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Following the Lead


On 11 January 2008, the senior examiners went through a three-hour poomsae refresher course at the National Training Centre. They were followed by 11 examiners and 70 coaches who updated their knowledge and polished their skills on 19 and 20 January 2008.

Like the senior examiners, the others who attended the courses learned about the latest development in taekwondo poomsae.

It was not all lectures. They had to perform 11 patterns while trying to adapt to the new movements, execution and body and arm positioning.

Said Jimmy Tay: “It is quite a challenge to remember the steps and at the same time make an effort to change to the way of executing the strokes.”

Tan Cheng Hui, an international poomsae referee, who was one of the course conductors commented that the participants were very impressive.

He said: “I noticed that the standard of the participants’ performances were quite good. They have certainly improved a lot since the last poomsae course. What’s more, they are able to adapt to the changes very quickly.”

Their students should be proud to know that their coaches are improving themselves for them. Displaying interest in their students, the coaches downloaded the powerpoint presentation to help them impart their newly acquired knowledge more effectively to their students.

With coaches who believe in self-development, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation can rest assured that the standard of the sport can only improve.

National Poomsae Referee Course


Here is a chance for qualified Poomsae Coach to earn their Poomsae Referee qualification.

The 2nd National Poomsae Referee Course will be conducted on 16 and 17 February 2008 at the National Training Centre. The details are attached.

The closing date for submission of application is 12 February 2008. This gives the newly qualified poomsae coach the opportunity to also participate in the course.

Please call Jolene or Linda if you require any further clarifications.

Poomsae International Referee Seminar


The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) will be organizing the 8th Poomsae International Referee Seminar from 22 to 26 February 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Members, who are 25 years old or older and hold a Class 1 Poomsae Referee Certification and a 4th Dan or higher Kukkiwon Certification, may apply through the Singapore Taekwondo Federation for participation in the seminar.

Please note that applications from Singaporeans will be rejected by the WTF if they are not recommended by the President of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF).

The course fee is US $300 payable to the WTF through its On-line Banking System on approval by the STF President.

Taking the Lead


Chin Khee Shin, Steven Soh and RA Jeyaraman believe that in putting their money where their mouths are.

Despite their seniority in the sport, they continue to keep themselves abreast of the latest development. 

On 11 January 2008, they attended the Poomsae Refresher Course for Senior Examiners conducted by Lim Teong Chin who is a 1st class International Poomsae Referee and has officiated in the 1st and 2nd World Poomsae Championships held in 2006 and 2007 respectively. The 3rd World will be staged some time this year.

Said Chin: “We cannot tell our juniors what to do if we are not updated ourselves. I am glad to note that most, if not all, STF coaches are keen to learn the latest development in the sport.”

Just like the rest after them would do, the three taekwondo veterans went through both the theory and practical sessions which lasted three hours.

Lim said: “Poomsae competition has a short history. Therefore, it will take a bit of time for poomsae technical development to mature. In the meantime, there are still rooms for improvements. Coaches who do not continue to keep up with the latest will be left behind.”

Third Coach Briefing Session


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be organizing another coach briefing session on Saturday 2 February 2008 from 5pm to 7pm at the National Training Centre.

This briefing, which is about the introduction of coach passes, is for coaches who have missed the first two sessions held in October 2007. Those who successfully completed the Taekwondo Coaching Course held in November 2007 may also attend.

For more information on the passes, please read the posting under ‘Tournament’ on 11 September 2007.

Coaches who wish to attend the briefing are required to register by calling either Jolene or Linda at 63451491.

Only coaches who have attended the briefing are eligible to apply for the pass. Those who are qualified to apply but have not done so are advised to submit their applications early.

For easy monitoring, the expiry date of passes issued in 2008 will be 1 March 2011.   

Tournaments for 2008


The following tournaments have been confirmed for 2008. They are open only to members recognized by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF).

  • NTU Taekwondo Invitational Championships

Friday 29 February to Sunday 2 March 2008


(Open to tertiary, polytechnics, institute of technical education and junior college students)

  • National Inter-Junior College Taekwondo Poomsae Championships

Sunday 18 May 2008

Bedok Sports Hall

(Open to junior college students)

  • 2nd National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships

Sunday 15 June 2008

Toa Payoh Sports Hall

(Open to all members of affiliates)

  • 4th Hwarang Taekwondo Meet

Saturday 21 June 2008

Maris Stella High School

(Open to secondary and primary school students)

  • 35th National Pesta Sukan Taekwondo Championships 2008

Saturday 16 August and Sunday 17 August 2008

Saturday 30 August and Sunday 31 August 2008

Yishun Sports Hall

The dates for the following tournaments will be announced later.

  • 8th Rosyth School Invitational Taekwondo Championships 2008

(Open to primary school students)

  • 2nd PA-STF Taekwondo Championships 2008

(Open to members of CCs and RCs recognised by the STF)

Final Selection Trials Results


The final selection trials for the Teluk Danga International Games (20 to 25 February 2008, Johor Bahru) and 12th Asian Cities Gold Cup Taekwondo Championships (22 to 25 February 2008, Hong Kong) were held on 13 January 2008 at the National Training Centre.

The trials saw a total of 27 players vying for places in the 2 tournaments.The results of the trials are as follows.

12th Asian Cities Gold Cup Taekwondo Championships

Male                –          Low Chuan Kai

                                    Jason Tan

                                    Chew Kai Jun

                                    Keith Ong

                                    Wesley Ong

                                    Vincent Lim

Female           –           Lanetar Quek

                                    Zakirah Bte Zakaria*

                                    Tessa Tang*

Teluk Danga International Games

Male                –           Benedict Ong

                                    Jordan Tay

                                    Saw Teng Sheng

                                    Samuel Lee

                                    Shaun Lee

Female           –           Ananurmelati*

                                    Zulaikha Bte Zakaria*

                                    Jacqueline Quek


The selected players are to report for training with immediate effect at 7.30pm at the National Training Centre.

(Photographs courtesy of Mr Dicky Ong)

STF Taekwondo Day


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) will celebrate its Taekwondo Day on Friday 15 February 2008 at 7.00pm at the National Training Centre.

The organizing committee is working on the programme which will include buffet dinner, taekwondo shows, quiz and lucky draws.

The STF President and Management Committee would like to invite all Presidents and coaches of affiliated clubs to join in the celebration.

If you can attend the function, please call Jolene or Linda to confirm your attendance by 1 February 2008. This is important because we want to ensure that there are sufficient food, drinks and space for everyone to enjoy the evening.

We appreciate your co-operation and support. 

Retest Results


The following were successful in the tests conducted on Saturday 12 January 2008 at the National Training Centre.

Taekwondo Coaching (Level 2)

–  Lim Soo Ee

Taekwondo Coaching (Level 1)


–  Cham Dao Seong

–  Tan Jin Hao

–  Shashikumar s/o Elankovan

–  Kendrick Ong

–  Liu Yong Hua

–  Lee Zhen Chong

– Ang Kok Wee Joseph

–  Devester Choo Yun Ming


–  Leong Minde

–  Lao Jie Rui

–  Eileen Cheok Kai Hwee

Our congratulations to all successful candidates.

Players from East Borneo Can Fight


More than 30 players and officials from East Borneo Taekwondo Association were in Singapore on 7 January 2008 for friendly matches with members of the national training squad. It was held at the National Training Centre.

Although players from East Borneo were not known for their taekwondo skills, they were far from being pushovers. They turned out to be very strong fighters. Some of them managed to outshine our players.

What were their secrets?

Alex Hadiyanto, former national coach of Indonesia, revealed: “They are preparing for the national championships in Jakarta, Indonesia in a couple of months’ time.

“The team has been training three times a day, six days a week for a few months now. And today’s friendly matches give them a chance to assess their strengths and weaknesses. I am glad that the Singapore players did a good job of evaluating them.”

Based on their performances, we would not be surprised if a few of them emerged as national champions and went on to represent their country.

1st Vice-President Steven Soh, who witnessed the exchanges with other STF officials including 2nd Vice-President RA Jeyaraman and Parents’ Committee Chairman Darren Tang, exchanged gifts with Mr Andi Harun, President, Borneo Taekwondo Association at the end of the session. He also presented souvenirs to other visiting officials and players.