwee Eileen
  8. Ko Yee Chow Angus
  9. Tan Jia Jun Daryl
  10. Chong Ai Lin Joyce
  11. Goh Aik Leng
  12. Yong Chong Kit Danny
  13. Yong Thim Ting
  14. Chong Chih Chung
  15. Teo Johnboy John
  16. Yong Ming Hao
  17. Gerard Lee
  18. Margaret Lee
  19. Ong Mei Lin
  20. Bong Peng Luck
  21. Low Jun Jie
  22. Low Kai Wen