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Grading Preparation Workshop 9 Dec 2007


In order to help grade 1 (senior and junior) and higher candidates prepare for the grading, the STF will be organizing a grading preparation workshop.

The details of the workshop are as follows.

Date                :           Sunday 9 December 2007

Time               :           9am to 12noon

Place              :           National Training Centre (NTC)

Dress Code   :           ‘Dobok’

Certification   :           Certificate of Participation

Fee                 :           $30

Closing Date:           Monday 26 November 2007

The registration form is attached.

The programme includes mock grading and talks on candidates’ responsibilities and examiners’ expectations.

The activity, which will be run by senior examiners, will be beneficial to members who want to know what they must do to achieve success in the grading. For candidates who wish to find out in detail why they fail, the workshop is a good place for them to get the answers.

Please note that parking is free at the NTC on Sunday.

Separate Grading For Grade 1 Candidates


Currently, Grade 1 (senior) and higher and 1st poom and higher candidates are centrally graded on Saturday under a panel of three examiners while Grade 1 (junior) – that is those going for poom belt – are graded together with the other colour belts.

With effect from January 2008 grading, all grade 1 candidates (junior) are also required to be centrally graded under a panel of three examiners. This is necessary because the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) wants to ensure a more consistent standard for 1st poom.

For more information, please check with the Secretariat at 63451491.

Coach Briefing – Two Dates


To accommodate numerous requests from affiliates, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation has decided to organize another session to brief coaches on the introduction of the tournament coach passes and the other tournament matters.

The options for coaches are as follows.

  • Saturday 27 October 2007 (from 6pm to 8pm at the National Training Centre)
  • Sunday 28 October 2007 (from 9am to 11am at the National Training Centre)

For more information on the briefing, please read the posting under ‘Tournament’ on 11 September 2007.

Coaches who wish to attend the briefing are required to register by calling either Jolene or Theresa at 63451491.

We will appreciate your cooperation in this matter because logistics is required for the organisation of the event.

Successful Workshop


The hard work of the Lady Committee under the leadership of Ms Goh Hong Wee resulted in the successful organisation of the lady self-defence workshop on 19 August 2007.

The hard work of the Lady Committee under the leadership of Ms Goh Hong Wee resulted in the successful organisation of the lady self-defence workshop on 19 August 2007.

The participants had great fun learning the various self-defence skills.  Most of all, they enjoyed interacting with one another. 

Said Ms Goh: “I am glad that the event turned out well.  Thanks to Chrissie Liew, 1st Vice-Chairman of the Lady Committee, and Girlene Tan, the Secretary, for their relentless effort in putting the event together.

“I would also like to record my special thanks to Brian Peh, Chief Instructor of Zen TKD, who not only conducted the workshop proficiently but also contributed a lucky draw prize.”

Yes, some participants went home with more than the ability to defend themselves.  They left with lucky draw prizes and a few additional calories from the refreshment provided after the session.

Family Bonding Through Taekwondo


About 10,000 participants were promoted in the quarterly centralized grading held on 6 and 7 October 2007 at Toa Payoh Sports Hall. Many thousands more will be upgraded through the supplementary grading conducted at various centres by examiners assigned by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF).

The grading is like a family carnival. Children participating in the grading are supported by their parents and grandparents. There were also plenty of photograph-taking opportunities for the family album.

One interesting fact of the grading is the increase in the number of families taking the test. This is not only good for the sport but also the families.

Looking for Players to Guide and Groom


All blackbelt members, who aspire to improve their standards and eventually represent Singapore in various international tournaments, are invited to join the national training squad.

The squad trains from Mondays to Fridays from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the National Training Centre – a centre where the best taekwondo exponents in Singapore become better.

If you are interested in joining the squad, you have to apply through your club or instructor who will be required to check with the Secretariat to find out the best date for you to start the training.

All players who participated in the recent National Championships are encouraged to register. It does not matter if you are not among the medal winners. You can apply as long as you have the determination to develop yourself further.

After all, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation is looking for players, who wish to go as far as they can in the sport, to guide and groom.

You should join the training squad if you want to realize your potential. This invitation is your opportunity.

Taekwondo Coaching (Level 1) Course


We would like to invite your blackbelt members to participate in the course. If your Club does not have sufficient coaches, it will be a good opportunity for you to have more.

The course information and registration form are attached.

Although it is not necessary to complete the NCAP (Level 1) Theory to participate in this course, it is an advantage for blackbelts to do so.

Participants who successfully complete this course will be qualified to apply for the Tournament Coach Pass (Kyorugi),

[webmaster] expired attachment was removed

Financial and Non-Financial Information 2004-2006


In compliance wth the the Charities (IPC) Regulations, the Financial and Non-Financial Information is attached.

PM Lee Knows Taekwondo


Doing his rounds to the various pavilions set up at the Singapore Botanic Gardens on 22 September 2007, PM Lee Hsien Loong instantly recognised the one by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF). When he spotted it, he exclaimed: “Taekwondo! Taekwondo!”

The event: The launching of the National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign 2007. And PM Lee was there as the guest of honour.

PM Lee not only showed that he could identify the uniform with the sport but also demonstrated his understanding of the sport etiquette.

When he approached the pavilion, STF President Milan Kwee led a group of demonstrators in extending their greeting and respect to PM Lee by bowing to him. PM Lee promptly stood at attention and returned the courtesy.

After speaking briefly with Mr Kwee, PM Lee obliged the members with a group picture.

Supporting the Hearing Impaired


The Management Committee of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), in its recent meeting, approved the application of the Singapore Association for the Deaf for four (4) of its clients to be granted exemption from paying the grading fees.

Although it is a small contribution, it is part of a larger objective of the STF to play a more active role in helping taekwondo students with special needs.

Currently, the STF is running a special taekwondo programme at the Assisi Hospice. The programme at the Singapore Association for the Deaf is conducted by Brian Peh, an instructor of Zen TKD (an STF affiliate).

While the Assisi programme is known internationally among the Children’s Hospice community, the taekwondo exponents at the Singapore Association hope to make their mark in the Deaflympic Games in Taipei in 2009.

The STF wishes them the best and is honoured to be given the opportunity to share its expertise and resources with the community.