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Participation In Overseas Events Or Non-sanctioned Events/Gradings


Since the STF website was created more than twelve years ago, the STF has periodically posted reminders to our members with regards to the hazards of participating in non-sanctioned events or gradings. This includes participating in overseas events without the prior approval of STF.

Some of the articles are as follows (links can be found at the end of this document)

Jan 2007 – Waste of Time

Mar 2007 – Is your Blackbelt Recognized?

Jan 2008 – More Victims

Jul 2009 – Instructor Warned

Sep 2009 – Don’t Be Fooled Jun

2010 – Kukkiwon Certification

Jul 2011 – Participation in Non-sanctioned Events The STF wishes to remind and clarify the following to all our affilates and the general public.

The STF wishes to remind and clarify the following to all our affilates and the general public.


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is the only taekwondo organization recognized by the Singapore Sports Council as the national governing body for the sport. It is affiliated to the Singpore National Olympic Council, World Taekwondo, World Taekwondo Asia and Kukkiwon.

STF organised 4 centralised gradings a year and supplementary gradings upon request by affiliates throughout the year. Each grading is helmed by an STF-appointed examiner from the board of examiners. Each participant in the STF-recognised grading will have a STF-grading card with the STF logo.

Training at a club with participants wearing uniform with “Singapore Taekwondo Federation” does not automatically mean that the club is recognized by the STF. Members of the public who are unsure of the status of your club should send an email to STF official email address for clarifications.

Kukkiwon certificates issued through the STF bear the signatures of both the Kukkiwon President and STF President. Kukkiwon certificates without the signature of the STF President are not recognized by the STF.

All STF affiliates and members are reminded not to participate in non-STF recognised gradings. The STF will institute disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension of any affiliate or member for breaching the rules or any other rules and regulations of the STF.


While, STF encourages its affiliates to enhance the experiences of its members by participating in club championships or activities organized overseas or locally, members are reminded not to be involved in any events organized by clubs or associations not recognized or affiliated to the respective national sports bodies.

The STF will institute disciplinary action against any affiliate or member for breaching the rules or any other rules and regulations of the STF. To avoid unintentionally breaking the rules, affiliates and members should check with STF before participating in any local or foreign taekwondo activities. Affiliate leaders and coaches invited by their friends or organizers are strongly advised to check with the STF before agreeing to accept their invitations if they are not sure if the events or activities are recognized or sanctioned by the national associations.

The STF will institute disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension of any affiliate or member which has knowingly or unwittingly participated in activities that the STF does not or will not endorse.


As stated earlier, STF STF encourages its affiliates to enhance the experiences of its members by participating in club championships or activities organized overseas. Affiliate leaders and coaches invited by their friends or organizers are strongly advised to check with the STF before agreeing to accept their invitations if they are not sure if the events or activities are recognized or sanctioned by the national associations.

However, the following guidelines should be adhered to – Affiliates can apply to participate in club level international championships (non-G events). However, affilates cannot participate in championships which the national team is involved. – While STF is open to affiliates applying to attend G1 championships, applications for G1 championships will only be approved on a case by case basis. – Only the national team can participate in G2 and higher tournaments.

The STF will institute disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension of any affiliate or member which has knowingly or unwittingly participated in activities that the STF does not or will not endorse.


 Attire for international or local events need to be approved by STF. In general, only the national athletes representing Singapore in international events will be allowed to don the National Flag. All participants should otherwise be wearing STF-approved doboks with “Singapore Taekwondo Federation” at the back and the STF logo on the left sleeve.

The STF will institute disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension of any affiliate or member which has knowingly or unwittingly flout the attire guidelines of the STF.


 While STF is highly appreciative of affliiates who organise inter-affiliate Taekwondo events including but not limited to seminars, friendlies and championships, affilates are reminded that all inter-club events need to be approved and sanctioned by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation.

Please note that as per the above, officials and competitors who participate in non-sanctioned tournaments (whether local or overseas) or officials and competitors who did not seek approval to participate in sanctioned activities may be sanctioned and barred from STF’s activities, including but not limited to gradings and competitions.

Affiliates who are interested to organise an inter-affiliate event should write in to seek approval (and sanction if necessary) at least 6 weeks before the event.


Jan 2007 – Waste of Time

Mar 2007 – Is your Blackbelt Recognized?

Jan 2008 – More Victims

Jul 2009 – Instructor Warned

Sep 2009 – Don’t Be Fooled

Jun 2010 – Kukkiwon Certification

Jul 2011 – Participation in Non-sanctioned Events

STF Data Protection Policy


The STF data protection policy is attached for your information. 

 It is part of the organization’s effort to protect the data received by it while running its multifarious activities. 

The STF will appreciate the guidance of members in the matter, if any.  Your suggestion is welcome.  You may email it to

Kukkiwon Certification


The STF encourages all its poom and black belt holders, especially those who wish to participate in international competitions and seminars, to apply for Kukkiwon certification.

Those who are interested to apply for Kukkiwon certification should apply through their respective clubs. The current rates including administrative fees are as follows.

  • 1st dan – S$125.00
  • 2nd dan – S$160.00
  • 3rd dan – S$210.00
  • 4th dan – S$265.00
  • 5th dan – S$525.00
  • 6th dan – S$615.00
  • 7th dan – S$790.00

All qualified members of STF-affiliated clubs should apply for the certification immediately after the announcement of their grading results so that they will not lose out in their Kukkiwon ranking seniority.

For example if you obtain your 1st dan in January 2009 and 2nd dan in January 2010, you cannot apply for 2nd dan Kukkiwon in 2010 if you do not have a 1st dan Kukkiwon. In that case, you have to apply for your 1st dan in January 2010 and wait for January 2011 before you can apply for the next grade. That means you will be 1 year, in term of Kukkiwon grade, behind your contemporaries who had applied.

Kukkiwon certificates issued through the STF bear the signatures of both the Kukkiwon President and STF President. Kukkiwon certificates without the signature of the STF President are not recognized by the STF. 

And holders of such certificates will not receive the support and/or recommendation of STF for participation at competitions, courses and other activities organized or sanctioned by the following organizations:

  • International Olympic Committee
  • Asian Olympic Council
  • World Taekwondo Federation
  • Asian Taekwondo Union
  • Asean Taekwondo Federation

The application form is available in the Forms folder. Please check with Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 63451491 if you require clarifications on the conversion process.

STF Pledge Is Compulsory


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is putting a high premium in the development of ‘DO’ which is articulated in its pledge. Without ‘DO’, a taekwondo member cannot be complete. Therefore, the STF, which is responsible for the promotion of the art and sport, would be remiss if it fails to provide guidance for its members.

However, the STF will require the support, co-operation and understanding of club leaders, officials and coaches to produce taekwondo exponents worthy of the discipline.

As coaches and black belt holders serve as important role models for their students, it is imperative that they are able to not only recite the STF pledge but also appreciate its significance. In order to ensure that they are conversant with the pledge, it has been, and will remain as, part of the basic requirement for them when they participate in STF courses/seminars/workshops.

For clubs conducting supplementary promotion tests, the pledge will be recited by candidates to kick off the event. Club representatives may take the pledge on behalf of the candidates at the start of the grading.

People Association List Of Equipment Information Sheet


The attachment list is only applicable for PA Taekwondo classes conducted by its registered Trainers and affiliated with STF.

Qualifications For Examiners


Minimum Requirements

  • 6th Dan
  • National Kyorugi Referee (Class 1)
  • National Poomsae Referee (Class 1)
  • Poomsae Coach (Level 3)
  • SG-Coach / NCAP Level 2
  • More than 3 years of contribution to STF events and continuation of course conductor’s roles and duties

Display of Qualities

  • Good Character
  • Compassionate
  • Strong communication skill
  • Good Demeanors
  • Patient
  • Sense of ownership
  • Approachable
  • Leadership

All applicants / nominees will be subjected to evaluation by Singapore Taekwondo Federation’s Examiner committee and endorsed by Singapore Taekwondo Federation’s Technical Committee, approved by STF Board.

Player Management



 Admission to the squads shall be by invitation from the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) or recommendations by the affiliates.


 On admission, players shall complete the following forms:

– Player’s Personal Particulars Form
– Agreement for Nation Squad Trainees
– Player’s Goals
– Player’s Biodata

 They would be given a copy of the guidelines for the selection and training of national players and the squad training schedule.


 Squad members are required to submit the ‘absence from training’ form if they are unable to attend training.

 Squad members who are on spexTAG will have to submit the Annual Training Plan. The plan may be prepared with the assistance of the coach.

 For daily training, all squad members are expected to complete the ‘Today’s Training Commitment and Assessment’ form and the ‘Player’s Log’.

 Monthly feedback will be given by the coach and the players.


 National players may be asked to sign the letter of undertaking to diligently serve and assist the STF in any capacity and/or any duration deem fit and proper at the request and sole discretion of the STF.

 All national players shall sign the letter of disclaimer and indemnity before departure and be given a copy of the players’ code of conduct (overseas).

STF Pledge


“We, the members of Singapore Taekwondo Federation, pledge that

·        we shall remain humble, honest and helpful at all times,

·        we shall respect our elders, parents, coaches, seniors and one another regardless of race, language, class or creed,

·        we shall believe in ourselves and persist no matter how great the challenge to achieve our noble aspirations,

·        we shall develop our characters, qualities and abilities to serve our community and our country and

·        we shall abide by the rules and regulations of taekwondo and the laws of Singapore.”