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A Mind Blowing Performance


Guests, including Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (the Guest of Honour) and Mrs Goh, at the Assisi Gala Charity Nite were obviously impressed with the spectacular demonstration put up by the Taekwondo Warriors.

The event held on 25 November 2007 saw the Warriors showing off their talents as part of the entertainment programme. Their awesome performances belied their less than thirteen-month involvement with the martial art.

The Warriors comprising children with cancer under the care of Assisi Hospice demonstrated, among other things, taekwon aerobics and breaking techniques. They were led by Sister Linda Sim who also awed the spectators with some textbook execution of various techniques.


Wei Hao who broke two planks almost effortlessly after demonstrating some slick self-defence moves was undoubtedly the star of the show. He was mentioned for his determination and courage in Senior Minister Goh’s speech. And he revealed the qualities in the demonstration.Said Senior Minister Goh of the demonstration: “Very good. Very good.” He was surprised to learn from Mr Milan Kwee, President of Singapore Taekwondo Federation, that the Warriors trained only once a week for slightly more than a year.

Senior Minister Goh was joined by others who were full of praise for the mind blowing performances. Comments like ‘fantastic demonstration’, ‘wonderful performances’ and ‘great show’ were received by team members.The Singapore Taekwondo Federation, which sponsors the training of the Assisi Hospice children, salutes the Warriors for their outstanding display of courage, discipline and indomitable spirit. Their progress in the martial art is simply phenomenal!

Johor-Singapore Friendly


On the invitation of Johor State Taekwondo Association, 18 players accompanied by 3 officials, 2 coaches, 2 assistants and 11 supporters boarded a bus on 12 November 2007 to Stadium Larkin, Johor Bahru for friendly matches.

Our players enjoyed the exchanges so much that some of them went for extra rounds.

Said Team Manager Robin Chow: “It was a fair contest. While some of the Johor players were stronger than ours, some of our players were better than theirs. To put it simply, we won some and lost some.”

When asked for the score, Robin responded: “It did not matter the number of wins or losses. Most importantly, both teams had great time learning from one and other and the bond of friendship among us had been strengthened.”

He added: “Our players are looking forward to the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) hosting a friendly at the National Training Centre (NTC) in the near future.”

Although it was only a friendly game, Mr Milan Kwee (STF President) and Ms Wong Liang Ming (STF Secretary and National Coach) were at the NTC to see the team leave for Johor. The team was obviously grateful for their morale support.  

More Chances to Represent Singapore


The Federation will be conducting open selection trials for the following 2 events.

  • 12th Asian Cities Gold Cup Taekwondo Championships (11 years & above)

22 to 24 February 2008 in Hong Kong, China

  • Teluk Danga International Games (for players between 17 to 23 only)

20 to 24 February 2008 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia

The top eligible players in the respective categories will represent Singapore in the first tournament while the second eligible players will go to the second tournament subject to the fulfillment of the requirements.

The selection schedule is as follows.

Date                            –           2 December 2007 (Sunday)

Weigh-in                     –           12.00pm to 1.30pm

Selection                    –           3.00pm onwards

Venue                         –           STF National Training Centre

                                                80 Lorong Limau


                                                Singapore 320080

Eligibility                     –           At least a 1st dan or poom blackbelt

                                                Good fitness level (the STF reserves the right to

                                                request proof from a medical practitioner)

We would like to invite your players to participate in the trials.

Please fill in the attached form and submit it to the Secretariat by Friday, 30 November 2007We reserve the right not to accept late submission. There is no limit to the number of players you can field. The trial is open to Singapore Citizens only. A copy of their blackbelt certificate or card and identity card must be attached with the submission form.

Registered players for the trials are to report at the National Training Centre at before 12.00pmThey shall be considered for the category based on their actual weight at the weigh-in and not according to the weight submitted in the form as we do not want to disqualify any players. No weight allowance will be given.

Please take note of the following.

  • Shortlisted players will be eligible for the final trial only if they fulfill the 70% attendance from the time they were shortlisted. The final selection trial is scheduled to be held on 20 January 2008.
  • The first team (top eligible players) selected at the final trial will represent the Singapore at the 12th Asian Cities and the second team (second eligible players), at the Teluk Danga International Games. However, players are required to fulfill the attendance requirement from the time they are selected to be eligible for participation at the 2 tournaments.
  • They will also be required to join the development squad as part of the selection critieria.

The selection trial and Player’s Undertaking forms are attached. The Player’s Undertaking forms must be signed by parents for players under the age of 21 years old. Players will not be allowed to participate in the selection trials if they are unable to produce the forms on 2 December 2007 before the weigh-in.

2008 Programme In the Pipeline


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is in the process of planning its calendar of events for 2008.

All affiliated club officials and members are invited to provide suggestions on the types of activities that they want the STF to organize for them.

In order to avoid any clash of events, the STF would also appreciate it if dates could be given by clubs which have plans to organize STF-sanctioned tournaments.

Club officials and members may provide their feedback to Jolene or Theresa at 6345 1491 or by fax at 6345 1452.

The feedback will be invaluable for the STF to serve its affiliates better.

Centralised Grading for Grade 1 (Junior)


Brown 1 to Poom belt candidates will be graded be on Saturday 5 January 2008 at Toa Payoh Sports Hall.

As this is the first time all of them will be graded under a panel of three examiners at a centralized location, we expect some teething problems. We believe that some of which can be alleviated with the cooperation of the coaches.

Coaches can also make it easier for their students to perform at their best if they guide and support them by being present at the grading and making sure that their students

  • are well-prepared for the grading,
  • know the reporting time,
  • have their grading cards and
  • have suitable sparring partners arranged for them.

To better prepare your students for the grading, you should encourage them to attend the grading preparation workshop which will be held on 9 December 2007 at 9 am at the National Training Centre.

For more information on the grading preparation workshop, please read the website entry on ‘Grading Preparation Workshop’ under Courses.

127th Centralised Grading

SATURDAY05 Jan 08  2.00PM – 8.00PM  (Senior & Junior Brown 1 & higher)  Toa Payoh Sports Hall  
Sunday  06 Jan 08  9.00AM – 6.00PM  (All other grades)  Toa Payoh Sports Hall  

1. Submission for the Grading can only be at the STF office during office hours.

2. Please ensure that ALL grading cards are properly completed and duly endorsed. A recent photograph of the candidate must be attached.

3. For ALL candidates who are going for Brown 1 & above , please have the following documents during submission:

a. Candidate’s grading card

b. 1 photocopy of the candidate’s Identity Card (front & back) / Birth Certificate (for candidate below age of 12)

c. 2 recent IC / passport photographs of the candidate

d. Form B (duly completed)

Submission will not be accepted if any of the documents is not available or, for Form B, partially completed.

4. Submission will not be accepted if candidate fails to produce any of the documents mentioned above.

5. The last day of submission is on 17 DECEMBER 2007 (MONDAY) . Any submission after this date will be considered as LATE SUBMISSION.

6. Late submissions for candidates taking Brown 1 & above are to be done within two (2) weeks from 18 Dec 2007 (Tuesday). Submission beyond the grace period of two (2) weeks WILL NOT be accepted. An administrative fee will be charged accordingly for late submission. The charges are as follows:

PERIOD OF LATE SUBMISSIONAdministrative Fee Chargeable  
1st subsequent week from last day of submission  18 Dec 2007 – 24 Dec 2007 )  SGD 10.00
2nd subsequent week from last day of submission  26 Dec 2007 – 31 Dec 2007 )     50% of the grading fee payable by candidates for their respective grades.  

7. An administrative fee of SGD 5.00 will be charged for late submission of candidates taking all other grades except Brown 1 & above.

8. A roll call will be taken at 1.30pm for Brown 1 (Senior), 1st Poom & higher candidates, and at 2.30pm for 1st dan & higher candidates. Brown 1 (Junior) candidates will be given staggered reporting times through their instructors. Those who miss the roll call will be considered as ABSENT or LATECOMERS. Latecomers will not be graded.

9. Candidates are to turn up in proper dress code (as stipulated by the STF) for the grading. Candidates who fail to comply with the dress code will not be allowed to take the grading.

10. Supplementary Grading can only be conducted two (2) weeks before or after the Centralised Grading and will be subjected to the approval of the Grading Department.

11. Candidates will be taking the grading at their own risk and therefore will not hold the Federation, the Grading Department or anyone so concerned, responsible for any injuries, accidents or mishaps that may befall on them during the course of the grading.

12. For any enquiries, please contact the STF Secretariat Office or the Grading Department.

Challenging Coaching Course


80 participants spent 10 hours on Sunday 11 November 2007 at the National Training Centre to learn the art of coaching. And they have another 10 hours to go before they can qualify for the tests. 

The participants will earn their coach qualification only after they have passed the tests and completed 3 months (twice a week) and 6 months (once a week) attachment.

The course which covers, among other things, coaching fundamentals, competition rules and mental preparation saw some participants enthusiastically taking down notes and asking numerous questions. Their interest in the lectures was matched only by the concern shown by the members of Management for the success of the course.

Mr Milan Kwee, President STF, rushed back from a overseas trip to observe the conduct of the course, encourage the participants and wish them the very best in endeavour to obtain their coaching qualification.

STF Vice-Presidents, Steven Soh and RA Jeyaraman, were also present to lend morale support to the course conductors and participants.

The participants surely required all the support they could garner especially after they received their manual which was 141-page thick. There was certainly a lot for them to learn.

Said Coaching Chairman Wong Liang Ming: “There was nothing for them to worry. If they pay attention to the lectures, they should have not problem tackling the theory questions.”

Target – Best Coaches


Both coach briefing sessions conducted on 27 and 28 October were attended by almost 200 coaches. By their presence, they demonstrated their interest in keeping abreast with the latest development and wanting to improve themselves further.

Participants on 27 October 2007

After all, the aims of the sessions were to update them on the effort of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) to enhance their status and professionalism and inform them of their rights and responsibilities as coaches.

Lim Teong Chin briefing coaches on 28 October 2007

Among other things, they were reminded to always act in the best interest of taekwondo participants, act responsibly and act with integrity.

Said Lim Teong Chin who briefed the coaches: “Only coaches who undertook to observe the code of conduct will be issued a tournament coach pass. The pass will reflect the holder’s professionalism, rectitude and compassion.”

He added: “The STF wishes to produce the best coaches – coaches whose primary aspiration is only to help develop better human beings. The participants deserve them and no less.

“From the responses of the coaches at the briefings, I am confident that the target is achievable.”

To help coaches develop better players, the STF took the opportunity to encourage them to recommend their better trainees to join the national training squad. If they had any fear that they would lose their students, it was effectively allayed as they were assured that the players would be allowed to remain in the squad only if they continued to be members of their clubs.

Taekwondo Enrichment Programme at Fuchun


Ten instructors led by Demonstration Chairman Tan Cheng Hui conducted a taekwondo enrichment  programme on 25 October 2007 at Fuchun Secondary School. It was a six-hour course commencing at 7.30 am and ending at 1.30 pm.

For the theory session, the participants watched a short introductory video on taekwondo. It was followed by question and answer session. After a short break, the more than 300 students were taught various techniques and their applications.

Said Cheng Hui: “It was quite challenging handling the students. Although most of them were keen to learn, there were a couple of students who were not serious enough.

“Anyway, our appointed discipline master Robin Chow did a good job in controlling some students who had the tendency to seek attention.”

The instructors were pleased that the course was successfully conducted and the objective of providing the students with some knowledge of self-defence was achieved.

Said Robin: “I believe that the students had a positive experience of taekwondo.”

16 Medals for Singapore


Despite sending a depleted team, we returned with 16 medals in the 8th Asean Taekwondo Championships held on 12 and 13 October 2007 in Ba Ria Vung Tau, Vietnam.  Although none of the medals were in the colour we wanted, we were satisfied with the collection considering the reduced strength of our team and the level of competition.

The breakdown of our medal haul is as follows: one silver and five bronze medals in the kyorugi events and three silver (individual), two silver (team), four bronze (individual) and one bronze (pair) medals in the poomsae competitions.

Team with Mr Kris Wiluan (President, ATF) and Mr Milan Kwee (President, STF)

Two of our better players, Jason Ong and Joyce Lim, who had been slated for the SEA Games in December 2007, had to stay home because of school commitment and injury respectively. Another SEA Games player, Lanetar Quek, was nursing a knee injury which put her at a disadvantage but not out of contention. Charlotte Tang was also suffering the same fate as Lanetar.

Said Singapore Team Manager Ng Lee Noi: “We were proud that the players gave their all at the competition. Not only that, they were sporting enough to participate in the poomsae competition although they were not really prepared for it.”

Singapore did not intend to field a team for the poomsae competition.  At the last-minute request of the organizers, Singapore obliged and did well.  Even the Team Manager jumped into the fray and won 2 medals.

Mr Milan Kwee, President of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, was at the event to attend the Asean Taekwondo Federation meeting and give our team the much-needed morale support.

Singapore Flagbearers

Team Manager                      –           Ng Lee Noi

Coach                                  –           Wong Liang Ming

Players (Male)                      –           Jason Tan

                                                       Chow Cheong Yean

                                                       Low Chuan Kai

Players (Female)                  –           Lanetar Quek

                                                       Charlotte Tang

                                                       Nurul Shafinas


Kyorugi Events


–            Charlotte Tang (Junior Female Welter)


–            Jason Tan (Senior Male Fin)

–            Low Chuan Kai (Senior Male Feather)

–            Lanetar Quek (Senior Female Fly)

–            Jason Tan (Junior Male Feather)

–            Nurul Shafinas (Junior Female Light Middle)

Poomsae Events


–            Low Chuan Kai (Senior Male Individual)

–            Ng Lee Noi (Senior Female Individual)

–            Charlotte Tang (Junior Female Individual)

–            Jason Tan (Team Male)

–            Chow Cheong Yean (Team Male)

–            Low Chuan Kai (Team Male)

–            Lanetar Quek (Team Female)

–            Charlotte Tang (Team Female)

–            Nurul Shafinas (Team Female)


–            Chow Cheong Yean (Senior Male Individual)

–            Lanetar Quek (Senior Female Individual)

–            Jason Tan (Junior Male Individual)

–            Nurul Shafinas (Junior Female Individual)

–            Jason Tan (Pair)

–            Ng Lee Noi (Pair)