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Taekwondo Players Receive Spex Grants


4 taekwondo players received their SPEX Study Grant on 8 October 2005 at the National Stadium Theatrette.

The grant was given annually by the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) to outstanding student athletes who have received good results in sports while studying.

While Lanetar Quek Yu (Junior College), Cornelyus Ng Jian Hui (Junior College) and Dawn Ang Kai Ying (Polytechnic) received their awards from Mr.Wayde Clews, SSC Chief (High Performance Group), Fong Yee Min (Part-time Diploma/Degree) collected hers from the Guest-of-Honour, Mr. Oon Jin Teck, SSC Chief Executive Officer.

All the recipients were grateful for their grants.

Said Dawn: “I would like to thank the SCC for the grant. It helps sustain my interest in the sport.”

Lanetar thanked the SSC for the grant and said that it was helpful in supporting her financially while she worked hard to achieve her ambition.

In addition to showing her appreciation to the SSC and the STF, Yee Min said: “ I owe my achievements to my coaches.”

Cornelyus found the grant beneficial to his pursuit of both his studies and sport. He also registered his thanks to the coaches, the STF and the SSC.

Mr. RA Jeyaraman (2nd Vice President) and Mr. Tan Cheng Hui (Management Committee Member) from the STF witnessed the presentation and congratulated the recipients.

SSC Scholarship for Two Taekwondo Players


Vincent Chua Kheng Hui (Ngee Ann Polytechnic) and Low Chuan Kai (Singapore Polytechnic) were awarded the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) Scholarship 2005/2006 in September 2005.

They thanked the SSC and their respective institutions for the award and pledged to do their best in their studies and sport.

Both award recipients are national players.

New Management Committee


The STF conducted its Annual General Meeting on 17 September 2005 at the National Training Centre.

Mr. Milan Kwee, the incumbent President, will continue to lead the Management team which comprises the following –

President                   Mr. Milan Kwee

1st Vice President      Mr. Steven Soh

2nd Vice-President    Mr. R.A. Jeyaraman

Hon Secretary           Ms Wong Liang Ming    

Asst Hon Secretary    Mr. Tan Kok Heng

Hon Treasurer           Ms. Ng Lee Noi

Asst Hon Treasurer    Mr. Lee Thiam Poh

Member                    Mr. Edmund Tan

Member                    Mr. Chow Pak Hoong

Member                    Mr. Lim Keng Leong

Member                    Mr. Ng Hwa Ann

Member                    Mr. Nordon Lim

Member                    Mr. Tan Beng Hua

Member                    Mr. Tan Cheng Hui

The Committee looks forward to the continued support of all members.

2nd Referee Refresher Seminar 2005 (Report)


The 2nd seminar was held on the 21 August 2005 at the NTC to accommodate national referees who could not attend the first seminar. It was conducted by International Referee Yeo Boon Thiang.

Said Yeo; “ The participants were enthusiastic and performed well during the practice and assessment. I am happy with the high standard displayed.”

Rosyth School Is Tops


4 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze medals were sufficient for Rosyth School to clinch the  No. 1 spot in the 5th Rosyth School Invitational Taekwondo Tournament.

The event, which was held on 13 August 2005 at Rosyth School Indoor Basketball Court, attracted 18 primary schools.Coming in a close second was St Stephen’s Primary School with 4 gold , 2 silver and 1 bronze medals. West View Primary School took the 3rd place with 3 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medals.Guest of Honour, BG Pang Hee Han, Vice Chairman of the Rosyth School Advisory Committee, was present to witness the spectacular exchanges by the participants and give away the prizes at the end of the tournament.


S/noSchoolGold SilverBronze
1Rosyth School (Overall Champion) 4
2St Stephen’s Primary School421
3West View Primary School3 21
4Naval Base Primary School221
5Boon Lay Gardens Primary School212
6Maris Stella Primary School211
7Zhong Hua Primary School201
8Concord Primary School127
9 St Anthony’s Primary School 1 1 4
 10 De La Salle Primary School 1 1 2
 11 Gan Eng Seng Primary School 1 0 1
 12 Fu Hua Primary School 1 0 0
 13 Stamford Primary School 0 0 0
 14 Yew Tee Primary School 0 2 0
 15 Clementi Primary School 0 1 3
 16 Qi Fa Primary School 0 1 1
 17 St Michael’s Primary School 0 0 0
 18 Tanjong Katong Primary School 0 0 0


Tan Kok Heng (Chief Referee)
Chua How Sheng
Kong Sin Yu
Loo Chuan Shen Don
Chen Ziyang
Song Jun Quan
Tan Ah Hee
Calvin Ng
Yap Jim Cheng
Yap Gin Yee
Merly Leperme
Ng Lee Noi

Dr. Tan Visits the NTC


Dr. Tan Eng Liang, Chairman of the Special Training Assistance Committee and Vice-President of the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC), visited the National Training Centre on 11 August 2005 to observe the training of the national squad.

Dr. Tan was accompanied by Jessie Phua, Singapore Bowling Federation President, and other officials from the SNOC and the Singapore Sports Council. Jessie is also a member of the selection committee which decides on the fate of the SEA Games nominees.

On their arrival, they were welcomed by Milan Kwee (President), RA Jeyaraman (2nd Vice President), Edmund Tan (Asst. Treasurer) and other STF officials.

Tournament Organisation


All affiliates planning to organise their tournaments were reminded to apply for approval on the prescribed form at least six weeks before the event.

Said Hon Secretary Wong Liang Ming: “We are pleased to note that there has been an increase in the number of clubs organising tournaments for various reasons. This is good for the sport and we encourage it.

“However, we would like to ask organisers of future tournaments who require technical and other support from the STF to co-operate with us by applying for approval on the prescribed form at least six weeks before the event. The form is available at the Secretariat. It can also be downloaded from STF website.

“While the STF would like to help the organisers, it is often placed in a very difficult, if not impossible, position to do so because of last minute requests.

“We would like to state that the STF will not support or entertain any application which fails to meet the six-week requirement.”Affiliates, which require advice on the organising of the tournament, may consult the Tournament Head, Mr. Lee Thiam Poh at 9106 4421.

Coaching Discipline


The STF is confident that its coaches are aware of the importance of maintaining a high standard of coaching discipline. Nevertheless, it highlights some poor practices which coaches will do well to avoid.

They are as follows:

  • Introducing sparring without briefing trainees on the rules of the game.
  • Knocking trainees out during sparring session to save face.
  • Making trainees perform more physical exercises than Taekwondo techniques and skills during regular training sessions
  • Expecting trainees to perform techniques beyond their abilities.
  • Frightening children by threat or shocking them.
  • Punishing trainees by hitting them with a focuser, manhandling them and  embarrassing them.
  • Criticising trainees in the presence of an audience.
  • Calling trainees names like ‘Fatty’, ‘Shorty” and ‘Stupid’
  • Identifying trainees by race – ‘that Malay boy’, ‘that Chinese boy’ and ‘that Indian boy’.
  • Depriving trainees of toilet breaks or drink breaks.
  • Disallowing trainees rest when they need to.
  • Using obscene language or gesture.
  • Touching trainees inappropriately.
  • Engaging in inappropriate physical contact in front of the trainees.
  • Smoking while coaching.
  • Wearing attire unsuitable for coaching
  • Leaving injured trainees in the lurch.
  • Advising trainees to ignore seniors from other Clubs.
  • Showing disrespect to seniors and elders including School Principals, Vice-Principals and other officials

For the best practices, coaches may refer to the “Effective Coach’ book which is available at the Secretariat at a special price of $20.00.

1st Referee Refresher Seminar 2005 (Report)


90 participants attended the Referee Refresher Seminar held on 7 August 2005 at the National Training Centre. It was conducted by Mr. Lim Teong Chin, Chairman, Board of Referees, with the assistance of International Referee Yeo Boon Thiang and International Referee Lee Thiam Huat.

The seminar focused on the latest rules and rules interpretations adopted by the World Taekwondo Federation on 12 April 2005.

Said Mr. Lim: “The changes are necessary to make the sport safer, fairer and more exciting.”

He added: “The frequent changes mean that referees and coaches have to stay current to be effective in the performance of their functions. If they do not know the new rules, they will be disadvantaged.”

Showing their interest, the participants asked many questions on the rules and other referee administration matters.

At the end of the seminar, the referees took a test to confirm their competency and understanding of the new refereeing rules and procedure. All of them did well to qualify for officiating assignments in the National Championships and other local tournaments.

The STF would like to thank the participants, the International Referees and officials for making the seminar possible. Special thanks to Mr. John Ho and Mr. Edmund Tan for their personal contribution to the event.

WTF’s 32nd Anniversary


The World Taekwondo Federation, (WTF), established on 28 May 1973, celebrated its 32nd Anniversary on 19 July 2005 at Dynasty Hall, Hotel Shilla, Seoul, Korea.

It was also an occasion to celebrate the re-election of Dr. Choue Chungwon as the President of the WTF.

Singapore was represented by the Federation’s President and General Manager. During their visit to Korea, they took the opportunity to touch base with many other officials, Mr. Um Voon Kyu (President, Kukkiwon), Mr. Song Sang-Keun (Vice-President, Kukkiwon), Mr. Park Hyun-Sup (Director, Kukkiwon Academy), Mr. Daewon Kang (Vice Chairman, ATU) and Prof. Lee Kyu Seok (Secretary General, ATU).

The President and General Manager also interacted and networked with their counterparts to learn about the development of the sport in their countries.

Before their return, they witnessed the presentation by 3 vendors of their respective electronic protectors at the Grand Peace Hall, Kyung Hee University. As they saw it, further improvements had to be made to the equipment before it could be adopted.