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Code Of Ethics


The code of ethics outlines the fundamental behaviour expected of a coach.

As a coach, you should be committed to the code of ethics. If you are not, you have no business to be in coaching. Therefore, when you take up a coaching position, you pledge to

act in the interest of the participants by

  • respecting the rights of everyone regardless of race, language, religion, sex or physical ability,
  • executing your programmes effectively,
  • carrying out the duty of care you owe them conscientiously,
  • following current and approved practices,
  • encouraging them to abide by the principles of fairplay and sportsmanship which include observing the rules of the sport, respecting opponents and officials, accepting referees’ decisions and maintaining dignity under all circumstances,
  • elevating their self-image by showing acceptance offering specific praise, giving personal attention, emphasising self-responsibility and having positive expectation, and
  • respecting confidential information of participants;

act responsibly by

  • striving to be well-prepared and current through continuous personal development,
  • recognising your limitations,
  • making your training fees, programmes and commitments known,
  • preparing sound, safe and fun programmes,
  • using your privilege of authority for the benefit of your participants, and
  • maintaining respectable relationship with participants to avoid allegations of sexual misconduct or impropriety;

act with integrity by

  • maintaining the hightest standard of professional behaviour and personal conduct and appearance,
  • representing your coaching qualifications and experience accurately,
  • having a cordial relationship with other coaches through co-operation and open communication,
  • observing the principles of fairplay and sportsmanship,
  • begin honest about what you believe your participants can achieve, and
  • referring participants to appropriate coaches if they will not benefit from your programme or ‘experise’.

Selection Policy


1.   Objectives of Selection Policy

1.1 The objectives of the selection policy are

  • to ensure that the best available players represent Singapore or the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF);
  • to provide fair and transparent guidelines; and
  • to give clarity to the standard selection criteria adopted by the STF.

2.    Selection Committee Guidelines and Membership Requirement

2.1  Selection Committee Guidelines and Membership Requirement  All members of the national squad (applicable to kyorugi and poomsae squads) and affiliates shall be informed of the selection dates and tournaments in accordance with the  STF’s plan through its website. The time frame of the notice will depend on the availability of information from the tournament organizers.

2.2  In the interest of selecting the best to don national colors, all members including those who are not registered with the national squad, shall be eligible to participate in the selection trials.

2.3 The following shall be invited for selection.

  • Players on spexTAG
  • Players recommended by affiliates
  • Players identified by ‘scouts’ during various tournaments and gradings
  • Players upgraded from the development squad

National squad members who are not able to participate in the selection trial because of medical or other valid reasons will be given an alternative date. This is subject to the registration requirement of the tournament.

2.4  Players with potential and talent, who have not previously gone through the preliminary selection trials, may be invited for the final selection trial on the recommendation of the national coaches.

 2.5  Players must be members of clubs affiliated to the STF, a citizen of the Republic of Singapore, a holder of the World Taekwondo Federation Global Athlete Licence and Kukkiwon certificate.

3.    Selection of Criteria

3.1  The selection is based on competition-style sparring. In addition to this, the following will be taken into consideration.

  • Attitude and behavior;
  • Current skill level and fitness;
  • Level of commitment and attendance;
  • Potential for future development and investment; and
  • Ability to demonstrate team spirit and work well with team mates.

4.    Players’ Requirements

4.1  Players, who are not national squad members, shortlisted for any final selection trial must meet the training requirements to be eligible for the trial.

4.2  Registered national squad members, who undergo year-round training, may apply for

  • 2 weeks study leave prior to the first examination paper and during the examination period and a maximum of 5 days for test/assignment/projects;
  • a maximum of 2 days leave of absence per month to attend to personal matters; and
  • to train before or after the official training hours if they are involved in part-time educational courses or shift duties. The number of self-training hours must be equivalent to or more than the official training hours. These sessions must be endorsed by the national coaches or trainers.

4.3 Progress feedback including prospect of selection will be provided regularly. Unsuitable candidates for the national team will be advised to opt out of the squad or may be dropped.

4.4 Candidates with disciplinary problems will be warned, suspended or expelled from the squad in accordance with the gravity of the offence.

5.    Selection Process

5.1  The Management Committee shall decide on the number of selection trials for each tournament, especially for major events, ie SEA Games, Asian Games, Youth Olympic Games, Olympic Games, Asean Championships, Asian Championships, Commonwealth Championships and World Championships.

5.2  The Management Committee shall appoint the panel of selectors based on the level of competition.

5.3  The panel of selectors will comprise any 3 of the following senior technical members.

  • Mr Lim Teong Chin
  • Mr Steven Soh
  • Mr RA Jeyaraman
  • Mr Tan Cheng Hui
  • Mr Lee Thiam Poh
  • Mr Tan Kok Heng
  • Ms Wong Liang Ming

5.4 The selectors must be prepared to justify and be accountable for their decisions.

5.5 The names of the selectors will be announced together with the released date of the selection trial through the STF official website.

5.6 The panel of selectors shall submit its recommendations under the following categories to the Management for consideration by the first Management Committee meeting immediately following the trial.

  • Category A (fully sponsored by STF)
  • Category B (50% sponsored by STF)
  • Category C (No sponsorship)

5.7  Players who are not placed in any of the above category will not be allowed to compete in the tournament.

5.8  There will not be any reimbursement for players under Categories B and C even if they return with a fighting medal.

5.9  The number of players to be fielded under the respective categories will be decided by the Management Committee. Players may be upgraded or downgraded at the discretion of the Committee.

5.10 If time does not permit, the President, the Secretary and the Coaching Chairman shall decide on the recommendations.

5.11  Candidates will be informed of the results of the selection trial through the STF official website. Those who are aggrieved at the decision may appeal to the Management Committee for reconsideration within 3 days of the announcement of the results.

6.     Appeals Committee and Process

6.1  Appellant shall be required to pay a fee of S$150.00 which will be forfeited if the appeal is found to be unmeritorious or frivolous.

6.2  If the appeal is urgent, the President, the General Manager and one technical representative will be appointed by the Management Committee to look into the appeal.

6.3  The result of the appeal will be made known through the STF official website.

6.4  A re-selection shall be conducted by the selectors if the selection process was not adhered to.

7.    Other Matters

7.1 The Management Committee reserves the right to modify, amend or alter the above criteria or waive compliance therewith, at its sole discretion, if such steps are in the interest of the sport.

8.    Enquiry

8.1  For clarifications and concerns regarding the selection policy, the contact point is as follows.

EOGM Approval for STF Constitutional Amendments


Following the Town Hall Session held on 19th October 2019, the Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo (IMCT) and the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will like to call for an EOGM on Saturday 9 November 2019 at 3.00pm (registration starts at 2:30pm) at SportSG Auditorium (see map attached) with the following agenda.


Date: Saturday, 9 Nov 2019

Time: 3pm (registration starts at 2.30pm)

Venue: SportSG Auditorium (see map attached)


Pursuant to Article 17 of Singapore Taekwondo Federation’s (STF) Constitution, the General Meeting to approve:

a) the proposed amendments to STF’s Constitution tabled by the Management Committee along with any subsequent changes to these amendments if required by the Commissioner of Charities, or Sport Singapore as its Sector Administrator, or the Registrar of Societies; and

b) the adoption of the amended STF Constitution immediately upon receiving written approval for the same from of the Commissioner of Charities or Sport Singapore and the Registrar of Societies.”

The proposed amendments to the STF Constitution is attached. As this EOGM is essential to the smooth running of the STF and the development of Taekwondo in Singapore, we will strongly encourage all affiliate members to send at least one representative. We will require you to provide a representative/proxy form to STF’s office by 7th November 2019, Thursday 5pm.

Taekwondo Experiential Event @ Our Tampines Hub


Students from the National Taiwan Normal University Taekwondo Demonstration team will be visiting Singapore from 27 – 31 October 2019! In Collaboration with ActiveSG, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be putting up Taekwondo Experiential event at Our Tampines Hub on 28 October 2019, Monday, from 10am to 12pm. The event will include exciting demonstrations and a seminar by the team. Admission is free!

Limited spaces available on first come first serve basis for the seminar, please register your interest to join the seminar with us by dropping us an email with your name, club and contact details to Or by 25 October 2019!


DATE: 28 October 2019

VENUE: Our Tampines Hub, Team Sport Hall, Level 2


0900 – 0945 : Registration for Seminar

1000 : Demonstration by National Taiwan Normal University Taekwondo
1020 – 1200 : Taekwondo Seminar by= National Taiwan Normal University Taekwondo Team

STF Town Hall Meeting


Gentle Reminder : The Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo (IMCT) and the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will like to inform members of the following:

STF Town Hall Session 

Date:      Saturday, 19 Oct 2019

Time:     3pm (registration starts at 2.30pm)

Venue:   SportSG Auditorium (see map attached)

Town Hall Agenda

1.    Opening Address by the Chairman of the Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo

2.    Background to STF’s suspension by World Taekwondo

3.    Brief overview of proposed new STF Constitution   

4.    Updates from STF Management Committee 

5.    Q & A

Please note that the session will be open to only official representatives from each STF affiliate, based on the current STF constitution. Please register your interest with the STF office by 16th October 2019. 

PA-STF Taekwondo Championships 2019 Medalist


Kindly find attached the medalist list for the PA-STF Championship held at the Jurong Sports Hall on the 5th and 6th October 2019.

Proposed new STF Constitution Meeting


The Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo (IMCT) and the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will like to inform members of the following:

STF Town Hall Session

Date: Saturday, 19 Oct 2019

Time: 3pm (registration starts at 2.30pm)

Venue: SportSG Auditorium (see map attached)

Town Hall Agenda

1. Opening Address by the Chairman of the Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo

2. Background to STF’s suspension by World Taekwondo

3. Brief overview of proposed new STF Constitution

4. Updates from STF Management Committee

5. Q & A

The proposed amendments to the STF Constitution is attached.

Please note that the session will be open to only official representatives from each STF affiliate, based on the current STF constitution.

Please register your interest with the STF office by 16th October 2019.

PA – STF Taekwondo Championships 2019 Programme & Bout Sheet


Attached is the Final PA-STF Taekwondo Championships 2019 Programme & Bout sheet.

Kindly note the following Reporting Time For Officials :

1) Volunteers :

5 Oct 19 , Sat ( Set Up FOP ) – 8.45am
6 Oct 19 , Sun – 8.45am

2) Referees

5 Oct 19 , Sat – 12.00nn
6 Oct 19 , Sun – 8.45am

Venue : Jurong East Sports Complex

Joint Statement by STF and Ng Ming Wei


1. This is a Joint Statement issued by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation and Ng Ming Wei.

2. We are pleased to inform our members and the public at large that any and all disputes between us have been settled amicably.

3. We value all our members and athletes. Ming Wei is a commendable athlete whose athletic performances till date should not be downplayed.

4. Moving forward, the Federation will work closely with Ming Wei, our members and all of our national athletes for the betterment of Taekwondo in Singapore.

WT Preliminary Suspension Of Individual Members


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) , in the interest of transparency, would like the taekwondo fraternity to be appraised of this ongoing matter pertaining to Mr Lim Teong Chin and Ms Wong Liang Ming.

As previously informed, on the 8th May 2019, World Taekwondo (WT), in accordance with WT Statutes (Statutes) Article 14.3(E)(i), has placed the STF under preliminary suspension. In the same letter, WT stated that WT within the submitted report finds evidence of violations of the WT Code of Ethics Articles 2 (Officials) and 9 (Conflict of Interest) by Mr Lim Teong Chin and Ms Wong Liang Ming.

Mr Lim Teong Chin has written to WT requesting for a hearing for Ms Wong Liang Ming and himself through an email dated 21 May 2019.

In response to Mr Lim Teong Chin’s email, WT had in a letter dated 7th August 2019, reminded Mr Lim Teong Chin that he remains under investigation in accordance with Art. 3.2 of the WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (Disciplinary Code). Pending the conclusions of investigations, he remains under preliminary suspension in accordance with Article 3.12 of the WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code.

In a separate letter dated 8th August 2019, Ms Wong Liang Ming was informed that, based on further complaints and information received by WT, she has been issued a notice of charge in accordance with Article 3.5 of the WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code. She is deemed to have violated Article 6 (Ban on Harassment) and Article 10 (Protection of Personal Rights) of the WT Ethics Code which states:

Article 6 (Ban on Harassment) Participants in the Taekwondo Movement have a right to respect and to enjoy a safe and supportive sport environment. All forms of harassment, be it physical, moral, psychological, professional, or sexual are prohibited. Participants in the Taekwondo Movement are expected to be aware of WT’s Safeguarding Policy including its obligation to implement and report.

Article 10 (Protection of Personal Rights) During the course of their Participants in the Taekwondo Movement shall ensure that the personal human rights of those persons whom they contact and with whom they deal are protected, respected and safeguarded.