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More Victims


Taekwondo practitioners must not be fooled by clubs wearing Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) designed uniforms. Wearing STF-designed uniforms do not make them a member of the national sports association recognised by the Singapore Sports Council and the Singapore National Olympic Council. 

One club has been warned for wearing STF-designed uniforms and the other is under investigation. Members of the first club were not aware that they were not recognised while most members of the other club are totally in the dark. Some members who have left the club found out too late that their grades are not accepted when they apply to join STF-affiliated clubs.

Here is an extract of a letter from the latest victim. The name of the instructor has been deliberately omitted. Otherwise, it is an exact reproduction of the relevant portion of the letter.

“As other parents should do, I am deeply complaining on —–‘s behaviour as:

  1. he pretends to belong to another federation in Singapore for which there is no evidence of existence, no paper
  2. he is asking for SIN50/child/month for 75 minute-lesson – while only a few SIN$/lesson at
  3. he is asking for SIN $80 for grading
  4. no paper given showing my kids belong to any other federation
  5. no paper given after any grading

Toh Tuk Road

on each Wednesday pm

After almost two years, late July 2007, I discontinued to send my kids to him due to that and because other parents discovered his tricks.

—– is claiming further money from me in the perspective to deliver any documents on grading. Frankly, I don’t trust him.”

If only he had done his research before he sent his children to a taekwondo class, he would not be in distress now. If only, if only, if only, …………………….

You don’t have to suffer the same fate. If your grading card carries the Singapore Taekwondo Federation logo, chances are you are with the STF. To be sure, you may check with the STF.

Important Message for all CC Taekwondo Trainers


By now all CC Taekwondo Trainers should be aware that the People’s Association is making an effort to inform participants of the different taekwondo organizations.

All CC Taekwondo Trainers under the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) – the only national sports association for taekwondo recognized by the highest sports authorities in Singapore – are urged to take advantage of the situation by informing their participants of the merits of the organization they are with.

You may tell them that they should be proud that their certification is recognized by a national body which is also affiliated to the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). The STF is the only organization in Singapore that is accepted by the WTF which is recognized by the International Olympic Committee and has affiliates in 187 countries in the world.

The STF is also affiliated to the Asian Taekwondo Union and the Asean Taekwondo Federation.

Only members of the STF can participate in the SEA Games, the Asian Games and the Olympics.

What’s more, the STF is the largest and the most active taekwondo organization in Singapore. It has a following of more than 90% of the taekwondo population and it organizes national activities for members regularly. These include the NTU Taekwondo Invitation Championships for tertiary students, the Hwarang Championships for secondary school students and the Rosyth Championships for primary school students.

Let your participants appreciate the privileges they are entitled to because they are with a national association but do not criticize or condemn any organization.

All taekwondo coaches under the STF should also ensure that their students are aware of the different groups and the privileges that they can get because they train under you.

Grading Feedback


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) introduced centralized grading for Grade 1 to Poom Belt in the recent grading on 5 January 2008. It expected some teething problems. But it was surprised that the grading turned out better than it expected.

STF Grading Chairman Ng Hwa Ann and his hardworking volunteers deserved credits for organizing the event well.

Generally, the grading was conducted smoothly. The few complaints received during the grading were beyond the control of the Grading Committee. They were caused by the absence of a few club instructors and information that was not handed down to the candidates.

It is important for club instructors to be present to guide their students during the grading. Candidates and their parents do not understand the grading arrangement and system. Therefore, it can be quite frustrating for them to try and make sense of what is being done in their interest.

In any case, it is the responsibility of all club instructors to take care of their students. Hence, there is no excuse why they are not there for them during their crucial promotion tests. As the STF is confident that all club instructors are supportive of their students, they will all be present at the next grading.

In the grading, quite a number of candidates were not informed of the staggered hours. The long waiting hours angered some parents. This could be avoided if the candidates had been informed. Club instructors are urged to make every effort to ensure that all candidates are aware of the grading schedule.

The STF would like to put on record its thanks to all affiliates for their support which contributed to the efficient running of the grading.

Mouth Guards: Compulsory for Contestants


In view of the importance of mouth guards in cushioning blows that might otherwise cause broken teeth and injuries to the lips, tongue, face or jaw, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) has made it compulsory for all contestants to use mouth guards for competitions with immediate effect.

The colour of the mouthpiece must be white or transparent. Exemption from the use of the mouthpiece will be granted only if a medical doctor certifies in writing that it may cause harm to the contestant.

The mouth guard worn by participants must be resilient, tear-resistant and comfortable. It should fit properly, durable, easy to clean and not restrict breathing. STF official supplier, Liang Seng Sports Equipment, carries stock of the mouthpieces.

Members may purchase the mouthpieces direct from the Company or through their respective coaches.  

Coaches are advised to get their competitors used to the mouthpiece early. They may also encourage their other participants engaging in free sparring to wear it.

Remember, safety first.

Revised Dates: Poomsae Coach Refresher Courses


Please note the revised dates for the Poomsae Coach Refresher Courses for the various coach levels. Corrections had been made to the posting on 27 December 2007.

For your convenience, the relevant information is reproduced below.

ASunday 13 January 2008 (9am to 12noon)Senior Examiners
BSaturday 19 January 2008 (5pm to 8pm)Examiners
CSunday 20 January 2008 (9am to 12 noon)Levels 3 & 2 Coaches
DSunday 20 January 2008 (2pm to 5pm)Level 1 Coaches
ESaturday 26 January 2008 (5pm to 8pm)Level 1 Coaches

The new dates for the various coach levels are more logical as the seniors must attend the course before the juniors.

We apologize for any confusion caused.

Poomsae Coach Course for Blackbelts


If you do not have a poomsae coach qualification, here is your chance to obtain one. The course will be conducted as follows.

Date               :           Sunday 27 January 2008

Time               :           9am to 5pm

Place              :           National Training Centre (NTC)

Dress Code     :           ‘Dobok’

Certification     :           Poomsae Coach Certificate (Level 1 or 1P)

Fee                 :           $50

Closing Date    :           Tuesday 22 January 2008

The course will cover theory and practical. For theory, you will learn, among other things, the principles of movements. You will go through Taegeuk Il-Jang to Poomsae Koryo for the practical session. After that you will be required to take both the theory and practical tests for your qualification.

You will require the qualification to be a coach for your performers at the poomsae competition. What’s more, the knowledge you acquire from the course will be invaluable to your understanding of the sport.

We recommend that you attend the course if you do not have the poomsae coach qualification yet.

The registration form is attached.

[webmaster]expired form was removed

Poomsae Coach Refresher Courses


A number of modified movements and new principles have been introduced during the 2nd World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships in November 2007.

In order to keep our poomsae coaches updated and give them a better understanding of poomsae performance, a series of refresher courses will be organized to cater to the different levels of coaches.

The details are as follows.

ASunday 13 January 2008 (9am to 12noon)Senior Examiners
BSaturday 19 January 2008 (5pm to 8pm)Examiners
CSunday 20 January 2008 (9am to 12 noon)Levels 3 & 2 Coaches
DSunday 20 January 2008 (2pm to 5pm)Level 1 Coaches
ESaturday 26 January 2008 (5pm to 8pm)Level 1 Coaches

The course will cover Taegeuk Il-Jang to Poomsae Taebaek. This is also a good opportunity for you to revise the poomsae if you have not been practicing. However, it is important for you to know the latest if you are preparing your participants for the 2008 Poomsae Championships – National Inter-College and National Tournament.

Training will be conducted in dobok. Parking is free for those attending the Sunday session.

The application form is attached. The completed form and the course fee of $15 must reach the Secretariat 4 days before the commencement of the course.

Certificates of participation will be awarded for coaches who successfully complete the course. The hours chalked up in the course is recognized as NCAP coach continuing education.

For more information on the course, you may contact Jolene or Theresa at 6345 1491.

Coaching Attachment Record


In response to requests by some coaches, we attached the relevant forms to help them kick off their attachment and record their coaching dates.

However, if coaches prefer, they may ask their club management or chief coach to confirm that they have completed their obligations at the end of their attachment.

Conversion of Poom to Dan


We would like to remind coaches to inform their members that conversion from poom to dan is not automatic. Poom belt holders must apply for dan conversion through their respective club coaches.

Coaches must ensure that the applicants have the standard of a dan holder before endorsing their applications.

It can be assumed that poom belt holders who have stopped training for an extended period do not have the standard. For example, a 17-year poom belt holder cannot be still good if he has not been training for more than six months. Therefore, coaches must insist that they train for a period before recommending them for the conversion.

Please also advise your members to apply for dan conversion on reaching the age of 16. If they apply later, they will be at a disadvantage if they want to go for their next grade because the time frame for their next dan will start from the date of issue of their dan certificates.

It is important that your members know about the ruling to avoid any misunderstanding in future.

A Day When Taekwondo Takes A Back Seat


Players from the national training squad and their ardent supporters, their parents and siblings, congregated on 21 December 2007 at the National Training Centre. They were there not to compete for a place in the national team but to have fun.

The event: Annual X’mas Gathering.


The function was for members of the national training squad and their families. Its primary objective was to provide an opportunity for participants to interact and strengthen their bond of friendship in a social environment. This is part of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation’s strategy to develop team spirit among its members and their families.

Said Mr Milan Kwee, President of the Federation, in his brief address: “I am delighted to see members of different clubs coming together for the function.”


He added: “I wish to see more parents helping the Parents’ Committee headed by Mr. Darren Tang. By helping the Committee, you are contributing to the development of the sport and the Federation.”

While the children were enjoying themselves playing games, watching movies, exchanging gifts, their parents were busy engaging in small talks. The only time they were one was when they dig into the food. Some of the food was specially cooked by members’ parents. The others were sponsored by the Parents’ Committee and the Federation.

Adding to the festive mood, Mrs Cindy Tan sportingly acted as Santarina. Everybody evidently had a great time!