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Use of Mouth Piece


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) has received a number of queries regarding the use of mouth piece.

The primary concern is that the mouth piece may not be suitable for all players as some of them may find that wearing the mouth piece is more dangerous than not wearing it. The STF recognizes that this is possible because not all players will have a teeth structure that will allow the mouth guard to serve its purpose.

Therefore, the STF will

  • allow players to wear customized mouth guard made by orthodontist or
  • exempt players from wearing one if they can produce a letter from a doctor or dentist certifying that it would be more harmful for them to use the mouth guard.

Olympic Dream Almost a Reality


Lee Thiam Huat’s dream of being an Olympic referee is almost coming true. In fact, you can be certain that he will be among the 29 referees who will be selected for the taekwondo event in the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games.

Thiam Huat and his elder brother Thiam Poh signed up for the International Referee Training Camp in July 2007. The camp was specially organized for international referees who aspired to officiate in the Games. It attracted 184 participants. After the grueling training and testing, the younger sibling was among 54 referees from 41 countries shortlisted.

All the referees were assigned to officiate in the World Qualifications for the Games and several Continental Qualifications.

After traveling round the world to referee in the various Qualification Tournaments, Thiam Huat was selected for the Good Luck Beijing 2008 International Taekwondo Invitational Tournament scheduled to be held from 26 to 29 February 2008 in Beijing, China. The competition would serve as a trial for the real event.

The selection was certainly a confirmation of Thiam Huat’s inclusion in the Olympics.

Well done, Thiam Huat! Continue to do Singapore proud.

Invitation to Poomsae and Kyorugi Referees


The NTU Taekwondo Invitational Championships would be held from Friday 29 February 2008 to 2 March 2008 at the NTU Sports Hall. It is open to tertiary, polytechnics, institutes of technical education and junior college students.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation would like to invite qualified poomsae and kyorugi national referees to participate in the event.

Please call Mr Lee Thiam Poh, Tournament Head, at 91064421 if you wish to officiate in the championships.

100% Passes


Display the spirit of ‘a black belt is a white belt who never quits’, 18 candidates took their test again for the Poomsae Coach qualification. This time they came prepared.

Said one of the not so young participants who would like to remain anonymous: “I did not expect to pass my theory test as that was the first time I took any written test after 15 years! What’s more, I had difficulty recalling what I had studied. Today, I am prepared. I don’t think I would have any problem passing.”

He certainly did not as he scored a high 96%.

The other 17 candidates also did well to qualify for the Poomsae Coach certification.

Well done, that’s the kind of spirit the Singapore Taekwondo Federation wants from its members.

For the record, here are the names of the success candidates.

  • Lee Kar Aik
  • Gan Ghee Hai
  • Jacqueline Quek
  • Alvin Quek
  • Dennis Lim
  • Chua Hin Ghee
  • Shaidatul Nur Ashiqin
  • Ong Wen Xiang
  • Catherine Seah
  • Bok Thye Boon
  • Tan Choon Mong
  • Kang Hui Min
  • Nixon Ng
  • Ang Wee Cher Richard
  • Eleutherius Liew
  • Melanie Brugada
  • Evangeline S Magpantay
  • Linda Sim

‘Professional’ Taekwondo Coaches


16 coaches attended the coach briefing on Saturday 2 February 2008 at the National Training Centre. Although the number was small, it was not surprising at all. Why? The briefing was organized specially for those who had missed the two earlier sessions.

The primary objectives of the briefing were to introduce the new coach passes and inform coaches of their responsibilities and obligations as pass holders. Simply put they were required to think and act like a professional even though they are not paid full-time coaches when they acquire the passes.

The importance of professionalism, rectitude and compassion were repeated throughout the briefing to drive home the message that the qualities are indispensable for effective coaches.

Pass holders who run foul of the code of conduct would have to face punishments ranging from verbal warning to life suspension from all activities organized by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation.

The following who attended the session will be eligible to apply for the passes.

  • Amirul Mohd Amin
  • Lee Sian Wee
  • Wong Eng Yong
  • Niki Chan
  • Carman Li
  • Kendrick Ong
  • Chan Wai Hon
  • Song Jun Quan
  • Ronald Lim
  • Lilia Quirimit
  • Linda Sim
  • Jason Tan Junwei
  • Dawn Ang
  • Dave Ang
  • Jared Mah
  • Ganesh s/o Selvaraju

The Final Batch


The last batch of 37 poomsae coaches attended the Poomsae Refresher Course on 26 January 2008 at National Training Centre. The total number of coaches, who had gone through the refresher course, stood at 121.

Being last was not so bad for some. It gave them the advantage of being prepared.

Some of them were evidently prepared for the course as they were not only aware of the changes but also able to perform them reasonably well. That spoke volumes of their interests. It also revealed the positive attitude of their seniors as they willing shared their knowledge with them.

Said Wong Liang Ming, Chairman of the Coaching Committee: “I am happy that the course had a successful run. Most of all, from the response to the course, I can take comfort that coaches from the Singapore Taekwondo Federation believe in upgrading themselves not only in words but deeds. I salute all of them.”


RA Jeyaraman, STF 2nd Vice President, added: “To me, their willingness to learn reflects their determination to be the best coach that they can be. This is good because taekwondo trainees deserve nothing but the best not those who teach out-of-date techniques.

The list of participants who attended the final course is attached.

Completely Protected For Competition


The Management Committee further reviewed the use of safety equipment for ‘kyorugi’ competition in its January 2008 meeting.

In the interest of safety first, the Committee decided to adopt all the requirements stated in the World Taekwondo Federation competition rules.

With immediate effect, all competitors will be required to wear the following protective equipment on entering the contest area.

  • Head gear
  • Trunk protector
  • Groin guard
  • Forearm guard
  • Shin guard
  • Glove
  • Mouthpiece

For members who are used to local competitions, the new equipment required is as follows.

  • Glove (WTF-approved only)
  • Mouthpiece (see website entry on ‘Mouth guards: Compulsory for Contestants’ on 6 January 2008 under ‘Tournament” for more details)

In addition to that, a female competitor will now be required to wear groin guard.

Completely protected

Assisi Warriors Impress Again


The fantastic Assisi Taekwondo Warriors led by Sister Linda Sim were at it again. This time they wowed the officials and guests who attended the Charity Dinner on 25 January 2008 at Pan Pacific Hotel.

Their scintillating performances were the result of many hours of preparation. And they were performing better and better each time

Some of their performances were dramatic and thrilling. Others were fun and entertaining. While the ‘explosive’ items drew ‘oohs and ahs’, the less serious items never failed to bring laughter and applause from the crowd.

The demonstration was supervised by six senior black belts from the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF). They were Steven Soh (STF 1st Vice President), R Jeyaraman (STF 2nd Vice-President), Tan Cheng Hui (STF Demonstration Chairman), Ng Lee Noi, Wong Liang Ming and Lim Teong Chin.

Workshop for Candidates Taking Poom & Dan Grading


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be organizing a grading preparation workshop for grade 1 to poom belt or grade 1 to black belt. It is also open to those who are going for 2nd poom or dan and higher.

This workshop is scheduled earlier to give participants ample time to correct their mistakes so that they can be ready for the April grading.

The details of the workshop are as follows.

Date                :           Sunday 24 February 2008

Time               :           9am to 12noon

Place              :           National Training Centre (NTC)

Dress Code   :           ‘Dobok’

Certification   :           Certificate of Participation

Fee                 :           $30

Closing Date:           Wednesday 20 February 2008

The registration form is attached.

The programme includes mock grading and talks on candidates’ responsibilities and examiners’ expectations.

[webmaster] expired form was removed

42 Qualified as Poomsae Coaches


The Poomsae Coach Course held on 27 January 2008 at the National Training Centre attracted 75 black belts from 27 clubs. There was a good mix of young and not-so-young participants. While the youngest was 16 years old, the oldest participant was 55 years old.


eight-hour course, comprised both theory and practical sessions, was kicked off by Wong Liang Ming, Chairman of the Coaching Committee.

The theory component covered, among other things, competition rules and technical coaching points. For the practical session, the participants went through in detail the steps and movements for Taegeuk Il-jang to Koryo Poomsae.

Although the participants found the course mentally and physically exhausting, they were pleased with the amount of knowledge they had acquired. Mr Milan Kwee, President of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, spoke to the participants on discipline which was an essential trait for all coaches. He wished them all the best for their tests.

The participants were tested by Chin Khee Shin, RA Jeyaraman and Tan Cheng Hui who assisted Lim Teong Chin in running the course.

The results are furnished in the attached file. If you are a participant and you cannot find your name, it means that you have failed both the practical and theory tests. You have to retake the whole course if you still aspire to be a poomsae coach.

However, if you fail either theory or practical, you have to retake the component on 3 February 2008 at 9.00am at the National Training Centre and pass it to achieve the qualification. The retest fee is $5 which you can pay on the test day. Please call Jolene or Linda at 63451491 to register for the retest.

Those who have passed the course may register for the National Poomsae Referee Course which was announced earlier.