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Poomsae Programme for Poom Belts


Taking up the suggestions of some parents, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be organizing a Poomsae Programme for poom belts.

The primary objective of the workshop is to help poom belts understand the finer points of poomsae performance. At the end of the session, they will be able to appreciate the significance of each movement and spot performance errors.

The details of the programme are as follows.

Date               :           Sunday 9 September 2007

Time               :           9am to 12noon

Place              :           National Training Centre (NTC)

Dress Code   :           ‘Dobok’                     

Certification   :           Certificate of Participation

Fee                 :           $20

Closing Date:           Tuesday 4 September 2007

The registration form is attached.

For those who will be driving, please note that parking is free at the NTC on Sunday.

One Family Takes Three Gold Medals


In the first two days of the 34th National Pesta Sukan Taekwondo Championships held on 11 and 12 August 2007 at Yishun Sports Hall, the Chew family collected 3 gold medals through Kai Jun, Xin Wei and Xin Yi. While Kai Jun captured the Young Junior Poom (Boys) Fly Weight title, his sisters netted the Young Junior Poom (Girls) Fin and Fly Weights crowns.

It was also a family affair for coaches Jeffery Lim and May Cheong. Their son, Kenneth Lim Wei Jun fought gallantly in the Young Junior Category. His puny frame belied the determination, courage and fire in him.   For showing off his steely mettle, he won for himself the fighting spirit award from the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) and a loving hug from his parents.

Talking about family, the STF was glad that the event brought together many families. It was heartening to see so many parents giving their children not only their personal attention but also their vocal support.

While some parents could be seen giving pep talks to their children, others were wiping perspiration off their kids’ foreheads with tender loving care. But when their children were in the ring, they just shouted themselves hoarse.

Their encouragement was a morale booster which had resulted in outstanding performances from their children. That also made the competition keener and the standard higher. The parents certainly deserved kudos for their involvements.

As there can be only one winner per category, the two day competition produced 16 champions.

The detailed results will be released at the end of the championships which will continue on 25 and 26 August 2007 at the same venue. Admission is free and all are welcome.    

8th Asean Taekwondo Championships – Selection Trials


The Federation will be conducting selection trials for the 8th Asean Taekwondo Championships which will be held from 10 to 14 October 2007 in Ba Ria Vung Tau, Vietnam.

The schedule is as follows.                                            

30 August 2007 (Thursday)            

31 August 2007 (Friday)                 


STF National Training Centre
Block 80 Lorong Limau
 #04-191 Singapore 320080Closing Date
29 August 2007 (Wednesday)

At least a 1st dan blackbelt
Good fitness level (The STF reserves the right to request proof from a medical practitioner.)

We would like to invite your players to participate in the trials. Please fill in the attached form and submit it to the Secretariat on or before the closing date. We reserve the right not to accept late submission. There is no limit to the number of players you can field. However, only Singapore Citizens are eligible to participate in the trials.

Registered players for the trials are to report at the National Training Centre at 7.30pm SHARP for the weigh-in and selection trial.They shall be considered for the category based on their actual weight on that day of the weigh-in and not according to the weight submitted in the form as we do not want to disqualify any players. No weight allowance will be given.

Shortlisted players will have to fulfill the 70% attendance requirement right up to the competition to be eligible for participation in the event.

Donation to Assisi Hospice


The Blackbelt Club, which is now defunct, has magnanimously donated $5,668.52 of its remaining fund, through the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), to Assisi Hospice Children’s Centre.

Besides expressing her gratitude on behalf of the FMDM sisters and patients, Ms Ronita Paul, Nurse Manager cum Fundraising Coordinator, wrote: “When hope grows dim, it will be overwhelming for anyone to cherish the time at hand and the people around them. Yet a young patient is able to transcend this uncertainty and recognizes the love from those who care fro him as his pillars of hope and strength.

“It is indeed a formidable task undertaken by Assisi in providing this specialized care to the children with so much compassion and dedication all these years.

“Your generous support will enable us to continue with our mission.”

The STF is proud of the charitable spirit of the former members of the Blackbelt Club.

Darren Tang Heads the Parents’ Committee


Core members of the Parents’ Committee had a meeting with Mr Milan Kwee, President of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), on 7 August 2007 at the STF Secretariat.

Mr Kwee spoke about the functions of the Committee before going on to suggest, among other things, that it could consider organizing a taekwondo camp for children.

Those present including Mr Louis Koh and Mr Mohamed Sahabdin, parents of children who are tournament players, unanimously agreed that Mr Darren Tang was the best person to helm the Committee.

Mr Tang thanked the members for their confidence in him and said that he would call for a meeting soon to discusss on the organizing of the camp. What’s more, he hoped to recruit more members into the Committee.

The one and a half hour meeting proved to be productive as several new ideas bounced off each other. One of which was to arrange special taekwondo training sessions for parents whose children are in the sport.

Parents who are interested in joining the Committee may contact Mr Darren Tang through the STF.

Ladies Self-Defence Workshop


New information on the workshop is attached. 

Read it and register for the workshop now.

[Webmaster] Expired attachment was removed

Achievement Award for Charlotte


Charlotte Tang, a member of the national squad, was recognised for her accomplishments in taekwondo by her school, Hai Sing Catholic, when she received the CCA Achievement Award from the Principal, Mr Charles Surin, on 7 August 2007.

It was an achievement for Charlotte by any count as she was with the school for only 7 months. Despite the relatively short period, she had brought honour

to the school by clinching numerous medals including the following.-  Malaysia Open (Bronze)
–  National Poomsae Championships (Gold & Silver)
–  People Association-STF Championships (Gold)
–  Maris Stella High Hwarang Championships (Gold)

What’s more, she was able to balance her studies and sport resulting in her doing well in both.

Said Ms Wong Liang Ming, the national coach: “Charlotte is certainly a deserving recipient of the award. She excels in the sport and also demonstrates a champion mindset in training and in competition. Any school should be proud of her achievements.

“I am glad that Hai Sing Catholic gave her the due recognition.” 

ITF President Visits STF Secretariat


Master Tran Trieu Quan, International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) President, visited the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) Secretariat on 6 August 2007.

He was accompanied by Dr Lee Chee Wee, CEO of Lynk Biotechnologies Pte Ltd (a corporate sponsor of the STF), who arranged the informal visit.

After some pleasantries, Mr Kwee shared with Master Tran on the development of taekwondo in Singapore. He went on to give a powerpoint presentation on the STF community involvement which had attracted positive results.

Master Tran congratulated the STF on its effort of propagating the sport. He was visibly impressed by what the STF was doing for its members and the society.

The two leaders exchanged view on the best ways to move taekwondo forward. Although WTF taekwondo and ITF taekwon-do are two different products, they agreed that nothing should stop the two groups from working together for the betterment of taekwondo.

Master Tran took the opportunity of the visit to show some clips of the recent ITF World Taekwon-Do Championships in Quebec, Canada. He said that he was delighted with the outcome of the event in terms of organisation, participation and publicity. He also shared his views on leadership.

The visit of Master Tran was educational for the STF officials as they learned about the direction and philosophy of the ITF.

National Championships: Schedule and Fixtures


The schedule and fixtures for the 34th National Pesta Sukan Taekwondo Championships 2007 are attached.

The Tournament Organising Chairman would like to remind all Team Managers to ensure that they have the relevant documents to verify the grades of their players who have not been cleared yet. Players whose grades cannot be confirmed before their matches will be disqualified.

Verification of grades can be done at the Secretariat during office hours.

In order to have a smooth and successful competition, the team managers’ co-operation is sought in the grade verification process.

The STF wishes all participants and spectators an enjoyable and rewarding experience at the tournament.

Two Brothers Attend International Camp


Lee Thiam Poh (Tournament Chairman) and his brother, Lee Thiam Huat, attended a week-long international referee camp held from 29 July 2007 at Woosuk Unity in Jeoju, North Jeolla Province, South Korea to select international referees for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

They had to undergo medical examinations, fitness tests and refereeing skills evaluation.

Said Thiam Poh: “It was quite an experience for me. Although there was nothing new, the revision and practice were useful in the upgrading of my level of refereeing.”

The World Taekwondo Federation organized the camp because they understood the importance of referees in upholding the integrity of taekwondo and in helping the sport remain as an Olympic sport.

Mr Choue Chungwon, WTF President, said in his address to the 190 referees attending the camp: “Fairer judging and refereeing will help bring a more orderly enviornment to the taekwondo competition sites where athletes and coaches will accept the competition results.”

He added: “The success of judging and refereeing at major taekwondo competitions is crucial for taekwodo to retain its status as an official Olympic sport.”