Wednesday, 5 March, 2025

Proposed new STF Constitution Meeting

The Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo (IMCT) and the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will like to inform members of the following:

STF Town Hall Session

Date: Saturday, 19 Oct 2019

Time: 3pm (registration starts at 2.30pm)

Venue: SportSG Auditorium (see map attached)

Town Hall Agenda

1. Opening Address by the Chairman of the Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo

2. Background to STF’s suspension by World Taekwondo

3. Brief overview of proposed new STF Constitution

4. Updates from STF Management Committee

5. Q & A

The proposed amendments to the STF Constitution is attached.

Please note that the session will be open to only official representatives from each STF affiliate, based on the current STF constitution.

Please register your interest with the STF office by 16th October 2019.

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